Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

May 27, 2017, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1937 Paramount film “True Confession,” with Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray, John Barrymore, Una Merkel, Porter Hall, Edgar Kennedy and Lynne Overman. It was produced by Albert Lewin, from a screenplay by Claude Binyon based on a play by Louis Verneuil and Georges Berr. Musical direction was by Boris Morros from a score by Frederick Hollander. Photography was by Ted Tetzlaff, art direction by Hans Dreier and Robert Usher, costumes by Travis Banton and interior decorations by A.E Freudeman. The film was directed by Wesley Ruggles.

It is available on DVD from Amazon.

Dec. 16, 1937, True Confession
Dec. 16, 1937: “True Confession” opens in Los Angeles at the Paramount.

Writing in the Los Angeles Times (Dec. 17, 1937), Edwin Schallert said:

It’s one of the craziest of crazy pictures, with John Barrymore outdoing even the feminine star in his parade of utter insanity and madness. Audiences will find plenty of scope for laughs. There is much that is genuinely funny in this harum-scarum comedy “epic.” Occasionally it may be a bit strained, but everybody has worked to the utmost, it is evidence, to provide a highly amusing dish for audiences.

Writing in the New York Times (Dec. 19, 1937), Frank S. Nugent uses the film as the occasion for a long essay on Lombard’s comedic gifts, saying: “There may be no critics’ award for Miss Lombard and no golden statuette from the Academy, but my favorite carol this Christmas is Lombard.

May 22, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery gent

Update: This is Garry Owen.

May 23, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have another mystery gent.

Update: This is Tom Dugan.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Monday’s mystery gent), Don Danard (Monday’s mystery gent), Mike Hawks (Monday’s mystery gent) and Mark Vieira, who identified the mystery movie, mystery guest and the director of photography’s lighting style. Most impressive.

My 24, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Wednesday, we have this mystery gent. He is talking to our leading lady, who will appear Friday.

Update: This is John T. Murray.

Brain Trust roll call: Patrick (Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests), Don Danard (Tuesday’s mystery guest), B.J. Merholz (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery guest), Anne Papineau (Monday’s mystery guest), Sheila (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Gary Martin (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests), David Inman (Tuesday’s mystery guest) and Bob Hansen (Tuesday’s mystery guest).

May 25, 2017, Mystery Photo
For Thursday, we have mystery balloon guy ….

Update: This is John Barrymore.

May 25, 2017, Mystery Photo

… and an unamused mystery bartender.

Update: This is Lynne Overman.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Dan Nather (Tuesday’s mystery gent) and Patrick (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery gent).

May 26, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Friday, we have two unamused mystery ladies.

Update: This is Una Merkel and Carole Lombard.

May 26, 2017, Mystery Photo
And also our mystery leading man.

Update: This is Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray.

Brain Trust roll call: Don Danard (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Patrick (Thursday’s mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests),  Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Thursday’s mystery unamused bartender).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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54 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Mary Mallory says:

    Osgood Perkins.


  2. Sheila says:

    Arthur Hohl?


  3. Don Danard says:

    Monday’s Mystery Man is Gary Owen.


  4. Mike Hawks says:

    Garry Owen.


  5. Benito says:

    Looks like John McCallum, who was in MIRANDA 1948. He may have impregnated a lovely mermaid!


  6. says:

    Garry Owen in Flying Devils


    • says:

      I think it’s Garry Owen from True Confession. The edge lighting looks like Ted Tetzlaff’s work. Now mind you, I haven’t seen the film since 1981, and that was in a 16mm print from Universal 16. But I know Tetzlaff’s lighting style very well: heavy diffusion and strong kickers.


  7. Patrick says:

    Monday = Garry Owen, Tuesday = Tom Dugan.


  8. Don Danard says:

    Tuesday’s Mystery Man is Tom Dugan.


  9. Chrisbo says:

    Tuesday’s gent looks like Ted Healy.


  10. Tom Dugan in TRUE CONFESSION (1937).


  11. Anne Papineau says:

    On Monday, Garry Owen?


  12. Sheila says:

    Tom Dugan for Tuesday.


  13. Gary Martin says:

    Tuesday is Tom Dugan


  14. Lee Ann, Megan, and Thom says:

    Monday is Garry Owen, and today is Tom Dugan. Not sure which movie yet.


  15. David Inman says:

    Tom Dugan today.


  16. Bob Hansen says:

    I think Tuesday’s guy is Tom Dugan.


  17. Don Danard says:

    Today’s Mystery Man resembles a young Richard Lane.


  18. Dan Nather says:

    Well, I know Tuesday’s gent is Tom Dugan, but beyond that, I’m stumped . . .


  19. Diane Ely says:

    Paul Douglas on Wednesday?


  20. Dan Nather says:

    Ralf Harolde today?


  21. Patrick says:

    Wednesday = John T. Murray in True Confession from 1937.


  22. Don Danard says:

    The unamused Bartender is Lynne Overman.


  23. Patrick says:

    Thursday = John Barrymore and Lynne Overman.


  24. John Barrymore, Lynne Overman.


  25. Gary Martin says:

    I think this might be Big City with Spencer Tracey, William Demarest, and the previously mentioned Tom Dugan. Monday is driving me crazy. I know him but …


  26. Dan Nather says:

    Got it now! John Barrymore and Lynne Overman from TRUE CONFESSION (1937).


  27. Lee Ann, Megan, and Thom says:

    Today’s mystery is Lynne Overman in True Confession.


  28. Gary Martin says:

    Una Merkle, Carol Lombard and Fred Mac Murray and my all time favorite Toby Wing True Confession?


  29. Mary Mallory says:

    TRUE CONFESSION. Tom Dugan Tuesday, John T. Murray Wednesday, Lynne Overman bartender Thursday, Una Merkel with Carole Lombard, and then Lombard with MacMurray.


  30. Una Merkel, Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray.


  31. beachgal says:

    True Confession (’37) – one of Lombard’s worst films.


  32. beachgal says:

    Friday is Una Merke and Carole Lombard with Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray on the last photo


  33. beachgal says:

    Thurs barkeep is Lynne Overman


  34. beachgal says:

    Thurs balloon guy must be John Barrymore


  35. Sue Slutzky says:

    I finally got around to this week’s mystery movie: Monday: Garry Owen, Tuesday: Tom Dugan, Wednesday: John T. Murray, Thursday: John Barrymore with balloon, Lynne Overman, Friday: Una Merkel, Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray. The movie is “True Confession” from 1937. Side note: Former child star Baby Peggy had an uncredited role as an extra.


  36. Mike Hawks says:

    Back from having no site access. Tom Dugan, John T. Murray, John Barrymore, Lynne Overman, Una Merkel, Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray in TRUE CONFESSION.


  37. beachgal says:

    Tues is Tom Dugan


  38. beachgal says:

    Monday is Garry Owen


  39. beachgal says:

    Wed is John T. Murray


  40. mandymarie20 says:

    Oh, Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray on Friday. Love them!


  41. mandymarie20 says:

    Since Fred has a ‘stache, the film has to be True Confession


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