Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

May 28, 2016, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1932 Warner Bros. – First National Picture “Silver Dollar,” with Edward G. Robinson, Bebe Daniels, Aline MacMahon, DeWitt Jennings, Robert Warwick, Russell Simpson, Harry Holman, Charles Middleton, Emmett Corrigan, Christian Rub, Lee Kohlmar, Wade Boteler and William LeMaire. It was directed by Alfred E. Green, from a screenplay by Carl Erickson and Harvey Thew based on a book by David Karsner. It was photographed by James Van Trees, edited by George Marks, with art direction by Robert Haas, gowns by Orry-Kelly and silks by the Cheney Brothers.

Dec. 29, 1932, 'Silver Dollar'
Dec. 29, 1932, “Silver Dollar” opens in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Times movie critic Edwin Schallert said (Oct. 31, 1932) after a preview performance:

it might be worthwhile momentarily to turn the spotlight on that remarkable series of impersonations offered by Edward G. Robinson which have most recently been topped off with his Yates Martin in “Silver Dollar.” Coming as it does after his characterization of a Portuguese seaman in “Tiger Shark,” it exhibits in striking relief his versatility….There was a time when it was thought that the Robinson gamut would be limited simply to gangsters, but he has progressed out of that sphere and shown that almost any human type is within his range.

Mordaunt Hall wrote in the New York Times (Dec. 23, 1932):

With the names of the principal characters changed, evidently because of the taking of a pardonable pictorial license, the Warner Brothers have produced an intelligent and interesting film from David Karsner’s book, “Silver Dollar,” a narrative of the meteoric career of H. A. W. Tabor, known to his Colorado associates as Haw Tabor. The screen translation, in which Edward G. Robinson gave a conspicuously able performance in the leading rôle, was presented last night at Warner’s Strand.

As several members of the Brain Trust noted, this story was the inspiration for Gerald Moore’s opera “The Ballad of Baby Doe,” with a libretto by John Latouche, which has never been done by the Met. It premiered in 1956 at Central City Opera House in Colorado, was performed by Lyric Opera of Chicago in 1960, in Santa Fe in 1961, and in the 2000-2001 season by San Francisco Opera. It was more recently performed in 2009 by Berkeley Opera.

“Silver Dollar” is not commercially available on DVD or VHS.

May 23, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Niles Welch.

May 24, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have two mystery dandies.

Update: This is Russell Simpson and Harry Holman.

Brain Trust roll call: Mike Hawks (Monday’s mystery gent) and Howard Mandelbaum (Monday’s mystery gent). Apologies to Howard, I overlooked his answer earlier in the week!

May 25, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Wednesday, we have a mystery girl.

Update: This is Bonita Granville.

Brain Trust roll call: Sheila (Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery guests), Don Danard (one of Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Chrisbo (one of Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Anne Papineau (one of Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Floyd Thursby (one of Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery dandies), Patrick (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery dandies) and Gary Martin (one of Tuesday’s mystery dandies).

Dan Nather (half credit — he’s in the mystery movie, but has another role).

May 26, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Thursday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Bebe Daniels.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery girl), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery girl), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery girl — alas, no, on Monday’s mystery chap), Jenny M. (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery girl),  Bob Hansen (Wednesday’s mystery girl) and LC (mystery movie and mystery cast).


And for Friday…..

And this is Edward G. Robinson as Yates Martin, hallucinating in his opera house near the end of the film.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery woman and bonus points for the opera based on the same story), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery woman), Jenny M. (Thursday’s mystery woman), Sheila (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery girl, Thursday’s mystery woman) and Bob Hansen (Thursday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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52 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Sheila says:

    Jason Robards Sr.?


  2. Mike Hawks says:

    Looks like Niles Welch.


  3. aryedirect says:

    If George Jessel was every young (doubtful), he might have looked like him.


  4. Jenny M says:

    Edmund Lowe


  5. David Inman says:

    Donald Woods today?


  6. Ed says:

    Fredrick March


  7. Sheila says:

    Russell Simpson and Harry Holman?


  8. Mary Mallory says:

    Russell Simpson on the left.


  9. Mike Hawks says:

    Russell Simpson and Harry Holman fill out the cast of SILVER DOLLAR.


  10. Don Danard says:

    It’s Russell Simpson on the left of the photo but don’t know the other chap,


  11. Chrisbo says:

    Is that Russell Simpson on the left on Tuesday?


  12. Dan Nather says:

    Can’t place Monday’s gent, but Tuesday’s picture gives me a little more to work with. I’m guessing Gene Lockhart on the right, and I’ve narrowed the gent on the left with the phony whiskers (did anybody check the carpet in the cafeteria?) down to two possibilities. For now, I’ll guess Charles Middleton . . .


  13. Benito says:

    Victor Jory on the left today? Looks like a mutt n jeff situation


  14. David Inman says:

    Charley Grapewin on the left today?


  15. Anne Papineau says:

    Russell Simpson appears to be one of the dandies on Tuesday.


  16. Floyd Thursby says:

    Mr. Tuesday on the left looks mighty like Russell Simpson while the other fellow looks like a relative of Dana Elcar.


  17. Sarah says:

    For Monday I’ll guess Alan Baxter.


  18. Niles Welch as William Jennings Bryan in SILVER DOLLAR.
    Today: Russell Simpson & Harry Holman


  19. Patrick says:

    I think Tuesday’s dapper gents are Russell Simpson and Harry Holman in Silver Dollar from 1932.


  20. Gary Martin says:

    Tuesday: Russell Simpson and what’s his name …not Percy Kelton or Edgar Buchanan but…


  21. Mary Mallory says:

    Bonita Granville?


  22. Mike Hawks says:

    Bonita Granville.


  23. I’m switching Monday’s vote to Robert Warwick. Today it’s Bonita Granville.


  24. Anne Papineau says:

    Tuesday reminds me of Betty Jane Graham, but I have my doubts.


  25. Jenny M says:

    Bonita Granville in Silver Dollar.


  26. Bob Hansen says:

    I think Wednesday’s young lady is Bonita Granville. I have no clue what the movie is.


  27. LC says:

    Silver Dollar ’32 w/Edward G. Robinson, Bonita Granville, Bebe Daniels, Aline MacMahon…


  28. Mary Mallory says:

    Bebe Daniels in a blonde wig.


  29. Bebe Daniels as Lily, based on the real-life Baby Doe Tabor, subject of the Douglas Moore opera, THE BALLAD OF BABY DOE.


  30. Mike Hawks says:

    Bebe Daniels is not looking so good in this shot.


  31. Jenny M says:

    Bebe Daniels


  32. Sheila says:

    Wednesday is Bonita Granville, Thursday is Bebe Daniels, ‘Silver Dollar’.


  33. Bob Hansen says:

    Thursday’s woman MIGHT be Bebe Daniels.


  34. Mary Mallory says:

    Good old Eddie G. Robinson today, playing an old man.


  35. mandymarie20 says:

    A little Edward G. Robinson for Friday.


  36. Gary Martin says:

    This is Edward G Robinson so the film would be Silver Dollar. In 1957 I worked for the summer at the Teller House Hotel in Central City Colorado. It is famous for having painted on the barroom floor the face of Baby Doe Tabor. It was in the elegant dining room upstairs where I bussed the table seating Glenn Ford, Gerry Page, and Van Heflin …if you recall that mystery film some time back. Sooner or later all things are related. I anticipate that Judgement Day will be the quintessential homecoming.


  37. Mike Hawks says:

    Our star of the week, Edward G. Robinson


  38. Friday it’s Edward G Robinson and maybe the film is Barbary Coast. All week I’ve been baffled by the fact that Tuesday’s dandies were not Huck Finn con men. They look perfect for the parts.


  39. Benito says:

    Saw a MAVERICK episode titled The Money Machine this week. Two characters resembling Russell Simpson and friend wore the exact same hats. I’m so confused…


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