Movieland Mystery Photo ( Updated + + + + )

This week’s mystery movie is “Ziegfeld Girl.”

Here’s the scene I was talking about earlier in the week…

At one point, Tony Martin, Hedy Lamarr, Ian Hunter and Lana Turner go to the Palais Royal restaurant.

… where Ian Hunter tries romance Lana Turner. What should we see in the background but a neon sign for the Hotel Cecil – the name of a Los Angeles landmark. (Nathan Marsak, this is for you).

This is clearly a set, so the sign must be a movie prop, but I have to wonder why the Hotel Cecil would appear even as a prop. Hm. A bit of research reveals a Hotel Cecil or Cecil Hotel in this era at 118th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue in New York.

The Cecil Hotel at 118th and St. Nicholas, Courtesy of Google Street View.

… where it stands today. Admittedly, my knowledge of New York is limited, but I’m not sure one would find the Palais Royal restaurant in this neighborhood.

May 12, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, we have this mystery chap.


And for Tuesday, a mystery duo.

Please congratulate Mike Hawks, Don Danard and Lee Ann and Thomas for identifying Monday’s mystery gent. Mike says: One of my favorite sleazeballs .


May 14, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, this well-dressed mystery gent.

Tuesday’s photo was a bit of a trick. E.G. of the famous vaudeville team of G&S was dead, so he is being portrayed by C.W.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory for identifying G&S (wrong mystery movie), Julie Merholz (mystery movie and cast), Benito (mystery movie and cast), Dewey Webb (mystery movie and cast), LC (mystery movie and cast), Michael Ryerson (mystery movie and cast), Patrick (mystery movie and cast) and Rick Scott (G&S, wrong mystery movie).


And here’s a mystery gent for Thursday. His date for the evening is too well-known to be used today, but we’ll come back to this scene because there is an intriguing neon sign in the background (Nathan Marsak, this is for you!)

Please congratulate Jenny M (mystery movie and cast), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and cast), Barbara Klein (mystery movie and cast), Roget-L.A. (mystery actor portraying E.G.), Michael Ryerson (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Don Danard (G&S mystery gents, Wednesday’s mystery fellow), ValleyDave (mystery movie and cast),  Rick (mystery movie and cast) and Megan (mystery movie and cast).

ValleyDave writes: A big correction. I’m losing my mind !!! The movie is XXX, not “Showboat ” A Senior moment.

Julie Merholz, this is your mystery chap.

May 16, 2014, Mystery Photo

And to round out the week, we have this gent with the cauliflower ear. You were expecting maybe J.G.? L.T.? H.L? J.S.? T.M.?

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Monday’s and Wednesday’s mystery chaps), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Megan (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Barbara Klein (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Charles Kjelland (G&S-S), Julie Merholz (Thursday’s mystery fellow),  Herb Nichols (mystery movie and cast), Dennis Gilliam (mystery movie and cast), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery fellow) and Michael Ryerson (Thursday’s mystery fellow).

Charles Kjelland writes: can’t figure who C W is, certainly not Clifton Webb nor Clarence Williams!

All will become clear soon.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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69 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo ( Updated + + + + )

  1. Cal and Lulu says:

    William Powell, pretty funny guy.


  2. mandymarie20 says:

    Robert Benchley


  3. Bob Hansen says:

    It could be Harold Huber.


  4. Mike Hawks says:

    One of my favorite sleazeballs Bernard Nedell.


  5. william says:

    John Alexander


  6. Gary Martin says:

    Raymond Walburn, or , at the least, a Raymond Walburn lookalike.


  7. Don Danard says:

    Bernard Nedell I believe.


  8. Charles Kjelland says:

    Willard Waterman?


  9. Lee Ann And Thomas says:

    Bernard Nedell


  10. Mary Mallory says:

    Philo McCullough.


  11. Mary Mallory says:

    Gallagher and Shean today.


  12. Mary Mallory says:

    The film is ATLANTIC CITY.


  13. juliemerholz says:

    Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Sheen


  14. juliemerholz says:

    Ziegfeld Girl 1941


  15. juliemerholz says:

    Charles Winninger as Edward Gallagher and Al Shean for today .


  16. juliemerholz says:

    James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr,Lana Turner,Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Ian Hunter,Edward Everett Horton,and Monday, Bernard Nedell.


  17. Benito says:

    Tuesday’s pair o’ fools: Charles Winninger and Al Shean doing their “Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean” bit in ZIEGFELD GIRL [1941].


  18. Dewey webb says:

    Al Shean & Charles Winniger In Ziegfeld Girl


  19. Pat van Hartesveldt says:

    Tuesday’s pith helmet man looks a lot like William Frawley.


  20. deweywebb says:

    Al Shean, Charles Winniger in Ziegfeld Girl


  21. LC says:

    Ziegfeld Girl (1941) w/Charles Winninger & Al Shean as “Mr. Gallagher & Mr. Shean”


  22. Mister Monday is Bernard Nedell and the film is Ziegfeld Girl with ‘an all-star cast’ including Jimmy Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy (not Hedley) Lamarr, Lana Turner and Tuesday’s Charlie Winninger and Al Shean.


  23. Patrick says:

    Monday is Bernard Nedell. Tuesday is Charles Winninger and Marx Brother uncle All Shean. The film is Ziegfeld Girl from 1941.


  24. LC says:

    … and the first fellow is Bernard Nedell


  25. Rick Scott says:

    It might be “Atlantic City>” Tuesday’s duo is Al (Mr.) Sheen and Jack Kenney (as “Mr. Gallagher”).


  26. Mary Mallory says:

    Stuart Holmes Monday.


  27. Jenny M says:

    Tuesday – Al Shean and Charles Winninger. Wednesday – Philip Dorn. Movie – Ziegfield Girl.


  28. Mike Hawks says:

    Charles Winninger and Al Shean for tuesday with Philip Dorn on board for wednesday make this ZIEGFELD GIRL 1941.


  29. Barbara Klein says:

    “Ziegfeld Girl”

    Monday – Bernard Nedell
    Tuesday – Charles Winnegar and Al Shean
    Wednesday – Philip Dorn


  30. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Tuesday’s pith helmet man looks a lot like Charles Winninger.


  31. For Wednesday, we have ill-fated Phillip Dorn, he of the wonderful speaking voice.


  32. Don Danard says:

    Charles Winninger ‘tother day. Philip Dorn the next Mystery Man


  33. Don Danard says:

    Forgot to mention … the man with Winninger is Al Shean.


  34. ValleyDave says:

    Monday: Bernard Nedell, Tuesday: Al Shean and Charles Winninger, Wednesday: Phillip Dorn.
    The movie is the 1936 version of “Showboat.” Thanks for the hint about Ed Gallagher.


  35. ValleyDave says:

    A big correction. I’m losing my mind !!! The movie is “Ziegfeld Girl,” not “Showboat ” A Senior moment.


  36. Rick says:

    Phillip Dorn today – movie is Ziegfield Girl Bernard Nedell Monday Charles Winninger Al Shean Tuesday


  37. Megan says:

    Philip Dorn in Ziegfeld Girl, and Charles Winninger as half of Gallagher and Shean.


  38. Mary Mallory says:

    Bernard Nedell Monday, Philip Dorn yesterday.


  39. Don Danard says:

    Today it’s Ian Hunter.


  40. Megan says:

    Thursday’s mystery fellow is Ian Hunter.


  41. Barbara Klein says:

    Thursday – Ian Hunter


  42. Charles Kjelland says:

    Tuesday photo must be Gallagher and Shean, minus Gallagher, but can’t figure who C W is, certainly not Clifton Webb nor Clarence Williams!


  43. juliemerholz says:

    Right, right…Philip Dorn on Wednesday.


  44. herb nichols says:

    gallagher and shean in ziegfeld girl


  45. Al Shean did his Gallagher and Shean routine in two films after Gallagher died. In Tuesday’s routine he is with Charles Winninger. Thursday’s fellow is perhaps Ian Hunter. Film: the all star casted Ziegfeld Girl.


  46. Mike Hawks says:

    Ian Hunter for today.


  47. This is Ian Hunter who will always be Richard the Lion-Heart to me.


  48. Mary Mallory says:

    Dan Dailey today.


  49. Don Danard says:

    Dan Dailey … looking unusually goofy!!


  50. Barbara Klein says:

    Friday – Dan Dailey


  51. juliemerholz says:

    Dan Dailey


  52. Mike Hawks says:

    Dan Dailey lookin’ like a mug.


  53. Gary Martin says:

    Oh! Right. Ziegfeld Girl, with JG, LT, HL, JS, TM, and DD …and the others previously shown, ahem, uh …


  54. Patricia Ann says:

    Dan Dailey for Friday ??


  55. Dan Dailey sporting Maxie Rosenbloom’s ear.


  56. Earl Boebert says:

    Too bad we didn’t even get a back of the head shot of Hedy Lamarr, who was the co-inventor of frequency-hopping radio. My favorite quote: “Any girl can be glamorous. Just stand still and look stupid.”


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