1944 on the Radio — ‘Texaco Star Theater’ With Fred Allen, Jan. 16, 1944


Jan. 10, 1944, Life Magazine

Jan. 16, 1944:

It’s Sunday in 1944 and today we have: “Texaco Star Theater” with Fred Allen, Portland Hoffa and guest Mary Pickford. Allen talks about the Jan. 10, 1944, issue of Life magazine featuring photos of comedians. Also in Life magazine, Margaret Bourke-White’s feature on “It’s a Big War.” Warning: The recording has some surface damage. Courtesy of Archive.org.

“Riley Plans to Build a House” in “The Life of Riley” with William Bendix. In case you haven’t noticed, this is another radio show that refers to the housing shortage, as did “Kraft Music Hall.”   Courtesy of Archive.org

“Income Tax Forms Arrive” on “The Great Gildersleeve.” (In case you didn’t notice, “Fibber McGee and Molly” also dealt with income tax forms.) Courtesy of Archive.org

Jack Benny visits the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. Courtesy of Archive.org.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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