World War II on the Radio — The CBS News, Jan. 16, 1944

Jan. 16, 1944, S.S. Carole Lombard

Jan. 16, 1944: Clark Gable attends the launch of a Liberty ship named for Carole Lombard, who was killed in a Nevada plane crash. The CBS news, courtesy of

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to World War II on the Radio — The CBS News, Jan. 16, 1944

  1. Eve says:

    Has anyone read that new book on Carole’s last USO tour and plane crash? It’s self-published, which makes me very wary. I HOPE it is an excellent book, but I have been burned too often by self-publishers to spend money on it.


    • lmharnisch says:

      I haven’t any idea, but I wouldn’t be optimistic.

      Which brings up the tiresome subject of people searching the Daily Mirror for Carole Lombard snuff photos. Some of the most frequent search terms for the Daily Mirror are: “Carol Lombard autopsy photos” or “Carole Lombard decapitated” or “Did they ever find Carole Lombard’s left hand?”

      I mean really, people! I don’t have any photos like that and if I did I certainly would never put them online!


      • Eve says:

        Having seen photos of victims of flaming plane crashes, I can assure those people they would be highly disappointed. As for this book, the author says it is a look at her last USO tour, with photos from a (killed) Life story on it, and bios of the other passengers and crew. But reader reviews seems to differ on this.


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