Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Sept. 17, 2017, Intruder in the Dust
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1949 MGM picture “Intruder in the Dust,” with David Brian, Claude Jarman Jr., Juano Hernandez, Porter Hall, Elizabeth Patterson, Charles Kemper and Will Geer, from a screenplay by Ben Maddow based on the novel by William Faulkner. The movie was photographed by Robert Surtees, with art direction by Cedric Gibbons and Randall Duell, music by Adolph Deutsch, set decoration by Edwin B. Willis and Ralph S. Hurst, and makeup by Jack Dawn. It was produced and directed by Clarence Brown.

“Intruder in the Dust” is available on DVD from Warner Archive for $16.99.

Mary Mallory notes that the Film Noir Foundation recently posted a three-part interview with Claude Jarman Jr. on “Intruder in the Dust.”

“Intruder in the Dust” opened in Los Angeles on Nov. 11, 1949, at the Four Star Theatre.

Nov. 11, 1949, Intruder in the Dust
Nov. 11, 1949: “Intruder in the Dust” opens in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Times movie critic Edwin Schallert said (Nov. 12, 1949):

The scenes are perhaps among the cruelest and bitterest that have ever reached the screen. The stolid faces, especially of the men, that watch for what might be a crucial event are a strange study of human inhumanism. It is a horrible effect …. But for all its values, which are very high indeed, the picture leaves something wanting in retrospect. We still don’t want to concede that any large segment of our population in this country is that ruthless. We feel that it is undermining to our general spirit in the eyes of the world in general. And we feel also that what the picture had to say does not quite come off, and that it isn’t helped one whit by pretty final speeches about conscience.

New York Times movie critic Bosley Crowther said (Nov. 23, 1949):

Out of the mordant material of William Faulkner’s “Intruder in the Dust,” which told a savage story of an averted lynching in a sleepy Southern town, Producer-Director Clarence Brown has made a brilliant stirring film. Under the title of the novel, it opened at the Mayfair yesterday. And without one moment’s hesitation, this corner, still shaking, proclaims that it is probably this year’s pre-eminent picture and one of the great cinema dramas of our times.

Sept. 12, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Julia S. Marshbanks.


Sept. 13, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a young mystery guest. Just ignore Back of the Head Guy.

Update: This is Elzie Emanuel with Claude Jarman Jr. as Back of the Head Guy.

Brain Trust roll call: Jenny M. (mystery movie and mystery guest). Most impressive.


For Wednesday, we have a lady with a hat.

Update: This is Elizabeth Patterson.

Note: Tuesday’s Back of the Head Guy was irresistible to the Brain Trust. 🙂

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery guest and Back of the Head Guy), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie, Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests, plus Back of the Head Guy), B.J. Merholz (mystery movie and Back of the Head Guy), Don Danard (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests, and Back of the Head Guy), Jenny M. (Tuesday’s mystery guest and Back of the Head Guy) and Beachgal (mystery movie, Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests, plus Back of the Head Guy).

Sept. 15, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, we have these mystery guests. They are talking to this mystery gent:

Update: David Brian, left, Claude Jarman Jr., center, and Will Geer.

Sept. 15, 2016, Mystery Photo
(Hint: This is not Bill Raisch, the one-armed man from “The Fugitive.”)

Update: This is Porter Hall, a long way from “Double Indemnity.”

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Monday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Sheila (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guest), Floyd Thursby (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest and Back of the Head Guy), Jenny M (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Gary Martin (mystery movie, Tuesday’s Back of the Head Guy and Wednesday’s mystery guest), Beachgal (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Roget-L.A. (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Dewey Webb (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest), Patrick (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery guest and Back of the Head Guy, and Wednesday’s mystery guest), David Inman (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guest), Tucson Barbara (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Benito (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest, Tuesday’s Back of the Head Guy) and Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery guest).

Sept. 16, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Juano Hernandez.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery guests), Beachgal (Thursday’s mystery trio), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery one-armed man), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery trio and one-armed man), Patrick (Thursday’s mystery guests), Alan Warren (mystery movie), Lorenzo (mystery movie and mystery youth), Diane Ely (Thursday’s mystery youth), Tucson Barbara (mystery movie and mystery guests), Patricia van Hartesveldt (mystery movie and mystery youth), Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Bob Hansen (two of Thursday’s mystery trio), Gary Martin (Tuesday’s mystery guests and Thursday’s mystery trio) and LC (mystery movie and mystery mystery cast).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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64 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. amycondit says:

    Maria Ouspenskaya?


  2. B.J. Merholz says:

    I met a lovely elder actress some sixty years ago who, then in her eighties, greatly charmed me. This may not be Madame Sul-Te-Wan, but I would be remiss if I didn’t at least give her a shout out.


  3. Jenny M says:

    Julia S. Marshbanks in Intruder in the Dust.


  4. B.J.Merholz says:

    There must be another Madame Sul-Te-Wan. The one I knew in 1958 was 85 years old, and died shortly thereafter.


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    INTRUDER IN THE DUST. Alberta Dishmon yesterday, Elzie Emanuel and Claude Jarman Jr. as back of the head guy today.


  6. Monday: Julia S. Marshbanks in INTRUDER IN THE DUST
    Tuesday: Claude Jarman, Jr. & Elzie Emanuel


  7. B.J.Merholz says:

    I’m going to pull a Julie here with a back-of-the-head pick of Claude Jarman in Intruder in the Dust. What the hey!


  8. Don Danard says:

    I think today’s Mystery Man is Elzie Emanuel.


  9. Mike Hawks says:

    Julia Marshbanks and Elzie Emanuel plus Claude Jarman, Jr. make this INTRUDER IN THE DUST.


  10. Jenny M says:

    Elzie Emanuel with the back of Claude Jarman’s head.


  11. mandymarie20 says:

    Willie Best for Tuesday?


  12. beachgal says:

    Tues is Elzie Emanuel – back of the head guy is Claude Jarman Jr. – the movie is the film adaptation of the Faulkner novel, Intruder In The Dust.


  13. tucsonbarbara says:

    Tuesday’s guy kinda looks like Jimmy Robinson, which might make back-of-the-head guy Mickey Rooney – from one of their dozens of movies.


  14. Mary Mallory says:

    So Monday must be Julia S. Marchbanks. Elizabeth Patterson today. There is on + sign, so I’ve been checking for the past hour and a half to see when the photo had been added. If I hadn’t noticed there was a new wrong comment, I wouldn’t have known that there was a new photo.


  15. Don Danard says:

    Today’s Mystery Lady sure looks like Elizabeth Patterson.


  16. Sheila says:

    Elizabeth Patterson, ‘Intruder in the Dust’.


  17. Floyd Thursby says:

    Today is Elizabeth Patterson in “Intruder in the Dust ” and back-of-the-head was Claude Jarman.


  18. Jenny M says:

    Elizabeth Patterson


  19. Gary Martin says:

    Just a wild guess: Claude Jarman Jr,(bohg), and Elizabeth Patterson in Intruder in the Dust.


  20. beachgal says:

    Wen is Elizabeth Patterson


  21. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Wednesday’s mystery lady with a hat is Elizabeth Patterson, a.k.a. Mrs. Trumbull on I Love Lucy


  22. Dewey webb says:

    Elizabeth Patterson


  23. Dewey webb says:

    iNtruder in the dust


  24. Patrick says:

    Alberta Dishmon, Elzie Emanuel talking to the front of Claude Jarman, Jr’s head and Elizabeth Patterson in Intruder in the Dust from 1949.


  25. David Inman says:

    Elizabeth Patterson today, and this is “Intruder in the Dust.”


  26. tucsonbarbara says:

    Elizabeth Patterson


  27. Benito says:

    Looks like Elizabeth Patterson in INTRUDERS IN THE DUST, NOT Minnie Pearl. Guess Claude Jarman Jr is back of the head boy.


  28. Mike Hawks says:

    Elizabeth Patterson looks worried.


  29. Mary Mallory says:

    David Brian and Claude Jarman Jr. on the left, Porter Hall as our one-armed man.


  30. Mary Mallory says:

    Will Geer on the right.


  31. beachgal says:

    Thurs David Brian, Claude Jarmin Jr and Will Geer in Photo #1 – Photo #2 is Harry Antrim.


  32. Mike Hawks says:

    David Brian and Will Geer appear today plus Porter Hall.


  33. Don Danard says:

    The three men shown are David Brian, Claude Jarman Jr. and Will Geer.
    The one-armed is Porter Hall.


  34. Patrick says:

    Thursday = David Brian, Claude Jarman, Jr., Will Geer and Porter Hall.


  35. Alan Warren says:

    Intruder in the Dust.


  36. Lorenzo says:

    Thursday’s young guest looks a lot like former Nashvillian Claude Jarman, Jr. Could the movie be Intruder in the Dust?


  37. Diane Ely says:

    Well, for Thursday that young man standing between the two suits looks like Claude Jarman.


  38. tucsonbarbara says:

    Intruder in the Dust

    Guesses for Mon and Tues – Julia Marshbanks and Elzie Emanuel
    Wednesday – still Elizabeth Patterson
    Thursday – David Brian, Claude Jarman, Jr., and Will Geer looking at Porter Hall


  39. Patricia van Hartesveldt says:

    I think Thursday’s boy is Claude Jarman, Jr. Intruder in the Dust?


  40. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Thursday’s mystery guests are David Brian, Claude Jarman Jr., and Will Geer. Thursday’s mystery gent is Porter Hall. The mystery movie is Intruder in the Dust (1949).


  41. Bob Hansen says:

    Thursday’s first three mystery guys might be George Macready, Claude Jarman and Will Geer.


  42. Candy Cassell says:

    Could the Thursday mystery gent in the right foreground be Ian Wolfe?


  43. Gary Martin says:

    Tuesday is Elzie Emanuel, Thursday is David Brian, Will Geer and Porter Hall.


  44. Gary Martin says:

    Not Brian …Clark …Brian for Friday.


  45. LC says:

    Intruder in the Dust w/Claude Jarman, Jr, Elizabeth Patterson, Elzie Emanuel, & Juano Hernandez


  46. Mary Mallory says:

    Juano Hernandez today.


  47. beachgal says:

    Friday is Juano Hernandez


  48. Mike Hawks says:

    Juano Hernandez.


  49. Don Danard says:

    Friday’s Mystery Guest is Juano Hernandez. Seeing the pictures reminded me what a great actor he was.


  50. Patrick says:

    Friday = the underappreciated Juano Hernandez.


  51. Gary Martin says:

    And finally Juano Hernandez. From what I’ve read this was a performance and a role which introduced a major change in the way African Americans were portrayed in American films. I will have to look for it.


  52. tucsonbarbara says:

    Juano Hernandez


  53. Well Thursday’s triumvirate of David Brian, Claude Jarman Jr. and my old neighbor Will Geer gave it away as Intruder in the Dust (1949) and now I see Juano Hernandez, a long time favorite (where on earth are these kinds of actors now days? I know, I’m old), is icing on the cake. Pretty good movie too.


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