Black Dahlia: Leslie Dillon, Paul De River and the LAPD – Part 4

Feb. 24, 1949, Leslie Dillon
Feb. 24, 1949, Leslie Dillon
Feb. 24, 1949: Leslie Dillon files a claim against the city of Los Angeles for the LAPD’s massive screw-up in the Dahlia case. And yes, he collected.


Dear [redacted], a Comcast user from Spokane, Wash.

I’ll say it again: Leslie Dillon was in San Francisco when Elizabeth Short was killed, as investigators established beyond question through an exhaustive inquiry — and I mean exhaustive. Everything else is window dressing.

Executive summary on Piu Eatwell’s “Black Dahlia, Red Rose”: Brit writer stumbles into mass of disorganized documents and makes an elementary mistake, deciding that a suspect who was cleared in the 1940s was part of a massive conspiracy and coverup involving the police and “organized crime.”

The Black Dahlia: Leslie Dillon, Paul De River and the LAPD: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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2 Responses to Black Dahlia: Leslie Dillon, Paul De River and the LAPD – Part 4

  1. Eve says:

    Champing (“chomping?”) at the bit for your book.


  2. Dr Ian Ellis-Jones says:

    ‘Leslie Dillon was in San Francisco when Elizabeth Short was killed, as investigators established beyond question through an exhaustive inquiry — and I mean exhaustive.’ Is that truly the case? My understanding–certainly not as great as yours–is that Leslie Dillon had one or more witnesses (in-laws?) who were prepared to say that Dillon was in San Francisco on the day/night in question. But did investigators really determine, beyond any doubt, that Dillon was in SF? True, he had been there before the critical time in question, but was he really there on the day/night of the killing? Where is the evidence for your assertion which you have made forcefully in many places? This is not a criticismof your work. I have found everything you’ve written extremely helpful and fascinating and Piu Eatwell’s thesis is hard to swallow, I admit. I would love to see evidence (and not just an inference or an alibi) that Dillon was in SF when Elizabeth Short was killed. Many thanks and best wishes from Sydney, Australia.


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