Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

May 2, 2015, Mystery Photo

This week’s mystery movie has been the 1948 Eagle-Lion picture “Hollow Triumph,” also known as “The Scar.” The movie stars Paul Henreid (Friday’s mystery guest), Joan Bennett (Thursday’s mystery guest) and Eduard Franz (Wednesday’s mystery guest). It was written by Daniel Fuchs, from a novel by Murray Forbes and was produced by Henreid and directed by Steve Sekely.

A DVD is available from TCM Shop and there is a restored version on Amazon.

April 27, 2015, mystery photo

For Monday, we have a mystery woman.

Above, a photo of Vera Marshe listed on EBay for $35.

We have had several guesses as to this woman’s identity. This week, I had relied on Imdb, which identifies Vera Marsha as “woman in backseat,”  but after examining photos of Vera Marshe, I’m not sure that is correct. I’m a little pressed for time this morning so I’ll try to track it down later.


April 28, 2015, Mystery Photo

And here is our mystery man for Tuesday.

This is Robert Ben Ali, and yes it is his only movie appearance.

April 29, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, we have this mystery fellow.

This is Eduard Franz.

Please congratulate Rick, who identified the movie, but had the wrong mystery guest for Monday.


And for Thursday, a (not so) mysterious woman.

This is Joan Bennett.

Please congratulate Jenny M (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Gary Martin (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Julie Merholz (Wednesday’s mystery gent), dlhartzog (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery gent), LC (mystery movie and mystery cast), Michael Ryerson (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest), Roget-L.A. (Wednesday’s mystery guest) and Barbara Klein (Wednesday’s mystery guest).

May 1, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, our totally non-mystery man is wearing a bow tie.

And producer Paul Henreid in a double role.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery movie, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Gary Martin (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery woman), Julie Merholz (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery woman), Jenny M (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery woman), dlhartzog (Thursday’s mystery woman), Anne Papineau (Thursday’s mystery woman), Barbara Klein (mystery movie, Monday’s and Thursday’s mystery women), Beachgal (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery guest, Thursday’s mystery woman), ValleyDave (mystery movie, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursdays  mystery guests), Dewey Webb (Thursday’s mystery woman) and Michael Ryerson (Thursday’s mystery woman).

ValleyDave says of Tuesday’s mystery man: “geez, the Brain Trust loves the obscure.”

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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60 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. I guess this is before her time but she looks a lot like Susan Hampshire.


  2. Gary Martin says:

    Jinx Falkenberg.


  3. Jenny M says:

    Jacqueline White


  4. aryedirect says:

    The star of ‘I Married Joan’ (what a girl, what a whirl, what a life…), Joan Davis?


  5. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Ann Staunton?


  6. Sheila says:

    Rita Johnson?


  7. Gary Martin says:

    Jayne Meadows.


  8. Rick says:

    Monday’s blonde Leslie Brooks, Hollow Triumph (Paul Henreid, Joan Bennett


  9. Earl Boebert says:

    Total WAG: Roger C Carmel (AKA Harcourt Fenton Mudd) for Tuesday minus the signature ‘stash, so probably “A House is Not A Home”


  10. DeweyWebb says:

    Tuesday: Robert Foulk


  11. Jenny M says:

    Eduard Franz


  12. Gary Martin says:

    Eduard Franz.


  13. Don Danard says:

    Today it’s Eduard Franz.


  14. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Eduard Franz.


  15. juliemerholz says:

    Eduard Franz


  16. dlhartzog says:

    Today, Eduard Franz. Monday, Gale Robbins?


  17. LC says:

    The movie is Hollow Triumph (The Scar) 1948 w/Paul Henreid, Joan Bennett, Eduard Franz, Ann Staunton, Leslie Brooks, John Qualen…


  18. Eduard Franz today. I’ll try to work backwards.


  19. Looks like it’s going to be Hollow Triumph (1948) a Paul Heinreid/Joan Bennett vehicle.


  20. dlhartzog says:

    Hollow Triumph?


  21. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Wednesday: Eduard Franz?


  22. Barbara Klein says:

    Wednesday – Eduard Franz


  23. Mary Mallory says:

    Joan Bennett and THE SECRET BEYOND THE DOOR?


  24. Gary Martin says:

    This is Joan Bennett so I guess Monday is Leslie Brooks and the film Hollow Triumph.


  25. Mary Mallory says:

    HOLLOW TRIUMPH. Eduard Franz yesterday.


  26. Mary Mallory says:

    Ann Staunton Monday and Steve Carruthers Tuesday.


  27. juliemerholz says:

    Joan Bennett today so it’s Hollow Triumph 1948. also starring Paul Henreid..


  28. Jenny M says:

    Joan Bennett in Hollow Triumph.


  29. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Joan Bennett makes this HOLLOW TRIUMPH.


  30. Benito says:

    Margaret Lindsay on Thursday?


  31. dlhartzog says:

    The luminous Joan Bennett today, Paul Henreid on his way. Ann Staunton on Monday?


  32. aryedirect says:

    Wednesday looks to be John Marley. Sans horse’s head.


  33. Anne Papineau says:

    Joan Bennett, late of Dark Shadows and author of “How to be Attractive”


  34. Barbara Klein says:

    “Hollow Triumph”

    Thursday – Joan Bennett

    I think Monday is Vera Marshe.


  35. beachgal says:

    Thurs is Joan Bennett


  36. ValleyDave says:

    Monday: Ann Staunton, Tuesday: Robert Ben Ali (only film “un”-credit in IMDB—
    geez, the Brain Trust loves the obscure), Wednesday: Eduard Franz, Thursday:
    Joan Bennett. Film is Hollow Triumph, aka The Scar.


  37. DeweyWebb says:

    Actress/Ayds diet pitch woman Joan Benett


  38. beachgal says:

    Wed is Eduard Franz. I think Mon is Leslie Brooks. Tues might be Paul Burnes – this probably is Hollow Triumph.


  39. Well, today we have Joan Bennett, to my eye a woman more beautiful than pretty.


  40. Mary Mallory says:

    Paul Henreid today. That looks like Ann Staunton, not Leslie Brooks. She appears in our book, and the shape of her face is different from that of the Monday photo.


  41. beachgal says:

    Fri is Paul Henreid as John Muller/Dr. Bartok in Hollow Triumph


  42. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Paul Henreid is wondering what happened to his Warner Brothers contract.


  43. beachgal says:

    If Mon is not Leslie Brooks or Ann Staunton then possibly this is Jeanne Blackford. If it is, that’s really obscure.


  44. Barbara Klein says:

    Friday – Paul Henried


  45. beachgal says:

    Tues is Robert Ben Ali


  46. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Thursday is Joan Bennett. The movie is Hollow Triumph (1948). Is Tuesday’s man Charles Arnt? I still think that’s Ann Staunton from Monday.


  47. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Friday must be Paul Henreid.


  48. beachgal says:

    That actress in Monday’s should be Ann Staunton – it’s the only place in the film she appears and she’s billed as ‘the blonde’ only in the credits. Leslie Brooks played the gal Virginia Taylor qho Paul Henried goes to Maxwells with for gambling and that’s not the same ‘blonde’ as was in the back of the car.


  49. beachgal says:

    In this case, IMBD might be correct — look at Vera Marshe in The Phantom of 42nd Street which was just a few years before this week’s film – she looks a lot like this ‘back-seat’ lady – but I have no idea who ‘The Blonde’ is that is listed in the actual credit role on the film if it is not Ann Staunton as the lady in the backseat – I will try to watch the film again carefully to see if I can figure out ‘another’ blonde that credit on the credit role in the film could be referring to. Maybe stick to less obscure ‘uncredited’ actors or limit it to just one in a ‘blue moon’ to avoid the confusion.


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