Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)


Marvh 19, 2016, Mystery Photo

This week’s mystery movie has been the 1932 Fox picture “Call Her Savage,” directed by John Francis Dillon, with a screenplay by Edwin Burke from the bestselling novel by Tiffany Thayer.  With Clara Bow, Gilbert Roland, Thelma Todd, Monroe Owsley, Estelle Taylor, Weldon Heyburn, Willard Robertson, Anthony Jowitt, Fred Kohler, Russell Simpson, Margaret Livingston, Carl Stockdale and Dorothy Peterson.

“Call Her Savage” was Bow’s first film with Fox after parting ways with Paramount and the movie was billed as her “comeback” after being absent from the screen since “Kick In.”  Bow made one more movie for Fox, “Hoopla,” before retiring from the screen.

One reviewer said of Thayer’s book: “Savage is too dignified a term. Nasa is a sadist, a neurotic, a scalper, a madwoman, or she is perhaps more fitly called the purple figment of nightmarish dreams, conceived by the author in a brainstorm and thenceforth rationalized by him for some three hundred pages.”

The film opened in Los Angeles on Nov. 30, 1932 at Loews State with the Pete Smith short “Football Footwork.”

Mordaunt Hall of the New York Times said (Nov. 25, 1932): “It is scarcely an offering that can be recommended for its plausibility, but who knows but that there may be a girl somewhere like Nasa Springer. Miss Bow does quite well by the rôle of this fiery-tempered impulsive Nasa, but whether the flow of incidents makes for satisfactory entertainment is a matter of opinion.”

In a review for the Los Angeles Times on Dec. 2, 1932,, John Scott noted that “her fans turned out in droves,” but said: ” ‘Call Her Savage,’ which the more discriminating theatergoers will undoubtedly deem tasteless and at times even unpleasant, gives the star opportunity to reveal her natural acting talents, but in so doing, requires her in one sequence to take to the street to provide medicine for her sick baby. A poignant note, but a questionable one.”

A restored print will be shown in New York on Wednesday as part of Film Forum’s “IT GIRLS, Flappers, Jazz Babies and Vamps” series, on Wednesday, March 23.

”Call Her Savage” is available from Fox Cinema Archives at various outlets such as Amazon, listing at $19.98.

Nov. 30, 1932, Call Her Savage

“Call Her Savage” opens in Los Angeles, Nov. 30, 1932.

Clara Bow gets her El Kabong on in “Call Her Savage.”

March 14, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery gent who appears to be in a bit of trouble.

Update: This is Fred Kohler.

March 15, 2016, Mystery Photo


For Tuesday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Carl Stockdale.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Monday’s mystery gent), Howard Mandelbaum (Monday’s mystery gent), Mike Hawks (Monday’s mystery gent), Don Danard (Monday’s mystery gent) and Anne Papineau (mystery movie and Monday’s mystery gent).


March 16, 2016, Mystery Photo

March 16, 2016, Mystery Photo

No, I didn’t change movies. Wednesday’s images are from the same mystery film as Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery pictures.

Update: This is Hale Hamilton and Anthony Jowitt

Brain Trust roll call: Anne Papineau (Tuesday’s mystery gent).


March 17, 2016, Mystery Photo
And for Thursday we have this mystery gent. Several other fine images, alas, were on Google image search.

Update: This is Frank Atkinson.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery gent and one of Wednesday’s mystery gents), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery gent, one of Wednesday’s mystery gents and a mystery chambermaid), Benito (mystery movie), Dewey Webb (mystery movie), Anne Papineau (Wednesday’s mystery gents), Floyd Thursby (mystery movie), David Inman (mystery movie and one of Wednesday’s mystery gents) and Sheila (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery gents).


March 18, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, we have these elegant mystery guests.

Update: This is Thelma Todd and Monroe Owsley.


March 18, 2016, Mystery Photo
And our mystery leading lady in all her pre-code glory.

Update: Clara Bow in her next to last picture.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Anne Papineau (Thursday’s mystery guest) and Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guest).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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34 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Mary Mallory says:

    Fred Kohler today.


  2. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Fred Kohler


  3. Mike Hawks says:

    Will the indians or a sheriff get Fred Kohler.


  4. ellde2012 says:

    Spencer Tracy maybe


  5. Don Danard says:

    Fred Kohler Sr. today


  6. Jenny M says:

    Joe Sawyer


  7. Sally Stark says:

    Is this Spencer Tracy? I don’t know the film.


  8. Anne Papineau says:

    Fred Kohler in a film that is a personal favorite, “Call Her Savage.”


  9. Anne Papineau says:

    Carl Stockdale on Tuesday, informing Monday’s mystery player that his adulterous behavior brought the wrath of God on the wagon train.


  10. Sheila says:

    Houseley Stevenson?


  11. Don Danard says:

    Is today’s Mystery Man George MacQuarrie?


  12. Mary Mallory says:

    CALL HER SAVAGE. Today is Hale Hamilton with the mustache, yesterday was Carl Stockade.


  13. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Tuesday: Carl Stockdale in “Call Her Savage.” Not sure about the cavorting Greenwich Village types but today we see Hale Hamilton and Edmund Burns looking somber.


  14. Benito says:

    Call Her Savage (1932). I’d recognize those 2 waiters anywhere, but can’t find screen credits. Their scene is on youtube.


  15. Lorenzo says:

    Tuesday’s guest in the singing waiter picture looks like Gene Autry in the lower right. On the right side of the photograph for Wednesday resembles Standford Jolley.


  16. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Tyrell Davis who specialized in effeminate roles is among the campers.


  17. DeweyWebb says:

    Call Her Savage


  18. Anne Papineau says:

    The cabaret “chambermaids” I cannot name, but think that the other image depicts Hale Hamilton and Anthony Jowitt on Wednesday.


  19. Floyd Thursby says:

    This is “Call Her Savage.”


  20. David Inman says:

    Hale Hamilton today, and the movie is “Call Her Savage.”


  21. Sheila says:

    ‘Call Her Savage’–Hale Hamilton and Anthony Jowitt are the somber gents for Wednesday.


  22. Mary Mallory says:

    Anthony Jowitt with Hamilton and Frank Atkinson today.


  23. Anne Papineau says:

    On Thursday, Frank Atkinson?


  24. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Another eccentricity specialist: Frank Atkinson.


  25. Mary Mallory says:

    My computer has problems so I don’t know if my answer went through: Thelma Todd and Monroe Ownsley and Clara today.


  26. Anne Papineau says:

    On Friday, wonderful Thelma Todd and Monroe Owsley and glorious Clara Bow.


  27. Sarah says:

    TGIF. With Minna Gombell and Clara Bow it has to bee Hoop-La (1933).


  28. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Thelma Todd & Monroe Owsley; Clara Bow


  29. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    We enjoyed your “El Kabong” reference!


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