Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Jan. 10, 2015

This week’s movie has been the 1949 film “Obsession,” or as it is sometimes known “The Hidden Room.” It was directed by Edward Dmytryk in England while he was blacklisted in Hollywood and stars Robert Newton (Friday’s mystery chap), Sally Gray (Thursday’s mystery woman), Naunton Wayne (Monday’s mystery chap), Phil Brown (Wednesday’s mystery chap) and Olga Lindo (Tuesday’s mystery woman). It was written by Alec Coppel from his book “A Man About a Dog.” Photographed by C. Pennington-Richards, wWith music by Nino Rota.

Jan. 5, 2015, mystery photo


And for Monday, a mystery chap.

This is Naunton Wayne.


And for Tuesday, we have this mystery woman. Ignore Back of the Head Guy, although he is our leading man.

This is Olga Lindo.

Please congratulate Jenny M., Mike Hawks (now back online!), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom, Victor H. Brown and dlhartzog for identifying Monday’s mystery fellow.

Jan. 7, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, a mystery bloke.

This is Phil Brown, whom you may remember as Uncle Owen in the first “Star Wars” picture.

Please congratulate dlhartzog (mystery movie and guests) and Dan Nather (Monday’s mystery chap).

Jan. 8, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, we have Wednesday’s mystery chap, sans beard, with a mystery lady. And my, they don’t look cheery, do they? In fact, they have just been caught in a compromising situation by our mystery leading man, who returned unexpectedly from an out-of-town trip – with a gun. Oh dear.

This is Sally Gray and Phil Brown.

Dlhartzog has identified Wednesday’s mystery chap.

Jan. 9, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, here is our mystery doctor, who tells Monday’s police inspector that he will not bite down on this poison capsule, but instead face the justice system.

And Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Kindergarten Cop.”

Please congratulate dlhartzog (Thursday’s mystery guest), Lee Ann, Megan And Thom (mystery movie and guests) and Jenny M (mystery movie and guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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56 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. stevo says:

    ray milland


  2. mandymarie20 says:

    Oliver Reed?


  3. Jenny M says:

    Naunton Wayne


  4. David Inman says:

    Ralph Richardson in “The Fallen Idol”?


  5. juliemerholz says:

    Ben Alexander


  6. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Naunton Wayne.


  7. Pat says:

    Paul Douglas?


  8. william says:

    young Michael Gambon


  9. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Is this Naunton Wayne? He and Basil Radford would turn up in the craziest collection of movies as the same two characters, Chalders and Caldicott. Very funny in that understated British way.


  10. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Oops–I’ve been reminded it is Charters and Caldicott, not Chalders and Caldicott. These old grey brain synapses of mine are becoming an embarassment!


  11. Charles Kjelland says:

    Craig Stevens?


  12. Pat says:

    Broderick Crawford?


  13. Lee Ann says:

    May I take a wild guess–is the mystery movie “Passport to Pimlico”? I’ll leave my fellow Daily Mirror Midwest Chapter members out of this just in case I am totally off!


    • lmharnisch says:

      Alas, very cold.


      • Lee Ann says:

        Alas, indeed. I thought it was the scene in “Passport to Pimlico” when the British government sends our mystery star and his fellow bureaucrat out to negotiate with the Burgundians. I frequently jump to unwise conclusions without the steadying influence of the other Chapter members!


  14. dlhartzog says:

    Olga Lindo, Robert Newton, The Hidden Room


  15. Dan Nather says:

    Would Monday’s gent be Naunton Wayne? (It does look like a British film.)


  16. Floyd Thursby says:

    “Gideon’s Day”?


  17. dlhartzog says:

    The luminous Sally Gray.


  18. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Today is Sally Gray and Phil Brown in The Hidden Room.


  19. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Tuesday’s mystery lady is Olga Lindo.


  20. Jenny M says:

    Sally Gray and Phil Brown in The Hidden Room.


  21. Don Danard says:

    I’m tempted to suggest this might be “Went the Day Well”.


  22. Mary Mallory says:

    Robert Newton today.


  23. Mary Mallory says:

    THE HIDDEN ROOM. Sally Gray and Phil Brown yesterday.


  24. juliemerholz says:

    Robert Newton


  25. juliemerholz says:

    The Hidden Room 1949


  26. Don Danard says:

    Well, I hope I get one, at least, correctly!! Today it’s Leo Genn


  27. Arrrg !. Today is the great Robert Newton. The film is likely British Noir, The Hidden Room, aka Obsession, directed by American Noir director Edward Dmytryk. Also appearing are Wayne Naughton, Sally Gray and Phil Brown.


  28. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Robert Newton from THE HIDDEN ROOM and now i realize the man from tuesday and wednesday is Phil Brown from STAR WARS.


  29. william says:

    “The Hidden Room”, 1949, Robt. Newton, Sally Gray, Phil Brown. (Looks like Im last in line again…If Im correct, that is)


  30. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Friday’s doctor is Robert Newton. And Dewey Webb is on to something–Robert Newton does resemble Leo Genn.


  31. Anne Papineau says:

    Well blow me down, Robert Newton


  32. Don Danard says:

    OK then, it’s Robert Newton.


  33. Pat van Hartesveldt says:

    Friday: Robert Newton?


  34. Benito says:

    Skunked! As a fan of tropical island movies I should know Robert Newton from THE BEACHCOMBER(1954).


  35. Benito says:

    “Made In Paradise, Hollywood’s Films of Hawaii and the South Seas” is a great book covering almost every movie ever made in the area. See also


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