Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Oct. 28, 2013, Mystery Photo

And we start the week with a couple of mystery folks.

Personal Property

You’ll have to admit, it would have been much easier to identify “Personal Property” if I had used some of these shots.

Oct. 29, 2013, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday…..

Personal Property

Oct. 30, 2013, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, Back of the Head Guy with his dear friend Back of the Head Woman, plus Lady Profile.

Personal Property

Please congratulate Patrick and Julie Merholz for identifying our mystery film and cast, and Jenny M for identifying Tuesday’s mystery chap.

Personal Property

And for Gary Martin, the object in the back of this shot appears to be a large mirror in some sort of case.

Oct. 31, 2013, Mystery Photo

And for Thursday, our mystery leading man is impudently smoking in bed. Tsk. Tsk.

Please congratulate Mike Hawks and Mary Mallory for identifying our mystery film and cast and Patrick for identifying Wednesday’s mystery folks.

Oct. 31, 2013, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, our mystery couple have a happy ending. I was going to make this an easy one, and then along came this shot and it was simply too good to pass up.

Personal Property

Please congratulate Gary Martin (Thursday’s mystery chap), Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Mike Hawks, who notes “Smoking is what killed our man in bed,” Barbara Klein (mystery movie and cast), Patrick (Thursday’s mystery fellow) and Benito (Thursday’s mystery fellow).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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43 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Gary Martin says:

    How many will guess Paul Muni and Karen Morley in Scarface?


  2. Eve says:

    Oh, them! That guy with the back, and that woman with the ankles! I loved them!


  3. LC says:

    Sometimes you make my brain hurt!


  4. David Inman says:

    Why do I want to say “Mrs. Skeffington”? Which I guess would make these two Claude Rains and Bette Davis.


  5. Don Danard says:

    Have Eve! You took the words right outa my mouth!!


  6. Patricia Ann says:

    Could the lady be Mae West ?


  7. Mary Mallory says:

    Thelma Todd and Charley Chase?


  8. Patricia Ann says:

    The back of this guy looks like Arthur Lake.


  9. Patrick says:

    Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor in “Personal Property” from 1937.


  10. juliemerholz says:

    Robert Taylor in Personal Property 1937


  11. Jenny M says:

    A wild guess. Lana Turner and Robert Taylor in Johnny Eager.


  12. Eve says:

    Is that Linda and her Londonderry Air?


  13. Patrick says:

    Wednesday = E. E. Clive, Jean Harlow and Henrietta Crosman.


  14. Mike Hawks says:

    Our players are Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor, E.E. Clive and Henrietta Crosman in PERSONAL PROPERTY 1937.


  15. Gary Martin says:

    Topper? with Cary grant and constance Bennett, et al?


  16. Patricia Ann says:

    Lady in middle Joan Bennett ?


  17. Mary Mallory says:

    Jean Harlow with Alan Mowbray as butler. Robert Taylor. PERSONAL PROPERTY.


  18. Gary Martin says:

    Isn’t this Robert Taylor?


  19. DeweyWebb says:

    Tyrone Power


  20. Mary Mallory says:

    Is the older lady Henrietta Crosman yesterday?


  21. Don Danard says:

    Today looks like Robert Taylor.


  22. Mike Hawks says:

    Smoking is what killed our man in bed, Robert Taylor.


  23. Patricia Ann says:

    Today John Payne


  24. Barbara Klein says:

    “Personal Property.” Pictured so far are Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor, E.E. Clive, and Henrietta Crosman


  25. Patrick says:

    Thursday = Robert Taylor


  26. Diane Ely says:

    I second Patricia’s guess – John Payne. That guy seems to have a habit of smoking in bed – he also did that in “Miracle on 34th Street”.


  27. Benito says:

    Robert Taylor smoking in bed? He’s exhausted after carrying the dame with fat calves


  28. DeweyWebb says:

    Fred Keating


  29. Don Danard says:

    Eve, that recent comment of mine is supposed to be “Hey Eve”, not “Have Eve”. In fact, what does “Have Eve” mean??”


  30. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Thursday: Dick Foran? Also, Happy Halloween!


  31. DeweyWebb says:

    Harlow & Taylor in Personal Property


  32. Patrick says:

    Friday = Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor in a liplock.


  33. Mike Hawks says:

    Jean and Bob smack lips.


  34. Gary Martin says:

    All along I’ve felt that the dame in frame one is Glenda Farrell and since the gent is R Taylor, I’ll tag the blond as Lana …although I doubt it…making this Johnny Eager.


  35. Gary Martin says:

    Can anyone explain what the construction with the mirror is in frame three …behind the blond.It certainly looks odd.


  36. kthursby says:

    What’s next week — mystery feet?? 🙂


  37. william says:

    Robert Taylor, “Personal Property”, 1937


  38. eve says:

    Dreadful movie–shot on the quick in a month (Jan,. 1937) so Jean and Bob could get off to D.C. for Roosevelt’s birthday ball.


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