L.A. Daily Mirror Retro Holiday Shopping Guide: ‘Bunker Hill Los Angeles’

Bunker Hill cover
Time to start the Daily Mirror’s holiday gift suggestions and there’s no better way to begin than with “Bunker Hill Los Angeles: Essence of Sunshine and Noir” by my Crime Buddy Nathan Marsak, published by Angel City Press ($40). The book is full of historic photos and vintage ephemera, and the text is a deep dive into L.A. history in Nathan’s freewheeling style. If you’re fortunate and have a local independent bookstore, try it first.

Nathan is also the author of “Los Angeles Neon” (2002) which is out of print, but available from a variety of dealers.

As of today (Nov. 27), “Bunker Hill” is in stock at Skylight Books and Book Soup and can be ordered from Vroman’s in PasadenaAlso available online from Angel City Press.

Also available from Amazon.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to L.A. Daily Mirror Retro Holiday Shopping Guide: ‘Bunker Hill Los Angeles’

  1. Mary Mallory says:

    And it’s available in Hollywood Heritage’s online store.


  2. B.J. Merholz says:

    Thank you for this, I have a personal film history with Bunker Hill and this looks like a strong addition to my BH collection, as well as a much needed gift selection for Christmas.

    Enjoy the season!


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