Matt Weinstock — January 12, 1959

Taxing Times

A young lady singer is very angry at the Internal Revenue Service.

Her federal income tax last year came to around $380. She had paid all but about $70.

Christmas week the revenuers attached the amount from her checking account in a Hollywood bank.

received no notification that this was to be done. In fact, she learned
of it from the bank after the money was taken. Furthermore, she was
embarrassed as she had checks written for the money.

She thinks the action is an outrage, an invasion of privacy and discrimination against people in the entertainment business.

Now the rebuttal.

income tax payments are delinquent is notified that he owes the money.
Ten days later, if it has not been paid, the revenue service has the
authority to collect it, under Section 6331, Levy andDistraint, Public Law 591. Distraint means to seize or confiscate. Notice is given that it is going to be seized or when. 

men are accustomed to being called Uncle Scrooge and worse but they
insist they do not deliberately create hardships for debtors. On the
contrary, they say when they find leniency is in order they give
debtors every opportunity to come clean. They wish they received more

However, the rule book is very decisive, so beware.

* *

A woman attending a funeral a few days ago was introduced to another
woman who, after a few minutes of solemn conversation about the
deceased, asked bluntly, "Would you like to buy two lots here?"

The first mourner, aghast at the impropriety of the question, replied, "No, but I’m curious- why do you want to sell them?"

"Well, for one thing, I’ve decided to be cremated," was the serious reply, "but the main reason is that I need the money."

* *

I’ve taken in my last parade,
I find it too dismaying.
It makes no difference where I stand,
That’s where the band stops playing.

* *


Glenn Gould gives a quirky — but incomparable — performance
in Pasadena.

"This young man not only risks (virtuoso fingerings and hand-crossings
in Bach’s "Goldberg Variations") he brings them off in what became a
staggering set of symphonic etudes."

–Raymond Kendall

A DISHEVELED wretch accosted Herb Stinson on Spring Street and said, "Mister, can you spare a dime toward a bottle of wine?"

No beating around the bush, just a nice, clean, honest bite. It can almost be assumed that normalcy has returned.

* *

Gordon, radio newsman expects to learn that his son has been depicted
all over Russia as an example of American incorrigibility.

long ago the boy got into a fight with another boy at Selma Avenue
School. As a teacher tried to stop them the Russian social security
delegation, visiting L.A. at the time, walked in and one of the group
with a camera quickly snapped the picture.

* *

AT 2:30 P.M. the other day Bob Cushnir
went into a Vermont Avenue bank to cash a $500 check. At first the
answer was no but six tellers scraped the bottoms of their tills and
finally made it. The explanation is simple. Since the market strike
more people are cashing checks at banks. Along about closing time
depletion sets in.

* *

WHILE IN San Francisco last week Buddy Gorman
stopped in the downtown section at a stand emblazoned with "Going Out
of Business" and "Everything Must Go" signs. He selected a hand-carved
object priced at $5.99 but the man said he could have it for $1.50.
Buddy asked how come the big markdown.

"I’m closing up," the owner beamed happily. "I just finished my parole!"

* *

reader suggests the Society for the Elimination of Obsolete Signs take
up at the next meeting the "No on 16" and other political stickers
still on some cars . . . What baffles Oscar Kantner is that the horses
in TV westerns are never given a drink or the old nosebag after a
three-day trek through the desert . . . Among things that bore Walt Hackett: The twin fins and the Finn twins. 

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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