1944 in Print — Hollywood News and Gossip by Louella Parsons, Aug. 19, 1944


Aug. 19, 1944, Comics

Aug. 19, 1944

Really interesting news that Freddie March is ready to sign a contract to play Major Joppolo in “A Bell for Adano.” I don’t mean the movie, either. He is being signed by Leland Hayward for the stage play, which will reach New York before the movie is finished.

Little Joyce Reynolds has certainly won a place for herself on the Warner lot since “Janie.” Interesting that she will play the shrewish daughter in “Mildred Pearce,” a real departure from the wholesome schoolgirl in “Janie.”* Joan Crawford, who plays Mildred Pearce, is, I am told, negotiating with Edward Small for the lead in “Bella Donna.” That would give her one of the really dramatic parts of her career.

LEO: Stars offer fine scope for your talents and ability. Responsibility needed to fathom pitfalls and be able to combat same properly.

From the Philadelphia Inquirer via Fultonhistory.com.

Aug. 19, 1944, Horoscope

Aug. 19, 1944, Louella Parsons

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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