Movieland Mystery Photo


And for Friday, we have a mystery comedy in which a billboard for Ben-Hur Coffee inspires some mystery young people to stage a chariot race.

This is the final entry in this week’s mystery movies and there haven’t been any easy ones. I still haven’t heard from a couple regulars in the Brain Trust, so I will wait until Monday to lift the veil of mystery to give them a little more time.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo

In image No. 2, we have mystery lads in newsboy caps.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo

In image No. 3, we have a mystery lad.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo

In image No. 4, we have a mysterious young lady.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo

In image No. 5, we have a young lad in a newsboy cap.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo

In image No. 6, we have a crowd of mystery young people watching the chariot race.

March 11, 2016, Mystery Photo
And in image No. 7, a mysterious young lady.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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13 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo

  1. Gary Martin says:

    Looks to me to be Our Gang.


  2. Candy Cassell says:

    Friday´s movie looks like a really early ¨Our Gang¨ comedy from the 1930s, with Spanky, Buckwheat, Stymie and so on. But I don´t recall Spanky ever being quite so ¨wide,¨ so perhaps it was a knock off made to capitalize on the ¨Our Gang¨ popularity? The lad in #3 is definitely not Alfalfa Switzer.


  3. Lorenzo says:

    Looks like a Little Rascals short. In image #6 the kid in the front row far right resembles Froggy and the curly-headed kid on the second row, far left, looks like a young Butch.


  4. Sheila says:

    Josephine Adair, Spec O’Donnell, Tommy Hicks?


  5. beachgal says:

    Nooooo! Don’t wait until Monday for the reveal just because you haven’t heard from some of the regulars – they snooze, they loose – It’s not fair to the rest of us who follow along. It will just be confusing on Monday to have to deal with all this week’s movies and also start a new week of mystery photos – just my opinion. The world does move along no matter if someone is away from their computer!


  6. amycondit says:

    I believe this is a lost film, but am having trouble scraping up the name.


  7. Mike Hawks says:

    The film today may be from one of the McDougal Alley films that are Our Gand or Mickey McGuire knockoffs from the late 20’s. As for the films earlier this week I give up.


  8. SylviaE says:

    This looks like a silent “Our Gang” film – one of the boys looks like Joe Cobb.


  9. Diane Ely says:

    #2 – Coy Watson?


  10. Diane Ely says:

    Larry: I meant #3 for Coy Watson, not #2.


  11. Benito says:

    Thought the chubby kid in 2 was Joe Cobb or Norman Chaney, mais non!


  12. LC says:

    Well you have definitely got me stumped! I know that I have seen #3 before, most likely in a Our Gang short, but don’t have a name. I am afraid that this is as close as I can get to identifying any of this week’s movies.


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