Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)


This week’s mystery movie was the 1944 Twentieth Century-Fox film Four Jills in a Jeep, with Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye, Mitzi Mayfair, Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra, John Harvey and Phil Silvers. “Introducing Dick Haymes in his first motion picture.” Guest stars Alice Faye, Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda and George Jessel.

four_jills_review_filmdaily85wids_0710 Screenplay by Robert Ellis, Helen Logan and Snag Werris. Story by Froma Sand and Fred Niblo Jr. Based on the actual experiences of Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye and Mitzi Mayfair.

Music by Jimmy McHugh and Harold Adamson. Musical numbers staged by Don Loper. Musical direction by Emil Newman and Charles Henderson. Photography by Peverell Marley. Art direction by James Basevi and Albert Hogsett. Set decorations by Thomas Little and Al Orenbach. Edited by Ray Curtiss. Costumes by Yvonne Wood. Makeup by Guy Pearce. Photographic effects by Fred Sersen. Sound by Jesse T. Bastian and Murray Spivack.

Produced by Irving Starr. Directed by William A. Seiter.

Four Jills in a Jeep is available on DVD from TCM.

I got a request for a Kay Francis movie, which is a challenge, because so many of her films air on TCM frequently. I went into the Daily Mirror vault to get Four Jills in a Jeep, which aired exactly once TCM, in 2018, although it turns up on Fox’s cable channel every so often. It’s an upbeat, morale-booster from World War II with lots of stars, light on the plot and heavy on musical entertainment, with laughs along the way. Notable for the presence of Carole Landis, re-creating her marriage to Capt. Thomas C. Wallace.

More on the history of Four Jills in a Jeep is available at the AFI website.

Bosley Crowther wouldn’t dare hate this picture, would he?

Uh-oh (April 6, 1944). I mean he hated it. He really, really hated it:

The adventures of Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye and Mitzi Mayfair on a USO Camp tour of England and North Africa a little more than a year ago were no doubt diverting to the ladies. And the soldiers whom they were entertaining were probably so fired with admiration that we herewith proceed at our own peril. But it has to be stated bluntly that the film which Twentieth Century-Fox has made about that star-spangled journey among warriors is something less than okay. Four Jills in a Jeep, the claptrap saga which came to the Roxy yesterday, is just a raw piece of capitalization upon a widely publicized affair.

Aug. 16, 2021, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery woman. She may not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Mary Servoss.

Aug. 17, 2021, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have another mystery woman.

Update: This is Mitzi Mayfair.

Aug. 18, 2021, Mystery Photo

For “Hm Wednesday,” we have a better view of Tuesday’s mystery woman, plus Back of the Head Guy.

Update: This is Mitzi Mayfair and Dick Haymes as Back of the Head Guy.

Aug. 18, 2021, Mystery Photo

We also have this mystery woman.

Update: This is Alice Faye.

Aug. 18, 2021, Mystery Photo

And we have this mysterious fellow.

Update: This is George Jessel.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie, both mystery guests).

Aug. 19, 2021, Mystery Photo

For “Aha Thursday,” we have this mystery woman.

Update: This is Carmen Miranda.

Aug. 19, 2021, Mystery Photo

We also have this mysterious clarinetist.

Update: This is Phil Silvers.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Tucson Barbara (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery guests), Michael Ryerson (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Anne Papineau (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Sheila (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Sylvia E. (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery nurse, Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Suzanne Stone (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s mystery singer), Gary (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests), L.C. (mystery movie and mystery cast), Benito (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s mystery singer), Thom and Megan (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guests) and Allie (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery women).

Aug. 20, 2021, Mystery Photo

For Friday, we have a mystery singer.

Update: This is Betty Grable.

Aug. 20, 2021, Mystery Photo

We also have this mysterious pianist. She shifts expressions constantly, making it difficult to get a good frame grab. Only Eric Blore goes through so many nonstop expressions.

Update: This is Martha Raye. She ties Eric Blore in having such an animated face that it’s almost impossible to get a good frame grab.

Aug. 20, 2021, Mystery Photo

We also have this mysterious couple.

Update: This is Carole Landis and John Harvey.

Aug. 20, 2021, Mystery Photo

And this mystery couple.

Update: This is Mitzi Mayfair and a better shot of Dick Haymes.

Aug. 20, 2021, Mystery Photo

And this mystery woman. Back of the Head Doctor is telling her that he really likes her. No, he really, really likes her.

Update: This is Kay Francis and Lester Matthews as Back of the Head Guy.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Monday’s mystery nurse and Thursday’s mystery guests), Tucson Barbara (Thursday’s mystery guests), Sue Slutzky (mystery movie, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Beach Gal (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Michael Ryerson (Thursday’s mystery guests), Charles Kjelland (Thursday’s mystery guests and half-credit for the title), Richard Wegescheide (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Earl Boebert (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery woman), Rick (mystery studio, Thursday’s mystery woman), Sylvia E. (Thursday’s mystery guests and peering into the future for Friday’s mystery folks) and Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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44 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Thelma Ritter. On a Monday??


  2. Thelma Ritter in THE PROUD AND PROFANE (1956).


  3. Gary says:

    Ann Doran in So Proudly We Hail.


  4. Gary says:

    Cry Havoc


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP (more on Carole Landis!). Edith Evanson Monday, Mitzi Mayfair Tuesday and Wednesday, with Dick Haymes as BOTH guy Wednesday, Alice Faye (on a Wednesday?), and George Jessel.


  6. tucsonbarbara says:

    “Four Jills in a Jeep”

    Mon – Mary Servoss
    Tues – Mitzi Mayfair
    Wed – Mitzi Mayfair, Alice Faye, George Jessel


  7. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Dick Haymes (Back of Head Guy); Alice Faye; George Jessel


  8. Well, Alice Faye and George Jessel make this Four Jills in a Jeep (1944).


  9. Anne Papineau says:

    Alice Faye and George Jessel in “Four Jills in a Jeep”


  10. Sheila says:

    Mitzi Mayfair, Alice Faye and George Jessel in ‘Four Jills in a Jeep’?


  11. Sylvia E. says:

    “Four Jills in a Jeep” 1944

    Not sure about Monday yet.
    Tuesday, I think is Mitzi Mayfair
    Wednesday, Mitzi again. I think the BOTHG is John Harvey. Image 2 is Alice Faye / Image 3 is (babyfaced) George Jessel, who was the key to the mystery for me.


  12. suzanne stone says:

    Alice Faye in “Four Jills in a Jeep” with Mitzie Mayfair in a nice helmet.


  13. Gary says:

    My third and final guess and then I give up! Alice Faye and George Jessel in 4 Jills and a Jeep.


  14. LC says:

    Four Jills in a Jeep (1944) w/Kay Francis, Alice Faye, Mitzi Mayfair, Martha Raye, Carol Landis, Betty Grable, George Jessel, Dick Haymes…


  15. Benito says:

    Alice Faye today. Guessing Helmet Girl is Mitzi Mayfair in FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP 1944


  16. Thom and Megan says:

    Our movie is Four Jills in a Jeep, with Mitzi Mayfair, Alice Faye, and George Jessel.


  17. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Alice Faye and George Jessel in Four Jills in a Jeep (1944)


  18. Sylvia E. says:

    I think Monday’s ‘stricken’ nurse is Mary Servoss. Only a guess though from an image on another site. She was also in a picture that Gary mentioned in his guess, “So Proudly We Hail” also in a military role.


  19. Allie says:

    Mitzi Mayfair and Alice Faye in Four Jills and a Jeep?


  20. Mary Mallory says:

    Mary Servoss Monday, Carmen Miranda, and Phil Silvers. Hawkman is out of town, but he has access to a friend’s computer.


  21. tucsonbarbara says:

    Carmen Miranda, Phil Silvers


  22. sueslutzky says:

    Four Jills in a Jeep
    Monday: ?
    Tuesday: Mitzi Mayfair
    Wednesday: Alice Faye, George Jessel
    Thursday: Carmen Miranda, Phil Silvers


  23. beachgal says:

    Movie is Four Jills in a Jeep
    Monday frame #1 is Mary Servoss
    Wed singer is Alice Faye
    Thurs Carmen Miranda frame 1 and frame 2 is Phil Silvers


  24. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Carmen Miranda; Phil Silvers.


  25. Carmen Miranda, here wearing one of her more subdued outfits, and Phil Silvers, although I’m sorely tempted to call out one of the Dorsey brothers.


  26. Charles Kjelland says:

    Phil Silvers and Carmen Miranda “Something for the Boys”


  27. Richard Wegescheide says:

    You got Carmen Miranda and Phil Silvers on Thursday. So it should be ‘Four Jills and a Jeep’


  28. Earl Boebert says:

    Four Jills in a Jeep, with Carmen Miranda sans fruit salad on Thursday and probably Jimmy Dorsey on clarinet.


  29. rick says:

    Carmen and Benny today The Gang’s All Here


  30. Sylvia E. says:

    Thurs – Ms Carmen Miranda / Phil Silvers (I think) leading Jimmy Dorsey’s Orchestra.

    That leaves for Friday: Carole Landis, Kay Francis, Martha Raye and maybe Betty Grable and Dick Haymes.

    Looking forward to the Saturday breakdown.


  31. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Carmen Miranda and Phil Silvers in Four Jills in a Jeep (1944)


  32. Mary Mallory says:

    Betty Grable, Martha Raye, John Harvey and Carole Landis, Martha Mayfair and Dick Haymes, Kay Francis and Lester Mathews.


  33. beachgal says:

    Fri – Betty Gable. Martha Raye. Carole Landis and John Harvey. Mitzi Mayfair and Dick Haymes. Kay Francis and Lester Mathews.


  34. Friday closes with Betty Grable, Martha Raye, John Harvey cutting the cake with Carole Landis, Dick Haymes pouring Mitzi Mayfair a glass of champagne and Kay Francis getting some surprising news.


  35. tucsonbarbara says:

    Betty Grable; Martha Raye; John Harvey and Carole Landis; Mitzi Mayfair and Dick Haymes; Kay Francis and Charles Sherlock (?)


  36. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Betty Grable; Martha Raye; John Harvey, Carole Landis; Mitzi Mayfair, Dick Haymes; Kay Francis, Lester Mathews.


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