Downtown L.A., 1946

"Down to Earth"

View Down to Earth in a larger map

After yesterday’s post on the Black Dahlia and downtown Los Angeles at night, I pulled together a map while watching the process shots filmed for “Down to Earth.” Google, unfortunately, wiped out some of the addresses and time stamps. And WordPress hates anything that’s embedded, hence the screen shot.

The film car made four passes, taking both sides of the street, starting around 5th Street and Olive, heading south on Olive, east on 8th Street and ending up between Los Angeles Street and Maple Avenue. Because the film was shot at night, it’s hard to make out the details.

Notice the number of police officers (including a black and white and what appears to be a three-wheeled Servi-Car). There seems to have been an Owl Drug Store on every corner!  Notice the number of furriers at the time – and the marquee of the Olympic Theatre.

The locations are approximate and in some instances I couldn’t make out the signs. Enjoy!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in 1946, Downtown, Film, Hollywood. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Downtown L.A., 1946

  1. Scatter says:

    Man, just looking around at the City in those days confirms my suspicion that I was born 50 years too late and 3000 miles too far East. I just discovered your blog a few days ago Mr. Harnisch, and must say I’m enjoying it immensely! Thank you for your efforts here.


  2. Charles Seims says:

    The two gray 1944 Ford Transit busses are movie props, probably placed to hide a location that would be recognizable. The bright red bus is a Pacific Electric local line running from the Subway Terminal Building.


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