Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This week’s mystery movie was the 1940 Warner Bros. picture Father Is a Prince, with Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, John Litel, George Reeves, Jan Clayton and Lee Patrick.

Screenplay by Robert E. Kent.

From a play by Sophie Kerr Underwood and Anna S. Richardson.

Associate producer William Jacobs.

Photographed by Ted McCord.

Dialogue direction by Gene Lewis.

Art direction by Charles Novi.

Edited by Frank Magee.

Gowns by Howard Shoup.

Makeup by Perc Westmore.

Sound by E.A. Brown.

Directed by Noel Smith.

Further information about Father Is a Prince is available from the AFI Catalog.

Father Is a Prince is not commercially available.


I try to never pass up an opportunity to be tricky, so I was pleased to find Father Is a Prince, a highly modified remake of our recent mystery movie Big Hearted Herbert. Not a terribly distinguished film, it is strictly the bottom half of a double bill and demonstrates how much Warner Bros. was willing to rummage around in its properties for a project.

I just know Bosley Crowther is going to hate it.

Uh-oh. The New York Times did not review it.

Mysterious lad doing mystery lad things.
For Monday, we have a mystery lad.

Update: This is Billy Dawson.

Mysterious youth doing mystery youth things.
For Tuesday, we have a mysterious youth.

Update: This is Richard Clayton.

For Wednesday, we have a mystery woman. She does not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Vera Lewis.

Mysterious man with very wide lapelsFor “Aha Thursday,” we have a mysterious fellow.

Update: This is John Ridgely.

Mysterious couple doing mysterious things with vacuum cleanerAnd we have this enigmatic couple.

Update: This is George Reeves and Jan Clayton.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and all mystery guests) and Mike Hawks (mystery movie and all mystery guests).

Three elegant people who do not approve of such goings-on. For Friday, we have these mysterious folks who do not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is, from left, Lee Patrick, Pierre Watkin and Mary Currier.

Two mysterious men and a mystery womanAnd these mystery guests.

Update: This is, from left, John Litel, Nana Bryant and Grant Mitchell.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Suzanne Stone (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), Sylvia E. (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Incredible Inman (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery men), Jenny M. (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Benito (Thursday’s mysterious future TV star), L.C. (mystery movie and mysterious cast), Bruce (Thursday’s mysterious future TV star), Megan and Thom (mystery movie and all mystery guests) and Anne Papineau (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mysterious cleaning woman and Thursday’s mystery vacuum cleaner salesman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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32 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Jenny M says:

    British actor James Fox.


  2. Jennny m says:

    Second try, Gary Gray


  3. mary Mallory says:

    Lee Aaker, Jeopardy.


  4. suznchaz says:

    Scotty Beckett for Tuesday….cannot figure out Monday’s boy, but he looks like a Jimmy.


  5. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Monday: Billy Dawson
    Tuesday: Richard Clayton
    Wednesday: Vera Lewis


  6. Sylvia E. says:

    You’ll probably get a number of Hope Emerson guesses for Wednesday but I don’t think that’s her. Still her face seems familiar, so I bet Howard or Mike get it. Still on the hunt.


  7. mike hawks says:

    Vera Lewis.


  8. mike hawks says:

    Billy Dawson and Richard Clayton in FATHER IS A PRINCE.


  9. Megan and Thom says:

    Today’s guest is Anita Sharp-Bolster, but not sure which film.


  10. Mary Mallory says:

    FATHER IS A PRINCE. Billy Dawson Monday, Richard Clayton Tuesday, Vera Lewis Wednesday, John Ridgeley and George Reeves and Jan Clayton today.


  11. suznchaz says:

    “Father is a Prince” 1940, remake of the Guy Kibbee film Big Hearted Herbert we had earlier. George Reeves and Jan Clayton, John Ridgely, Vera Lewis as the unattractive lady, but I cannot find the names of the two boys. I went down the Ma and Pa Kettle kids path and it gave me a headache!


  12. Rogét-L.A. says:

    John Ridgely, George Reeves, and Jan Clayton in Father Is a Prince (1940)


  13. mike hawks says:

    John Ridgeley, George Reeves and Jan Clayton.


  14. Sylvia E. says:

    Thanks to the future Clark Kent and Lois Lane, I see that you’re having fun again ala the “Donovan run” from a few mysteries back. This time it’s “Big Hearted…” Dad’s

    “Father is a Prince” 1940

    Monday – Richard Clayton (I think)

    Tuesday – maybe Billy Dawson, but not sure. Still working on this one

    Wednesday – Vera Lewis

    Thursday – George Reeves and Jan Clayton in image 2. I know image 1 guy’s face. Will get that name.


  15. Sylvia E. says:

    Thursday – Image 1 is of John Ridgely


  16. John Ridgely and George Reeves today. Could this be “Father Is a Prince”?


  17. Jenny M says:

    Movie is Father is a Prince with Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Vera Lewis, John Ridgley, George Reeves, and Jan Clayton.


  18. Benito says:

    George Reeves today. He only made a few movies set in contemporary times. Could be THE GOOD HUMOR MAN


  19. LC says:

    Father Is A Prince (1940) w/Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, George Reeves, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Jan Clayton, Richard Clayton, Lee Patrick, John Ridgely, Vera Lewis…


  20. Bruce says:

    Looks like George Reeves on Thursday.


  21. Megan and Thom says:

    Our movie is Father Is a Prince, with Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Vera Lewis, John Ridgely, George Reeves, and Jan Clayton.


  22. Anne Papineau says:

    I recognize Vera Lewis cleaning house and George Reeves wielding a vacuum cleaner. Might this be “Father is a Prince”?


  23. Mary Mallory says:

    Lee Patrick, Pierre Watkin, Mary currier, and John Litel, Nana Bryant, and Grant Mitchell.


  24. Greg says:

    The movie is Father is a Prince from 1940.


  25. Sylvia E. says:

    Friday –

    1. Lee Patrick and (I think) Pierre Watkins and Mary Currier (assuming that they are portraying Mr and Mrs Lee)
    2. John Litel, Nana Bryant and Grant Mitchell


  26. Sylvia E. says:

    oops! It’s Pierre Watkin (no ”s”)


  27. mike hawks says:

    Lee Patrick, Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, John Litel, Pierre Watkin and Mary Currier.


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