Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

June 11, 2016, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1937 MGM picture “Night Must Fall,” with Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell, Dame May Whitty, Alan Marshal, Merle Tottenham and Kathleen Harrison, ominous music by Edward Ward, photographed by Ray June, directed by Richard Thorpe and produced by Hunt Stromberg.  The  screenplay by John Van Druten was based on the play by Emlyn Williams,  who also directed the Broadway and London versions and starred as Dan (renamed Danny in the film).  Williams, who died in 1987, wrote about two dozen plays including, “The Corn Is Green.” His New York Times obituary is here.

“Night Must Fall” received 64 performances on Broadway in 1936 with Whitty as Mrs. Bramson and was revived in 1999 with a cast that included Matthew Broderick.

Frank S. Nugent of the New York Times wrote (April 30, 1937): “The picture is a sober, evenly modulated and definitely (sorry, Mr. Funk) unusual melodrama, sentiently directed and remarkably well-played.”

Nugent said of Rosalind Russell: “nor has Miss Russell been altogether convincing as the murder-hypnotized niece. Possibly a less aggressive, more mouse-like person would have suited the role better. I felt this part of the film lacked persuasion.”

Edwin Schallert of the Los Angeles Times wrote (May 6, 1937): ” ‘Night Must Fall’ is a thriller at Grauman’s Chinese and Loew’s State theaters, one of the strongest and most uncompromising features of its type…. Much has been lavished on this picture to make it worthwhile and clearly it is a rare novelty — outstanding in that respect during the season.” The film was co-billed Laurel and Hardy’s “Way Out West.

In the past, I have avoided movies that recently aired on TCM, but since I cut back on cable in January, I stopped following TCM’s (rather repetitive) programming. Evidently “Night Must Fall” aired Wednesday, but I had no idea.

“Night Must Fall” is available on DVD from Warner Archive for $16.99.


A program from the 1935 London production of “Night Must Fall” is available on EBay for 2.62 pounds.

June 6, 2016, Mystery Movie

For Monday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Merle Tottenham.


June 7, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have another mystery woman.

Update: This is Kathleen Harrison.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and mystery woman) and Jenny M. (mystery movie and mystery woman).

June 8, 2016, mystery photo

And for Wednesday, we have the third mystery woman in this mystery household.

Update: This is Dame May Whitty.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Tuesday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (Tuesday’s mystery woman) and Jenny M. (Tuesday’s mystery woman).

June 9, 2016, Mystery Photo


For Thursday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Rosalind Russell, doing her best to look plain.

Brain Trust roll call: Chrisbo (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Jenny M. (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and mystery guests), Candy Cassell (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery woman), Anne Papineau (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Victor H. Brown (Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery women), David Inman (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Sheila (mystery movie and mystery guests) and  Dan Nather (Wednesday’s mystery woman).

June 10, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Friday, we have a mystery gent and a rather mysterious piece of luggage. For some reason, a persistent officer of the law is making tiresome inquiries as to its contents.

Update: This is Robert Montgomery.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery woman), B.J. Merholz (mystery movie), Jenny M. (Thursday’s mystery woman), Gary Martin (mystery movie and mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery woman), Anne Papineau (Thursday’s mystery woman), Beachgal (mystery movie and mystery guests), Benito (Thursday’s mystery woman), Sarah (mystery movie), Roget-L.A. (Thursday’s mystery woman), David Inman (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery woman), Candy Cassell (Thursday’s mystery woman), L.C. (mystery movie and mystery cast) and Dan Nather (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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57 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Merle Tottenham in NIGHT MUST FALL (1937).


  2. Gary Martin says:

    Dorothy Adams.


  3. Mike Hawks says:

    Merle Tottenham in NIGHT MUST FALL 1937.


  4. amycondit says:

    Is it Sara Haden?


  5. Chrisbo says:

    Looks like a young Anne Revere.


  6. Jenny M says:

    Merle Tottenham Night Must Fall (1937)


  7. Sheila says:

    Eily Malyon?


  8. Mike Hawks says:

    Kathleen Harrison.


  9. Jenny M says:

    Kathleen Harrison


  10. Gary Martin says:

    Joyce Grenfield


  11. Chrisbo says:

    Dame May Whitty on Wednesday?


  12. Dame May Whitty was in the London and New York stage presentations of NIGHT MUST FALL. Mathew Boulton was in all three. Kathleen Harrison originated her role in London but did not go to Broadway.


  13. Jenny M says:

    Dame May Whitty


  14. Mike Hawks says:

    Don’t lose your head Dame May Whitty.


  15. Mary Mallory says:

    Dame May Whitty today.


  16. Candy Cassell says:

    Today´s lady is the marvelous Dame May Whitty. She featured in so many of my favorite movies — Suspicion, Gaslight, The Lady Vanishes, Bill of Divorcement, and she was the magnificent rose grower Lady Belden in Mrs. Miniver.


  17. Sarah says:

    Wednesday is Julia Dean (I’m quite a Val Lewton fan).


  18. Anne Papineau says:

    Dame Mae Witty on Wednesday.


  19. Tuesday seems an odd shot of Kathleen Harrison. Wednesday could be Dame May Whitty.


  20. David Inman says:

    Dame May Whitty today?


  21. Sheila says:

    Merle Tottenham, Kathleen Harrison, Dame May Whitty in ‘Night Must Fall.’


  22. Mary Mallory says:

    NIGHT MUST FALL (this was just on TCM the other day). Kathleen Harrison Monday and Merle Tottenham Tuesday.


  23. Dan Nather says:

    That’s Dame May Whitty today (Wednesday), but this film has me buffaloed . . .


  24. Candy Cassell says:

    This week´s movie is ¨Night Must Fall.¨ I know because I am (unintentionally) cheating … I am watching it as I type, because I DVR´d it from Turner Classic Movies earlier this afternoon. (Coincidence, Larry? I think not!) So will tomorrow be Rosalind Russell or Robert Montgomery?


  25. Mary Mallory says:

    Rosalind russell today.


  26. B.J.Merholz says:

    Night Must Fall


  27. Jenny M says:

    Rosalind Russell


  28. Gary Martin says:

    The lady, Dame May Whitty, vanishes and turns up In Night Must Fall with Beryl Mercer, Merle Tottenham, and Roz (Russell, for those of you still mystified.).


  29. Mike Hawks says:

    Where did Rosalind Russell get those glasses.


  30. Anne Papineau says:

    Rob Russell in “Night Must Fall”


  31. beachgal says:

    Roz Russell on Thurs


  32. Benito says:

    Today Rosalind Russell looks frumpadelic


  33. Sarah says:

    Let me try again. The movie is “Night Must Fall” (1937).


  34. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Is Thursday’s mystery woman Rosalind Russell?


  35. David Inman says:

    Today is Rosalind Russell, and that makes this “Night Must Fall.”


  36. Candy Cassell says:

    Rosalind Russell was so beautiful and glamorous in “real life”, but in Hollywood “reel life” she was almost always dressed down. The message was that brainy capable women were plain. Good that she had roles like “Auntie Mame” to flaunt some style!


  37. beachgal says:

    Wen is probably May Whitty


  38. beachgal says:

    Monday is Merle Tottenham


  39. LC says:

    It’s Night Must Fall (1937) w/Rosalind Russell, Dame May Witty, & Robert Montgomery


  40. Dan Nather says:

    That’s Rosalind Russell on Thursday, which means the film is NIGHT MUST FALL (1937), a film I haven’t revisited for years and years . . . or else I would have guessed it by now!


  41. Mary Mallory says:

    Robert Montgomery today. I’ve seen the play, but never the movie.


  42. beachgal says:

    Friday is Rbt. Montgomery


  43. Earl Boebert says:

    Good grief, “Night Must Fall.” A bowdlerized version was our high school senior play. My part (Hubert) was written out of the movie 😦

    Still a competent thriller.


  44. Mike Hawks says:

    Robert Montgomery has a special fetish.


  45. Charles Kjelland says:

    Robert Montgomery today, Ingrid Bergman yesterday, Rage in Heaven? Don’t know the others.


  46. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Robert Montgomery on Friday. Don’t know the movie.


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