Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)


Wicked as They Come
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1956 Columbia picture “Wicked as They Come,” with Arlene Dahl, Phil Carey, Herbert Marshall, Michael Goodliffe, Ralph Truman, Sidney James, David Kossoff, Faith Brook and Frederick Valk. The screenplay was by Ken Hughes (who also directed), from a story by Robert Westerby and Sigmund Miller based on the novel “Portrait in Smoke” by Bill Ballinger. Music was by Malcolm Arnold, conducted by Muir Mathieson.

The movie opened in Los Angeles on Jan. 16, 1957, as the second half of a double bill with “Nightfall,” starring Brian Keith and Anne Bancroft, at the RKO Hillstreet and Whittier theaters, and at local drive-ins. (Yes, drive-ins in January).

As far as I can determine, it has never been commercially released on DVD or VHS.


The Los Angeles Times’ Philip K. Scheuer described the films as “just plain good screen storytelling.” And reflecting the era of newspapers, Scheuer says the plot involves Dahl’s character’s “mishandling by hoodlums  when a child,” because you cannot say “rape” in a 1950s newspaper.

Jan. 17, 1957, “Wicked as They Come” plays in Los Angeles.

In March 1957, Dahl sued Columbia over images used to promote the film, stating that they were “obscene, suggestive, compromising, false, deceptive, defamatory and constitute an “indecent exposure of a figure said to be mine,” according to the New York Times.
A promotional still of Dahl in “Wicked as They Come.” Presumably this is the type of composite photo she was complaining about.

Dahl said a photograph of her face had been pasted onto images of “exceedingly undraped female forms” and said she never posed for such pictures. “Any decent, self-respecting woman would object to these composite pictures,” Dahl said.

The suit was dismissed by a judge.

A French poster for “Wicked as They Come” listed on EBay for 70 Euros.



And for Monday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Marvin Kane.

April 26, 2016, mystery photo


For Tuesday, we have a mystery gent. I have crudely removed a poster in the background that, with the aid of Google, would quickly reveal the name of our mystery movie.

Update: This is David Kossoff.

Victor H. Brown and Gary Martin were right in the sense that this is not an American film. But because they named actual people, I felt I had to score them wrong.

April 27, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, we have another mystery gent.

Update: This is Sidney James.

Brain Trust roll call: Jenny M (mystery movie and mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery guests), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Tuesday’s mystery guest) and Victor H. Brown (Tuesday’s mystery guest, wrong movie).

April 28, 2016, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, another mystery gentleman.

Update: This is Phil Carey.

Brain Trust roll call: B.J. Merholz (mystery movie and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests), Jenny M. (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Victor H. Brown (Wednesday’s mystery guest, wrong movie),  Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Patrick (Wednesday’s mystery guest), David Inman (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Floyd Thursby (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Gary Martin (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (mystery movie, Monday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests),  LC (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Alan Warren (Wednesday’s mystery guest) and Nigel K (Wednesday’s mystery guest, wrong movie).

April 29, 2016, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, we have our mystery leading lady, being photobombed by a mystery nun.

Update: This is Arlene Dahl.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery gent), Sheila (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Maricatrin (mystery movie, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Victor H. Brown (mystery movie, Monday’s and Thursday’s mystery gents), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery gents), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery gent), Patrick (mystery movie, mystery guests), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery guest), Barbara Klein (mystery movie, mystery guests), Benito (Thursday’s mystery guest, wrong movie), Jenny M. (Thursday’s mystery guest), Gary Martin (mystery movie and mystery guests) and Alan Warren (Thursday’s mystery guest).

Google Image Search Fail

Google will be of no help to you.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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56 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Gary Martin says:

    Sniff. Sniff. England. 1950 …1946 …Celia Johnson…sniff …sniff …sniff


  2. As this is certainly an English street scene I’m encouraged to have a guess that it’s Anthony Valentine.


  3. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Tony Lo Bianco?


  4. Bruce says:

    Looks a bit like former third baseman Gary Gaetti, but I’ll bet I’m wrong, since he was born in 1958.


  5. Gary Martin says:

    I know it is Tuesday but this man certainly reminds me of Anton Walbrook …who by the way is buried next to Kay Kendell up in Hampstead.


  6. Jenny M says:

    Monday is Marvin Kane, Tuesday is David Kossoff in Wicked as They Come.


  7. Marvin Kane in WICKED AS THEY COME. Today: David Kossoff.


  8. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Tuesday’s star is David Kossoff.


  9. Tuesday is the remarkably versatile David Kossoff and the movie may be The Good Beginning.


  10. Not quite sure this post worked so here goes again. Tuesday it’s the remarkably versatile David Kossoff and could the movie be The Good Beginning?


  11. Anne Papineau says:

    I don’t know the name of the movie but could try to construct a story based upon the first two images.


  12. B.J. Merholz says:

    Sidney James today and David Kossoff yesterday are probably as Wicked as they come.


  13. Jenny M says:

    Sidney James.


  14. Wednesday is Sidney James and the movie must be A Kid For Two Farthings. I’m kicking myself because I just watched this last week but didn’t recognise the Monday’s scene.


  15. Don Danard says:

    Today’s Mystery Man is British actor Sid James. He was in a bunch of the “Carry On” features.


  16. Patrick says:

    Mystery gent for Wednesday is Sid James.


  17. David Inman says:

    Sidney James today.


  18. Floyd Thursby says:

    Sid James for Wednesday.


  19. Gary Martin says:

    Sid James.


  20. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Is Wednesday’s mug Sidney James?


  21. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Monday’s gentleman is Marvin Kane, and the movie is Wicked as They Come.


  22. LC says:

    Wednesday is Sid James.


  23. Alan Warren says:

    April 27 Sid James


  24. Nigel K says:

    Well that looks like the late, great Sid James in The Small Back Room, an early Powell and Pressburger film (known as Hour of Glory in the US). But I might be worng.


  25. Mary Mallory says:

    Phillip Carey today.


  26. Sheila says:

    Sid James on Wednesday.


  27. Maricatrin says:

    I think the Thursday mystery gentleman is Philip Carey.


  28. Movie is Wicked As They Come. Mr Monday is Marvin Kane and Thursday is Philip Carey.


  29. Mike Hawks says:

    Sidney James yesterday and Phil Carey today make this WICKED AS THEY COME 1956.


  30. Patrick says:

    Marvin Kane, David Kossoff, Sid James and Philip Carey in Wicked as They Come from 1956.


  31. Don Danard says:

    A young Philip Carey today.


  32. Barbara Klein says:

    “Wicked as They Come”

    Marvin Kane, David Kossoff, Sid James, Phil Carey


  33. Maricatrin says:

    The Wednesday mystery gent is Sid James.


  34. Charles Kjelland says:

    Hugh Marlowe today? Yesterday looks like Lee J Cobb.


  35. Benito says:

    Philip Carey today. Guessing the movie is PUSHOVER


  36. Jenny M says:

    Philip Carey


  37. Gary Martin says:

    In order: Marvin Kane, David Kossoff, Sid James, and Phillip Carey in Wicked As They Come.


  38. Maricatrinin says:

    Judging by the two actors I identified earlier, the movie must be Wicked as They Come (1956), aka Portrait in Smoke? Tuesday mystery guest is probably David Kossoff. Still have no idea who the Monday man is. He looks like someone I’ve seen on the Untouchables, but if it is indeed a British film, I don’t see how that could be.


  39. Alan Warren says:

    Thursday’s mystery guest: Phil Carey.


  40. Mary Mallory says:



  41. Mike Hawks says:

    Arlene Dahl adds some visual spice to friday.


  42. Barbara Klein says:

    Arlene Dahl


  43. Jenny M says:

    Arlene Dahl


  44. Maricatrin says:

    I think the lady is Arlene Dahl. looking a lot like Phyllis Kirk.


  45. LC says:

    Wicked As They Come (1956)w/Rhonda Fleming, Herbert Marshall, Philip Carey, Sid James


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