Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

June 29, 2019, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie was the 1946 (copyright 1945) Monogram Pictures film “Fear,” with Peter Cookson, Warren William, Anne Gwynne, Francis Pierlot, Nestor Paiva, James Cardwell, Almira Sessions, William Moss, Harry Clay, Johnny Strong, Ernie Adams and Charles Calvert.

Original screenplay by Dennis Cooper and Alfred Zeisler, photography by Jackson Rose, edited by Ace Herman, production manager Glenn Cook, unit manager Clarence Bricker, art direction by F. Paul Sylos, technical direction by Dave Milton, chief set electrician John M. Lee, set decorations by Charles Thompson and Vin Taylor, wardrobe by Tom Lambert and musical director Edward J. Kay. Produced by Lindsley Parsons.  Directed by Alfred Zeisler.

“Fear” is available on DVD from TCM.

Trivia note: Monogram switched titles on “Fear,” which was produced and advertised as “Suspense.” The studio took the title for a film starring Belita and Albert Dekker, originally produced as “Glamour Girl.” The original “Suspense” was then released as “Fear.”

The New York Times didn’t bother to review “Fear,” so we must turn to the trades.

Harrison’s Reports (Dec. 29, 1945), said:

Except for a contrived trick ending, which may disappoint and even displease some picture-goers, this psychological murder melodrama is a fairly good program picture of its type. Revolving around the frustration of a poor but brilliant medical student, who resorts to murder to finance a discontinued scholarship, the story arouses one’s interest from the start, and it is filled with many suspenseful situations. The ending, however, where it is revealed that what happened had been a dream, gives the spectator a sharp letdown, as well as a feeling that he had been cheated, for it had not been established that the student had fallen asleep. obviously, this trick ending is an imitation of the one used in “Woman in the Window,”
but unlike that picture, the device is disappointing instead of surprising. Otherwise the picture has many praiseworthy assets, such as good direction and acting.

Film Daily said (Jan. 4, 1946):

Gripping murder story well played, directed and produced. Should lure them to the box office.

This is a gripping murder story that has been well directed, produced and acted. It has good performances by its co-stars, Peter Cookson, Warren William and Anne Gwyne, with Nestor Paiva, a coin-tossing detective, Francis Pierlot, James Cardwell and Almira Sessions heading the supporting case.

Alfred Zeisler not only handled the direction, but also co-authored the original story and co-scenarized the screenplay.

June 24, 2019, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a quite formal mystery gent and his less formal mysterious companion. For a change, the audience approves of such goings-on!

Update: This is Fairfax Burger.

June 25, 2019, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a mystery gent with Back of the Head Guy, who will show his face Friday.

Update: This is Paul Newlan and Peter Cookson as Back of the Head Guy.

June 26, 2019, Mystery Photo

For Wednesday, we have Oh Her. She does not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Almira Sessions.

June 26, 2019, Mystery Photo
Also for Wednesday, we have a mystery guest. The leading man has been cropped out due to his lack of mysteriousness.

Update: This is Chester Conklin and Peter Cookson.

Brain Trust roll call: Mike Hawks (Tuesday’s mystery guest).

June 27, 2019, Mystery Photo
For Thursday, we have a mystery guest who does not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Francis Pierlot.

June 27, 2019, Mystery Photo

Also, we have this not terribly mysterious guest.

Update: This is an incredibly young Darren McGavin.

Brain Trust roll call: Sue Slutzky (Wednesday’s Oh Her), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery magician and Wednesday’s Oh Her), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery magician, Tuesday’s mysterious pirate bartender — yarrr– and Wednesday’s Oh Her), Chrisbo (Wednesday’s Oh Her), and Sheila (Wednesday’s Oh Her).

June 28, 2019, Mystery Photo
For Friday, we have our mystery leading lady….

Update: This is Anne Gwynne.

June 28, 2019, Mystery Photo
… our mystery leading man …

Update: This is Peter Cookson.

June 28, 2019, Mystery Photo

… and also….

Update: This is Warren William in his next to last film. He died of multiple myeloma in 1948.

Brain Trust roll call: Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery gent and Thursday’s mystery guests), Don Danard (Wednesday’s Oh Her), Sylvia E. (mystery movie and all mystery guests) and Sue Slutzky (mystery movie and all mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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38 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Larry Platt says:

    The guy looks like David Tomlinson. Have no idea who the woman is.


  2. Sue Slutzky says:

    The woman looks like Billie Nelson.


  3. Sylvia E. says:

    Only because the guy looks like Harry Blackstone Sr. ….

    “A Haunting We Will Go” 1942


  4. Charles Kjelland says:

    Back of the head guy looks like Frank Sinatra.


  5. Gary says:

    BOHG sure looks like Frank Sinatra.


  6. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Paul Newlan.


  7. B.J. Merholz says:

    I’m guessing Frank Sinatra’s ears.


  8. Mary Mallory says:

    Margaret Wycherly?


  9. Sue Slutzky says:

    Wednesday: Almira Sessions? Not sure about the man in the overalls.


  10. Mary Mallory says:

    Nora Cecil instead.


  11. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Fairfax Burger for Monday, Almira Sessions today appearing in FEAR 1946.


  12. Mary Mallory says:

    Ivan Linow Tuesday and THE UNHOLY THREE with Lon Chaney as back of the head guy.


  13. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    FEAR (1946)
    Monday: Fairfax Burger
    Tuesday: Paul Newlan
    Wednesday: Almira Sessions, Pat McKee


  14. Chrisbo says:

    Oh Her: Almira Sessions?


  15. Sheila says:

    Alma Sessions for Wednesday.


  16. Thom and Megan says:

    Anita Sharp-Bolster for today.


  17. Gary says:

    “Her” would be Una O’Connor.


  18. Sylvia E. says:

    My guess is that with Wednesday’s mystery folks, Howard will guess the movie and the actors.

    This is a tough one.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Francis Pierlot and Darren McGavin.


  20. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Wednesday: Chester Conklin
    Thursday: Francis Pierlot, Darren McGavin


  21. Don Danard says:

    “Her” would be Almira Sessions.


  22. Sylvia E. says:

    Another “Ah-hah Thursday”

    The movie is “Fear” 1946
    Mon. – The magician (according to IMdB) is Fairfax Burger
    Tues. – Paul Newlan and the “B-O-T-H” guy must be Peter Cookson
    Weds. – Photo #1 is Almira Sessions. And Photo #2 is the cropped Peter Cookson and I think the guy holding his arm is Chester Conklin, I think.
    Thurs. – our professor is Francis Pierlot (love the story of how and when he came to Hollywood.) And the guy who revealed all to me – a very, very young Darren McGavin.

    Friday will finally reveal the face of Peter Cookson. I’m guessing we’ll also see Warren William and Anne Gwynne.

    This was a hoot. Looking forward to Saturday’s breakdown.


  23. Sue Slutzky says:

    I figured out the movie…”Fear” from 1946. The magician on Monday is Fairfax Burger (according to IMDB); Tuesday is Paul Newlan, Wednesday: IMDB says it’s Chester Conklin, but I don’t see a resemblance; Thursday is Francis Pierlot and Darren McGavin. I assume Friday will be Peter Cookson, Warren William, Anne Gwynn and maybe Nestor Paiva.


  24. Mary Mallory says:

    FEAR. Fairfax Burger Monday, Pat McGee Tuesday, Almira Sessions and Chester Conkin Wednesday, Francis Pierlot and Darren McGavin Thursday, and Anne Gwynne, Peter Carlson, and good old Warren William today.


  25. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Anne Gwynne, Peter Cookson, Warren William.


  26. Gary says:

    Congratulations! I recognize not one of these folks!


  27. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Anne Gwynne, Peter Cookson and Warren William.


  28. Don Danard says:

    Warren William is the Mystery Man.


  29. LC says:

    Fear (1946)w/Warren William, Peter Cookson, Almira Sessions, Darrin McGavin, Anne Gwynne and Fairfax Burger


  30. Benito says:

    Darrin McGavin reminds me of tennis pro Farley Granger in STRANGERS ON A TRAIN. Or is it vice versa? Criss cross!


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