Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Sept. 19, 2020, Mystery Photo

This week’s mystery movie was the 1959 Allied Artists film “The Atomic Submarine,” with Arthur Franz, Dick Foran, Brett Halsey, Paul Dubov, Bob Steele, Victor Varconi, Joi Lansing, Selmer Jackson, Jack Mulhall, Jean Moorhead, Richard Tyler, Sid Melton, Ken Becker, Frank Watkins and Tom Conway.

Written by Orville H. Hampton. Photography by Gilbert Warrenton, art direction by Don Ament and Dan Haller, assistant to the producer Ruth Alexander.

Edited by William Austin, production manager Edward Morey, assistant director Clark Paylow, set decoration by Harry Reif, properties by Max Frankel, chief set electrician George Satterfield, sound by Ralph Butler, narration by Pat Michaels, alien cyclops creature’s voice by John Hilliard.

Production associate and dialogue supervisor Jack Cash, wardrobe by Roger J. Weinberg and Norah Sharpe, makeup by Emile Lavigne, script supervisor Judith Hart, sound editor Marty Greco, music editor Neil Brunnekant.

Associate Producer Orville H. Hampton. Electro-sonic music composed and conducted by Alexander Laszlo. Produced by Alex Gordon, in association by Jack Rabin and Irving Block.

Directed by Spender G. Bennet.

“The Atomic Submarine” is available for streaming from Amazon.

I picked “The Atomic Submarine” because I had a request for a movie about sinking ships (figuring a submarine was close enough) and it’s Jack Mulhall’s last film. I also recognized Alex Gordon’s name from his days with Gene Autry.

Harrison’s Reports (Jan. 9, 1960) said:

Among the first to come along featuring the headline aspects of the atomic submarine, this Allied Artists tale of seagoing danger and derring-do makes lively program entertainment. And business should be abetted by the title and current interest in things naval and atomic.

…. “The Atomic Submarine” should be able to power its way to a fair box office in action situations.

Motion Picture Daily (Jan. 5, 1960) said:

The first picture concerned with the fabled exploits of the nation’s latest underseas craft, this Gorham production, released under the AA banner, should be pre-sold wherever headline-conscious audiences reside.

The straight-away screen story, thankfully ignoring the trifles and irrelevancies that can conceivably slow down any theme bordering on the patriotic, has to do with the dangerous mission of the atomic submarine, the Tiger Shark, assigned to search out and, if possible, destroy the unknown enemy object which has been raising havoc with sea craft in polar waters.

In its New York debut, “The Atomic Submarine” was the bottom half of a double bill with Disney’s “Toby Tyler.”

Howard Thompson (April 20, 1960) said:

In this science fiction item with Arthur Franz and Dick Foran in the leads, an American submarine stalks a death-dealing “underwater flying saucer” (so help us) in the Arctic. Credit the Allied Artists entry with some erratic but genuine suspense, a beguiling assortment of miniature, grotto-like settings and a good, eerie musical score. Then forget it.

Sept. 14, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery woman. Her companions have been cropped out due to insufficient mysteriousness and will appear later in the week. And as difficult as this may be to believe, she does not approve of such goings-on. Really. She doesn’t.

For “Hm Wednesday,” here’s one of our mystery woman’s mystery companions.

For Friday, here’s the second mystery companion of Monday’s mystery woman.

Update: This is Arthur Franz, Paul Dubov and Jean Moorhead. (Dubov and Franz were also in “The Sniper.”)

Sept. 15, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a mysterious object. And as incredible as this may seem, none of the people in our mystery movie approves of such goings-on.

Update: This is an underwater flying saucer.

Brain Trust roll call: Benito (mystery movie and Monday’s mystery woman) and Mrs. Benito (Monday’s mystery woman).

Sept. 16, 2020, Mystery Photo

Also for “Hm Wednesday,” we have one of our favorite mystery guests.

Update: Jack Mulhall makes a brief appearance for his final film role, with 448 credits on IMDB.

Sept. 16, 2020, Mystery Photo
Our mystery craft seems to be tilted. Or our mystery guests have neck problems. Or something.  Also an oscilloscope.

Update: This is Frank Watkins and Victor Varconi.

Brain Trust roll call: Tucson Barbara (mystery movie, mystery woman and mysterious UFO), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and Monday’s mystery woman), Sarah (mystery movie) and Earl Boebert (mystery movie, mystery woman and mysterious UFO).

Sept. 17, 2020, Mystery Photo

For “Aha Thursday,” we have these mysterious gents.

Update: This is Bob Steele and Sid Melton.

Sept. 17, 2020, Mystery Photo

We also have this mystery woman.

Update: This is Joi Lansing.

Sept. 17, 2020, Mystery Photo

We also have this mystery fellow.

Update: This is Tom Conway.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Monday’s added mystery guest, and Wednesday’s mystery guests, mysterious UFO), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery guests, Wednesday’s mystery gents No. 1 and No. 3), Tucson Barbara (Monday’s mystery gent, Wednesday’s mystery guests Nos. 1 and 2), Sheila (Wednesday’s mystery guest No. 1), Sue Slutzky (mystery movie, Monday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and all mystery guests) and Thom and Megan (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guests Nos. 1 and 2).

Note to Beachgal: I did something different this week by re-cropping Monday’s mystery picture to reveal another mystery companion for Wednesday.

Sept. 18, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Friday, we have this mystery officer. And a lot of mysterious equipment.

Update: This is Dick Foran, a previous mystery guest from “Private Detective” and “Gentlemen Are Born.”

Sept. 18, 2020, Mystery Photo

And our mysterious leading man. And yes, I know he looks familiar.

Update: This is Arthur Franz, whom we just saw in “The Sniper.”

Sept. 18, 2020, Mystery Photo

And finally….

Brain Trust roll call: Blackwing Jenny (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery man No. 1 and Thursday’s mystery woman), Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery guests Nos. 2-4), Sylvia E. (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery woman and Thursday’s mystery guests), Floyd Thursby (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest No. 1 and Thursday’s mystery guests), Tucson Barbara (Thursday’s mystery guests Nos. 3-4), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Beachgal (mystery movie and all mystery guests), David Inman (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests Nos. 3-4), Gary (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests Nos. 2-3), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests Nos. 2-4), Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Sue Slutzky (Thursday’s mystery guests), Patrick (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Megan and Thom (Monday’s mystery guests and Thursday’s mystery guests) and L.C. (mystery movie and mystery cast).

Gary has a nice recollection of Thursday’s mystery woman. Thanks for sharing!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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58 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Gary says:

    I would guess that the mystery companion is about five foot six.


  2. Benito says:

    Jean Moorhead, maybe in THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE 1959 due to that shoulder board. Saw her in THE VIOLENT YEARS 1956, mst3k version.


  3. Mrs. Benito says:

    Oh! For once I know a Monday actress! But only, as Benito observed, because of MST3K. “The Violent Years” was written by Edward D. Wood, Jr. and I highly recommend it … better with MST3K, of course.


  4. tucsonbarbara says:

    “The Atomic Submarine”

    Monday – Jean Moorhead
    Tuesday – the UFO


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE. Jean Moorhead Monday. Will we see you know who later in the week?


  6. Sarah says:

    “The Atomic Submarine” (1959).


  7. Sylvia E. says:

    I’m going to guess Rocketship X-M (1950)


  8. FunkyPhD says:

    Joan Taylor in Earth vs. The Flying Saucers?


  9. Earl Boebert says:

    Jean Moorehead on Monday, sunken flying saucer on Tuesday, “The Atomic Submarine” for the week.


  10. Sylvia E. says:

    Or…Destination Moon 1950


  11. Sylvia E. says:

    never mind about Destination Moon.


  12. Mary Mallory says:

    Paul Dubov on MOnday, Jack Mulhall, Frank Watkins, and Victor Varconi today. And our flying saucer is the atomic submarine.


  13. mike hawks says:

    Paul Dubov, Jean Moorhead, Jack Mulhall and Victor Varconi in THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE.


  14. tucsonbarbara says:

    Paul Dubov, Jack Mulhall, Frank Watkins, Selmer Jackson


  15. beachgal says:

    Oops. We are missing a photo for Wed. The caption landed above Tues flying saucer photo and references someone in relation to Mystery woman’s mystery companions.


  16. beachgal says:

    Oops. Seem to be missing first photo for Wed. The caption appears above Tues flying saucer photo and references companions to our Mon mystery woman.


  17. Sheila says:

    Jack Mulhall in ‘The She Creature’ for Wednesday?


  18. Sue Slutzky says:

    Movie: The Atomic Submarine, Monday: Paul Dubov and Jean Moorhead, Tuesday: Cyclops, Wednesday: Jack Mulhall, Frank Watkins and Victor Varconi.


  19. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Monday: Paul Dubov, Jean Moorehead in THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE (1959)
    Tuesday: Jack Mulhall
    Wednesday: Jack Watkins, Victor Varconi


  20. Thom and Megan says:

    Our movie is The Atomic Submarine. Two of today’s guests are Jack Mulhall and Frank Watkins.


  21. I see Jack Mulhall and Joi Lansing…The Atomic Submarine!


  22. Mary Mallory says:

    Paul Dubov and Sid Melton, Joi Lansing, and poor Tom Conway.


  23. Sylvia E. says:

    Thank you to Sid Melton.

    The Atomic Submarine (1959)

    Will hunt out more tomorrow

    Monday – I think the woman is Jean Moorhead
    Thursday – Sid Melton in profile, Joi Lansing and Tom Conway (isn’t he George Sanders’ brother? I may be confusing him with another actor.)

    It’ll be nice to see Arthur Franz playing a ‘non-gloomy’ role.


  24. Floyd Thursby says:

    For Wednesday we have Jack Mulhall, Sid Melton, Joi Lansing, and Tom Conway. The movie is “The Atomic Submarine.”


  25. tucsonbarbara says:

    Sid Melton, Joi Lansing, and Tom Conway


  26. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Bob Steele, Sid Melton; Joi Lansing; Tom Conway.


  27. beachgal says:

    Thurs woman looks like Joi Lansing. Is this The Atomic Submarine?


  28. beachgal says:

    Thurs mystery fellow is Tom Conway


  29. beachgal says:

    Monday mystery woman is Jean Moorhead and Wed mystery gent in dark shirt on right is Victor Marconi.


  30. beachgal says:

    Wed favorite guest is Jack Mulhall


  31. beachgal says:

    Wed tilted gent on left is Frank Watkins. Thurs sailor on right is Sid Melton.


  32. beachgal says:

    Thurs clipboard navy man is Bob Steele.


  33. beachgal says:

    I think the navy man who appeared on Wed in Mon photo is Paul Cubic.


  34. beachgal says:

    Our saucer on Tues is voiced by John Hilliard


  35. David Inman says:

    Joi Lansing and Tom Conway today, making this “Atomic Submarine.”


  36. Gary says:

    this would be Joi Lansing and Sid Melton In The Atomic Submarine. When I was just new to NYC in the fall of 1959 I saw Ms. Lansing being photographed in a bikini on the marquee of the Capitol Theatre on Broadway and 50th Street. I really felt that I had arrived in the big time, the big town, the big apple!
    In the sixties that theater converted to the Cinerama screen for the series of films MGM made in that process That is also where I saw the opening week of A Space Odyssey 2001. It was a lovely and comfortable theatre.


  37. mike hawks says:

    Sid Melton, Joi Lansing and Tom Conway.


  38. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Bob Steele, Sid Melton, Joi Lansing and Tom Conway in The Atomic Submarine (1959)


  39. beachgal says:

    Guess for Fri we will have Authur Franz and Dick Foran and maybe Bret Halsey


  40. Sue Slutzky says:

    Thursday: Bob Steele and Sid Melton, Joi Lansing, Tom Conway.


  41. Patrick says:

    Mon: Paul Dubov and Jean Moorhead
    Tues: Someone on the Submarine ride at Disneyland
    Wed: Jack Mulhall, Frank Watkins and Victor Varconi
    Thur: Bob Steele and Sid Melton, Joi Lansing, Tom Conway
    The Atomic Submarine from 1959


  42. Megan and Thom says:

    The couple on Monday are played by Paul Dubov and Jean Moorhead. For Thursday in picture 1 we have Bob Steele and Sid Melton, in picture 2 Joi Lansing and in picture 3 Tom Conway.


  43. LC says:

    Atomic Submarine (1959) w/Arthur Franz, Tom Conway, Dick Foran, Joi Lansing, Sid Melton, Jean Moorhead…


  44. Mary Mallory says:

    Arthur Franz on Monday now, and Dick Foran, Arthur Franz, and our giant creature today.


  45. tucsonbarbara says:

    Arthur Franz – Monday and Friday


  46. Sue Slutzky says:

    Friday: Dick Foran and Arthur Franz… and the cyclops alien.


  47. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Dick Foran; Arthur Franz; Cyclops.


  48. beachgal says:

    Friday in Monday photo is Arthur Franz. Fri 1 is Dick Foran. Fri 2 in frogman suit is Arthur Franz. Our alien eye is voiced by John Hilliard..


  49. McDee says:

    I think I see Sid Melton, Joi Lansing and Dick Foran among our mystery guests. The Atomic Submarine from 1959?


  50. mike hawks says:

    Arthur Franz (twice) and Dick Foran.


  51. Pingback: Movieland Mystery Photo — Jury Duty Edition No. 1 (Updated) |

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