Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This week’s mystery production was the 1961 “Perry Mason” episode “The Case of the Envious Editor,” which deals with the publisher (James Coburn) of a magazine company who tries to boost its declining circulation by pandering to the lowest common denominator with sexually oriented material. And things go horribly wrong – at least for him.

“The Case of the Envious Editor” was directed by Laslo Benedek and written by Milton Krims. The story consultant was Jackson Gillis.  It starred series regulars Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper and Ray Collins, and guests Philip Abbott, James H. Coburn, Paul Lambert, H.M. Wynant, Barbara Lawrence, Jennifer Howard, Vinton Hayworth, Sara Shane, S. John Launer, Sid Tomack, Dave Willock, Jim Drum, Virginia Carroll, Paul Power, Donna Hayes, Harry Hollins and (although I looked for him in vain) George E. Stone.  Director of photography was Frank Redman and art direction was by Robert G. Stone.

Mystery Photo, Aug. 29, 2015
No more pictures of missiles! “Women’s Viewpoint will deal frankly with sex from the point of view of the woman….”

Mystery Photo, Aug. 29, 2015
“Aitken’s Home Magazine will concern itself with the place where it presents its greatest problem.”

Mystery Photo, Aug. 29, 2015
“And Aitken’s Weekly will concentrate on exposing its scandalous results.”

Aug. 24, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Barbara Lawrence.





Anne Papineau asked if this was a Marly Horse. I have no idea, but here is a better shot of it.

Marly Horses
Here’s an image of a pair of Marly Horses from Christie’s. We seem to have a mystery Marly Horse indeed.
Aug. 25, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have another mystery woman.

Update: This is Sara Shane.

Please congratulate Howard Mandelbaum (mystery production, mystery woman), Julie Merholz (mystery production, mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery woman), Sarah (mystery production, mystery woman — and bonus points for a detailed plot summary!), William (mystery woman), Dewey Webb (mystery woman), Norman Desmond (mystery woman), Lee Ann, Thom and Megan (mystery production, mystery woman), LC (mystery production, mystery woman) and Xavier (mystery woman).



For Wednesday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Paul Lambert.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I should say that this week’s mystery production is a long-delayed request. After Westerns, which reign supreme, this TV show ranks as the No. 2 in requests for a mystery feature.

If nothing else, the  hard lighting and sharp shadows should reveal that this is a television production and not a film.


Here is Monday’s mystery woman. Look at the shadow cast by her head. And the shadow cast by the mystery Marly Horse. You would never see this in a movie – at least I hope not. This is TV lighting.

Please congratulate Jenny M (mystery TV series, mystery woman), Julie Merholz (mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery woman) and Xavier (mystery production, Tuesday’s mystery woman).


Aug. 27, 2015, Mystery Photo

OK, it’s Thursday. Let’s have some fun. Our mystery African American doesn’t appear to be in IMDB, so this is a bonus question.


Aug. 27, 2015, Mystery Photo

Here’s a mystery photographer with a twin-lens reflex. Very old school.

Update: This is Sid Tomack.

Aug. 27, 2015, Mystery Photo

It’s Oh Him!

Update: This is, of course, Dave Willock.

Aug. 27, 2015, Mystery Photo

And Dist. Atty. Oh Him. (The previous district attorney was busted at a nude pot party in West Hollywood — very awkward for this show.)

Update: This is H.M. Wynant.

Aug. 27, 2015, Mystery Photo

And finally, Judge Oh Him.

This is S. John Launer.

Please congratulate Julie Merholz (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Mike Hawks (mystery production and Tuesday’s mystery guest), Earl Boebert (mystery production and Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests),  Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Jenny M (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Dewey Webb (mystery TV series, wrong episode), William (mystery production and Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests) and Charles Kjelland (mystery production and mystery guests).

Earl Boebert sends along a drinking game based on this TV series, which I will post Saturday.

Aug. 28, 2015, Mystery Photo

Update: James H. Coburn.

And for Friday, well I’m a sucker for prop newspapers. This one is the Los Angeles Chronicle. The Seven Star indicates that it is the seventh edition of the paper. Now we have one.

Six stories above the fold. And the headlines: Building Code Under Fire. Plane Lost a Year Ago in Andes Still Untraced. Jury System Denounced. American Mining Expert Asks British Citizenship. Court Seeks Adjournment.

I think we know where this is going.

Update: This is how I first experienced Ray Collins – as Lt. Arthur Tragg, the detective who never gets anything right, in “Perry Mason.” Collins lived four more years after this episode, but I can’t say he looks all that healthy.

Aug. 28, 2015, Mystery Photo

No Starbucks in those days, kids. If you were a hot-shot defense attorney you used real cups and saucers. And in the background, City Hall.

William Hopper, Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, plus Sara Shane and Philip Abbott.

Please congratulate Dewey Webb (right series, wrong episode), Mary Mallory (mystery production, mystery guests),  Julie Merholz (Thursday’s mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Karen in Austin (mystery production, mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Benito (Thursday’s mystery district attorney), Beach Gal (mystery production and guests) and Valley Dave (mystery production and mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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64 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. John Jarosz says:

    Barbara Rush


  2. juliemerholz says:

    Marsha Hunt


  3. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    It looks like later Barbara Lawrence. Are you getting sly and dipping into Perry Mason episodes?


  4. juliemerholz says:

    Barbara Lawrence


  5. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Perry Mason: Season 4, Episode 13
    The Case of the Envious Editor (7 Jan. 1961)


  6. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Barbara Lawrence in…….


  7. Sarah says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. At last you’ve posted something I can solve. It’s Barbara Lawrence, from Perry Mason’s “The Case of the Envious Editor.” And the gray streak pictured in her hair enabled Perry to crack the case!


  8. juliemerholz says:

    Perry Mason-season 4 episode 13- The Case Of The Envious Editor January 7, 1961


  9. Rick says:

    Barbara Rush


  10. william says:

    Barbara Lawrence


  11. DeweyWebb says:

    Barbara Lawrence


  12. she’s barbara somebody.
    i’ve gotten old & her name escapes me!


  13. Lee Ann, Thom, and Megan says:

    Is this Barbara Lawrence?


  14. …lawrence maybe?


  15. Lee Ann, Thom, and Megan says:

    Mr. Harnisch, we are going to take a flyer and guess that this is a Perry Mason episode entitled “The Case of the Envious Editor”.


  16. LC says:

    This is Barbara Lawrence in the Perry Mason episode, The Case of the Envious Editor (1961)


  17. Anne Papineau says:

    Would that be a Marly Horse behind her? They’ve appeared in numerous movies. Movieland Mystery Marly.


  18. xavier says:

    barbara lawrence ?


  19. Jenny M says:

    Sara Shane in Three Bad Sisters?


  20. juliemerholz says:

    Sara Shane


  21. Anne Papineau says:

    For Tuesday, Tippi Hedron meets Whitney Blake


  22. Mary Mallory says:

    Dina Merrill today?


  23. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Sara Shane


  24. Jenny M says:

    Are you tricking us with a Perry Mason TV episode with Barbara Lawrence and Sara Shane?


  25. xavier says:

    and for tuesday : sara shane. the case of the envious editor (perry mason)


  26. juliemerholz says:

    Paul Lambert


  27. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Sara Shane for tuesday makes this the PERRY MASON episode CASE OF THE ENVIOUS EDITOR.


  28. Earl Boebert says:

    Well, it’s a Perry Mason episode, so there’s only 271 options 🙂

    Feel free to deep six this post if I’ve brought this up here before, but herewith the Perry Mason drinking game, based on the regular structure of the plots. Four questions plus a bonus, losers owe the winner a beer:

    1. Who gets killed?

    2. Who gets falsely accused?

    3. Who did it?

    4. How did Perry know?

    Bonus: Does the killer confess with a bang (“I wish I could have killed him a hundred times”) or a whimper (“I had to do it — don’t you understand, I — I had to.”)


  29. Chrisbo says:

    Michael Constantine on Wed?


  30. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Paul Lambert


  31. Jenny M says:

    Paul Lambert


  32. Anne Papineau says:

    Gene Simmons on Wednesday? Snark … the refuge of the ignorant.


  33. Dewey Webb says:

    Whew! This was the head scratcher to end all bald spots. Clearly Monday’s mystery lady was Barbara Lawrence but her dress and distinctive hair highlights clearly defined this as late Fifties/early Sixties. . .but she made so few contemporary era films during that period I was. at a complete loss.

    Then I started parsing your commentary and realized that fact that you referred to it as “mystery production,” rather than “movie” was a tip-off of sorts that it was aTV show., Something I don’t think I’ve ever seen in the quiz before. Plus, can’t put my finger on it but flat lighting and your comment about shadows kind of nailed it.

    if I had to pick a TV show I’d guess PERRY MASON. Wild guess but nose job blonde looks like Elaine Devry.


  34. william says:

    My first impression on Monday was “Barbara Lawrence” but then could only find her as a brunette in “Perry Mason” TV shows. So I’m not brave…..I didnt proceed other than posting my guess on Monday. Now that we have TV shows, all the better, & I submit Alyce Aitkin, Tues., in “The Envious Editor”


  35. william says:

    Typo:….I meant Sara Shane (playing the role of Alyce Aitkin) in “The Case of the Envious Editor”


  36. Earl Boebert says:

    The Case of the Envious Editor, Barbara Lawrence, Sara Shane


  37. Charles Kjelland says:

    The Case of the Envious Editor, Paul Lambert, Barbara Lawrence, Sara Shane et all, a good Perry Mason!


  38. Charles Kjelland says:

    James Coburn was in the show too!


  39. Dewey Webb says:

    Perry Mason episode The Case Of The Shapely Shadow (1962)


  40. Mary Mallory says:

    Perry Mason TV show, with a very ill looking Paul Douglas as photographer.


  41. Mary Mallory says:

    H. M. Wynant as the District Attorney.


  42. Mary Mallory says:

    “The Case of the Envlous Editor.” Barbara lawrence Monday, Sarah Shane Tuesday, Paul Lambert Wednesday, Sid Tomack the photographer, S. John Launer the judge.


  43. juliemerholz says:

    Dave Willock, Philip Abbott, H.M. Wynant, S. John Launer.


  44. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Paul Lambert was our wednesday man followed by Sid Tomack, Dave Willock, H.M. Wynant and finally by S. John Launer.


  45. Karen in Austin says:

    Finally — it’s “The Case of the Envious Editor” episode of Perry Mason. Barbara Lawrence, Sara Shane, Dave Willock, H. M. Wynant, S. John Launer as the Judge. Waiting for James Coburn to show up!


  46. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Sid Tomack, Dave Willock, H.M. Wynant, S. John Launer. In regard to the African American gentleman, I’ll throw in a guess: Archie Savage.


  47. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    I take that back. Savage has flaring nostrils. DeForest Covan?


  48. Benito says:

    Our DA is Robert Colbert in one of two Perry Mason episodes. Now back into the Time Tunnel!


  49. beachgal says:

    Monday’s actress is Barbara Lawrence. Tuesday’s actress is Sara Shane. Wen = Paul Lambert. Thurs gaggle of mystery guests are, man with camera = Sid Tomack, Judge = S. John Launer, On the witness stand = Dave Wilock and the DA (fill in when Hamilton Burger was on ‘hiatus’ for his pot bust) is W M.Wynant. So of course this is Perry Mason from 1961, ‘The Case of The Envious Editor’. and we should on Friday, be seeing Perry himself and guest star, James Coburn.


  50. ValleyDave says:

    Finally. I knew is was P.M., but couldn’t recognize anybody. Monday: Barbara
    Lawrence. Tuesday: Jennifer Howard. Wednesday: Paul Lambert. Thursday:
    Dave Willock, H.M. Wynant and S. John Launer, among others. Episode is
    “The Case of the Envious Editor.”


  51. juliemerholz says:

    James Coburn, Ray Collins, William Hopper, Raymond Burr and Barbara Hale.


  52. MIKE HAWKS says:

    James Coburn makes the front page.


  53. Mary Mallory says:

    You got in everybody today, James Coburn, Wygant, Ray Collins, Raymond burr, Bill Hopper, Barbara Hale, and City Hall!


  54. Earl Boebert says:

    One of the things that makes the Perry Mason episodes so enjoyable for me is watching the succession of character actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood do their turns. Whether as cabbies, desk clerks, nosy neighbors, or elevator operators, they invariably created a believable personality from a handful of lines. One reason DVDs are such a treat is the inclusion of the full appearances by the bit players, usually the first footage to be cut to make room for the extra commercials in the syndicated versions.

    I’m also glad you included the ever-expressive face of Ray Collins as Lt. Tragg. Orson Welles supposedly said Collins (a longtime friend) was the best actor he ever worked with.


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