Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Main Title. Lettering Over Clouds
This week’s mystery movie was the 1944 film Storm Over Lisbon, with Vera Hruba Ralston, Richard Arlen, Erich von Stroheim, Otto Kruger, Eduardo Ciannelli, Robert Livingston, Mona Barrie, Frank Orth, Sarah Edwards, Alice Fleming, Leon Belasco and Kenne Duncan.

Harrison's ReportsOriginal story by Elizabeth Meehan. Adaptation by Dane Lussier. Screenplay by Doris Gilbert.

Associate producer, George Sherman.

Photography by John Alton.

Musical director Morton Scott.

Edited by Arthur Roberts.

Sound by Dick Tyler.

Art direction by Russell Kimball.

Egyptian Dance by the Aida Broadbent Girls.

Set decorations by Otto Siegel.

Costumes by Adele.

Special effects by Theodore Lydecker.

Directed by George Sherman.

Storm Over Lisbon is available from Amazon.

More on the history of the film is available from the AFI catalog.


I had been curious about Storm Over Lisbon for a long time and finally found a copy. The plot is like someone found a Lego set of World War II espionage films. Many familiar elements but put together in a strange way. Visually, a very interesting film.

Pretty sure Bosley Crowther is going to hate it. Nope. It’s one of the alphabet soup critics: A.W., probably Abe Weiler (Sept. 11, 1944):

Despite an imposing cast, sumptuous settings and an arresting title, Storm Over Lisbon, the melodrama which arrived at the Republic on Saturday, is an over-long, dull and hackneyed exercise in intrigue. Having previously employed Erich von Stroheim, Vera Hruba Ralston (the former Czech ice skater and dancer) and Richard Arlen in an scientific thriller set in Arizona and titled The Lady and the Monster, Republic, the producers, now have seen fit to install that trio in an opulent and improbable nightclub bursting with spies. What happens there shouldn’t, and probably couldn’t happen to any self-respecting espionage agent.

Silhouetted in a dramatic pose, lit from behind.
For Monday, we have a mystery guest.

Update: This is Vera Hruba Ralston.

Woman sitting at a desk with a cup of tea

For Tuesday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Mona Barrie.

Elegant mystery ladies in jewels and fur coats
For “Hm Wednesday,” we have these two intriguing mystery ladies.

Update: This is Sarah Edwards, left, and Alice Fleming.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and both mystery guests) and Thom and Megan (Tuesday’s mystery woman).

Note to Sylvia: Yes, Monday’s mystery woman is real. She will appear Friday.

Mystery men in formal wear
For “Aha Thursday,” we have these mystery gents.

Update: This is Willy Kaufman, left, and Eduardo Ciannelli.

Mystery bartender and Back of the Head Guy
We also have a mysterious bartender and Back of the Head Guy.

Update: This is perennial bartender Frank Orth and George Humbert as Back of the Head guy.

Sept. 15, 2022, Mystery Photo
And finally, this mystery fellow.

Update: This is Otto Kruger.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery women).

Sept. 16, 2022, Mystery Photo
For Friday, we have this mysterious gent.

Update: This is Richard Arlen.

Man in white, double-breasted tux with bow tie
We also have this mysterious fellow.

Update: This is Erich von Stroheim

Mystery woman standing in doorway in a dramatic pose
And finally, here’s our mystery woman from Monday, but with better lighting.

Update: This is Vera Hruba Ralston.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Jenny M. (mystery movie and all mystery guests), B.J. Merholz (mystery movie), Anne Papineau (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and all mystery guests, plus Friday’s mystery leads), Incredible Inman (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Tucson Barbara (Thursday’s mystery guest No. 2), L.C. (mystery movie and mystery cast), Sylvia E. (mystery movie and all mystery guests, plus Friday’s mystery leads) and Thom and Megan (mystery movie, Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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35 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. tucsonbarbara says:

    Another stab in the dark on a Monday – Lena Horne.


  2. Dan says:

    The lighting and set design are a little off, but at first blush it sure appears to be Gale Sondergaard, “Mrs. Hammond,” in “The Letter.”


  3. Sylvia E. says:

    Is Monday’s woman a real person? She seems a bit mannequin-like. And that Arabian-esque setting, in a department store, or a fashion showroom??

    Tuesday’s woman appears to be a high-end (sterling tea service) personal assistant (lots of phones on her desk.)

    In summary, I have no guesses – just meandering.


  4. Mary Mallory says:

    CAST A DARK SHADOW. Lita Roza Monday and Kay Walsh Tuesday.


  5. Monday: Vera Hruba Ralston in STORM OVER LISBON (1944)
    Tuesday: Mona Barrie


  6. Benito says:

    Wild guess: DREAM WIFE 1953


  7. Thom and Megan says:

    Our mystery star for today is Mona Barrie.


  8. Suzanne A. Stone says:

    “the Unsuspected” starring Claude Rains from 1947?


  9. Mary Mallory says:

    STORM OVER LISBON. Vera Ralston in shadow Monday, Mona Barrie Tuesday, Sarah Edwards and Alice Fleming Wednesday, Eduardo Cianelli, Frank Orth, Erich von Stroheim as BOTH, and Otto Kruger.


  10. Willy Kaufman, Eduardo Ciannelli; Frank Orth, George Humbert; Otto Kruger.


  11. Jenny M says:

    Storm Over Lisbon

    Monday – Vera Ralston
    Tuesday – Mona Barrie
    Wednesday – Sarah Edwards, Alice Fleming
    Thursday – Frank Orth, Otto Kruger


  12. B.J. Merholz says:

    Letters of transit posted from a bar in Morocco find their way to a night club in Portugal two years later and generate a storm over Lisbon.


  13. Anne Papineau says:

    Republic Studios’ “Storm Over Lisbon.” On Monday, Vera Ralston in silhouette; Tuesday, Mona Barrie; Wednesday’s club hopping dowagers: Sarah Edwards and Alice Fleming; on Thursday … Willy Kaufman and Eduardo Cianelli, Frank Orth and George Humbert as the back of the head guy, and a threatening Otto Kruger.


  14. mike hawks says:

    I thought that was Mona Barrie on Tuesday. Then came, Sarah Edwards, Alice Fleming, Eduardo Ciannelli, Frank Orth, Otto Kruger and tomorrow Vera Ralston, Richard Arlen and Erich von Stroheim in STORM OVER LISBON.


  15. Eduardo Ciannelli, Frank Orth and Otto Kruger today. Put them all together and they spell “Storm Over Lisbon.”


  16. tucsonbarbara says:

    Thurs – Eduardo Ciannelli


  17. LC says:

    Storm Over Lisbon (1944) w/Eduardo Ciannelli, Vera Ralston, Erich von Stroheim, Otto Kruger, Richard Arlen, Mona Barrie, Frank Orth, Alice Fleming, Sarah Edwards…


  18. Sylvia E. says:

    “Storm Over Lisbon” 1944
    Monday – I think this is Vera Hruba Ralston (not the mannequin that I thought before)
    Tuesday – Mona Barrie
    Weds – I think, Sarah Edwards and Alice Fleming
    Thurs – Not sure of the guy screen left, maybe Ed Agresti or Robert Livingston?? The guy on screen right is Eduardo Cianneli / Frank Orth is our bartender and I think the BOTHG is Richard Arlen / Otto Kruger is our guy with the rope and OS is Erich von Stroheim

    Friday will bring full images of Vera Ralston and Richard Arlen


  19. Thom and Megan says:

    Our mystery movie is Storm Over Lisbon, with Vera Hruba Ralston for Monday. For Wednesday, our guests are Sarah Edwards and Alice Fleming. For Thursday, our guests are Willy Kaufman, Eduardo Ciannelli, Frank Orth, possibly Richard Arlen, and Otto Kruger.


  20. Sylvia E. says:

    This mystery was a challenge as well as being fun. The other photos I located while researching, particularly the ones with Mr von Stroheim, have statues galore. I assume they’re full of meaning.

    Looking forward to Saturday’s breakdown.


  21. Mary Mallory says:

    Richard Arlen, Toluca Lake Honorary Mayor, Erich von Stroheim, and Vera Ralston, Mrs. Herbert Yates, again.


  22. beachgal says:

    Monday – Vera Ralston
    Thurs #3 Otto Kruger
    Fri – #1 Richard Arlen, #2 Erich von Stroheim and #3 Vera Ralston
    Movie is Storm Over Lisbon


  23. Richard Arlen; Erich von Stroheim; Vera Ralston.


  24. beachgal says:

    Our 2 casino gents should have read #1 for Thurs, not Wed


  25. Gary A Martin says:

    Storm over Lisbon. Just a guess. Can’t think of the barenders name and Eduardo’s didnt’ come into focus for a few days.


  26. Greg says:

    Storm Over Lisbon with Vera Ralston, Frank Orth, Eric Von Stroheim, Eduardo Ciannelli, Otto Kruger, Richard Arlen


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