Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This week’s mystery movie was the 1955 Columbia film “The Crooked Web,” with Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard, Richard Denning, John Mylong, Harry Lauter, Steven Ritch and Louis Merrill.

Story and screenplay by Lou Breslow.

Photography by Henry Freulich, art direction by Paul Palmentola, edited by Edwin Bryant, set decoration by Sidney Clifford, assistant director Gene Anderson Jr., special effects by Jack Erickson, sound by Josh Westmoreland, music conducted by Mischa Bakaleinikoff, unit manager Leon Chooluck.

A Clover Production.

Directed by Nathan Hertz Juran

“The Crooked Web” is on YouTube in a mediocre print and on DVD from Amazon.

Nov. 14, 2020, Stan's Drive-In

I picked “The Crooked Web” because of one location: Stan’s Drive-In, where the first few minutes of the film take place. Otherwise, it’s a forgettable film with a plot that makes little sense.

Harrison’s Reports (Nov. 26, 1955) said:

A routine melodrama, the kind that may get by on the lower half of a double bill. The story is as complicated as the synopsis indicates, and the situations that unfold while the characters are supposed to be in Germany strike one as being “phony.”

….All told, there is nothing about the story that would excite one, for it is artificial. There is no comedy relief, and not much can be said for either the direction or the action. The photography is fairly good.

Film Bulletin (Nov. 28, 1955) said:

This Columbia programmer has an unassuming look but it is nevertheless good, exciting melodrama. A neat, tightly put-together crime story that is briskly paced, it has the benefit of a continually interesting story and a good deal of suspense, and is above-average for a program entry.

Motion Picture Daily (Dec. 2, 1955) said:

This could easily slide into the sleeper class. It has sufficient marquee strength and melodramatic developments to warrant popular attention. Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard and Richard Fleming are teamed with a hard-working cast which put over a timely story.

Writing in the New York Times (Dec. 10, 1955), M.E. said:

“The Crooked Web,” a melodrama threaded unevenly with suspense, spun into the Palace yesterday.

The prey in this caper is Frank Lovejoy, who is lured to Germany by Mari Blanchard, his girlfriend (at least he thinks she is) and Richard Denning who, during the war, supposedly liberated and then buried a treasure of gold knickknacks near a chateau.

Nov. 9, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery soldier. And for a change, Back of the Helmet Guy, who will appear Friday.

Update: This is John Hart with Frank Lovejoy as Back of the Helmet Guy.

Nov. 10, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a mystery singer and a mystery accordion player.

Update: This is Judy Clark. The accordion player (clearly faking) remains unidentified.

Nov. 10, 2020, Mystery Photo
We also have this mystery gentleman. You may be asking “Now, is this all in the same movie?” Yes, indeed it is.

Update: This is Vince Barnett.

Nov. 11, 2020, Mystery Photo

For “Hm Wednesday,” we have this mystery fellow. Also Back of the Head Guy, who will appear Friday.

Update: This is Steven Ritch with Richard Denning as Back of the Head Guy.

Nov. 11, 2020, Mystery Photo

We also have this mystery gentleman.

Update: This is Van Des Autels.

Nov. 11, 2020, Mystery Photo

And finally, we have this mystery gent. I have cropped out our mysterious leading man and leading lady due to their insufficient mysteriousness. They will appear Friday. (Update: And here they are).

Update: This is Roy Gordon, with Richard Denning and Mari Blanchard added on Friday.

Brain Trust roll call: B.J. Merholz (Tuesday’s mystery bus boy) and Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery chanteuse and mystery bus boy).

Note to Sylvia: Yes, there is a flashback sequence in the film that explains the plot.

Nov. 12, 2020, Mystery Photo

For “Aha Thursday,” we have several mystery guests with varying degrees of “Aha.” Like this fellow.

Update: This is George Cisar.

Nov. 12, 2020, Mystery Photo

And this mystery fellow.

Update: This is John Mylong.

Nov. 12, 2020, Mystery Photo

Finally, this mystery fellow. His mystery companion has been cropped out will appear Friday. (Update: And here he is).

Update: This is Frank Lovejoy and Harry Lauter, moonlighting from “Tales of Texas Rangers.”

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery chanteuse and mysterious bus boy, and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery chanteuse and mystery busboy, Wednesday’s mystery man No. 1 and Back of the Head Guy, and mystery man No. 3. Our mystery accordionist, alas, is doing a miserable job of faking it and obviously has no idea how to actually play), McDee (mystery movie and Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy and mystery man No. 3), Sheila (Tuesday’s mystery bus boy and Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy), Gary (Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy), Roget-L.A. (Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy) and Thom and Megan (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery chanteuse and mystery busboy and Wednesday’s Back of the Head Guy).

Nov. 13, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Friday, here’s a better shot of our mystery busboy. Notice the theater in the background.

Update: A better view of Vince Barnett and the Vista Theater. The marquee reads “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Sadler’s Wells Ballet.”

Nov. 13, 2020, Mystery Photo

For Friday, we have our three mysterious main characters. Yes, I know.

Update: This is Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard and Richard Denning, recently seen in “The Black Scorpion.”

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery guests), Floyd Thursby (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery TV lawman), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), Tucson Barbara (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery soldier, Tuesday’s mystery chanteuse, Wednesday’s mystery man No. 1 and Back of the Head Guy, and Thursday’s mystery guests), Patrick (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery TV lawman, Friday’s leads) and Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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37 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Duane Laible says:

    Lee Marvin ?


  2. funkyphd says:

    Battleground, with John Hodiak


  3. Earl Boebert says:

    Total WAG: “A Foreign Affair.”


  4. Robert Morrissey says:

    It looks a bit like Arthur Hohl, but I’m pretty sure it ISN’T him!


  5. David Inman says:

    “The Americanization of Emily”?


  6. Sylvia E. says:

    Hmmmm…. using your clues and the images, this is a movie that was not released in the 1940s, does not have either John Hodiak or Lee Marvin, but does have Chesterfield cigarettes, Hires Root Beer, a talented accordion player and a hoffbrau (I’m sure I’ve spelled that wrong) singer who models herself after M. Deitrich (kinda,) and was produced at a studio that is not MGM.

    I’m just rambling, so there’s no need to respond to the above.

    Question – does this movie have flashbacks?


  7. B.J. Merholz says:

    Vince Barnett


  8. mike hawks says:

    Judy Clark and Vince Barnett in THE CROOKED WEB 1955.


  9. Chrisbo says:

    Is Monday’s soldier Timothy Carey?


  10. Mary Mallory says:

    THE CROOKED WEB. Richard Emory Monday, Judy Clark and John Mylong Tuesday, Vince Barnett, BOTH guy Richard Enning, Steven Ritch, Van Des Autels, and Roy Gordon today.


  11. mort sahl ? Can’t remember the film though .


  12. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    The Crooked Web (1955)
    Tuesday: Judy Clark, Dan Borzage with accordion; Vince Barnett
    Wednesday: Richard Denning, Steven Rich; John Mylong; Roy Gordon;


  13. McDee says:

    Richard Denning as Back of the Head Guy on Weds. The Crooked Web from 1955.


  14. mike hawks says:

    Richard Denning with ? and then Mr.? followed by Roy Gordon.


  15. Sheila says:

    Vince Barnett on Tuesday, Richard Denning as back-of-head guy?


  16. Gary says:

    Wlfrid Hyde White. BOHG looks like Richard Denning.


  17. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Is back of the head guy Richard Denning?


  18. Thom and Megan says:

    Our movie is The Crooked Web with Richard Denning and John Mylong for today, and Judy Clark and Vince Barnett for Tuesday.


  19. Mary Mallory says:

    George Cisar, John Mylong, and Harry Lauter.


  20. Mary Mallory says:

    Harry Dyrenforth playing the accordion.


  21. Floyd Thursby says:

    Thursday we have Harry Lauter in “The Crooked Web.”


  22. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    George Cisor; John Mylong; Harry Lauter.


  23. mike hawks says:

    George Cisar, John Mylong and Harry Lauter.


  24. Gary says:

    How about The 49th Man.


  25. tucsonbarbara says:

    “The Crooked Web”

    Mon – John Hart
    Tues – Judy Clark
    Wed – Steven Ritch, Richard Denning
    Thurs – George Cisar, John Mylong, Harry Lauter


  26. Patrick says:

    Harry Lauter today; expect to see Richard Denning, Frank Lovejoy and Mari Blanchard tomorrow. The Crooked Web from 1955.


  27. Rogét-L.A. says:

    George Cisar, John Mylong and Harry Lauter in The Crooked Web (1955)


  28. Mary Mallory says:

    I need to see this movie if it has locations like the Vista! Vince Barnett along with Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard, and Richard Denning.


  29. tucsonbarbara says:

    Fri – Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard, and Richard Denning


  30. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Frank Lovejoy; Mari Blanchard.


  31. mike hawks says:

    Here is a better shot of Vince Barnett followed by Frank Lovejoy, Mari Blanchard and of course Richard Denning.


  32. Gary says:

    The Crooked Web. RD with Frank Lovejoy. In January 1959 in Miami I had the great pleasure of appearing in the play A Hole in the Head with Frank Lovejoy and his wife Joan Banks. It was my first professional experience. They took me under their wing and made me feel so welcome to the world of actors. At one time he took me aside and explained timing to me. He said I had the funniest line in the play and that if I had the timing I would bring the house down. That night upon my delivery of the line, as instructed, a great roar filled the theater. After the curtain call he said, with a great smile: See…I was right.


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