Black Dahlia: The Brits Get It Wrong (Again)


Jan. 11, 2017, Black Dahlia
Remember what I said Monday about the Brits having a huge appetite for gruesome crimes but a distaste for the facts?  Here we have an even better example, from the Sun.

I won’t critique the entire article (why bother) but this was particularly amusing.

Jan. 11, 2017, Black Dahlia

That’s right, the Sun labeled one of Steve Hodel’s bogus pictures as Elizabeth Short. Apparently nobody on the staff could tell the difference between this and a known photo of Elizabeth Short.

Jan. 11, 2017, Elizabeth Short
I mean seriously?

Jan. 11, 2017, Black Dahlia Jan. 11, 2017, Elizabeth Short

Does no one see the difference between these two pictures?

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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4 Responses to Black Dahlia: The Brits Get It Wrong (Again)

  1. iratelamar says:

    I read Hodel’s book and I’m sure his dad was a creepy/freaky dude but those pictures look nothing like Elizabeth Short. If I remember correctly there were, at least, two pictures and they looked like two different women, neither resembling Short. I don’t get it.


  2. TWELVE HOUSE says:

    Anyone, really, could see the difference immediately.


  3. JPU says:

    I’m writing a chapter of a book (about true crime books) about Hodel’s book. Anyone can see that the photo isn’t of ES. I think Hodel just needed any stimulus to embark on a journey of self-fulfilling prophecy. He could have found a strand of black (or hennaed) hair in his father’s belongings and gone on the same journey.


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