Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This week’s mystery movie was the 1931 Radio Pictures pre-code comedy “Peach-O-Reno” by Tim Whelan, starring Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey (Friday’s mystery guests) with Dorothy Lee (not shown) and directed by William A. Seiter. The film also featured Zelma O’Neal (not shown), Joseph Cawthorn (Monday’s mystery gent), Cora Witherspoon (Thursday’s mystery guest), Sam Hardy (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Mitchell Harris (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Arthur Hoyt (not shown) and Josephine Whittell (not shown).


July 13, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery couple.

Update: This is Joseph Cawthorn and Bert Wheeler (in drag).


July 14, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Sam Hardy.

Please congratulate Sheila (mystery couple), Bob Hansen (mystery couple), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and guests), Don Danard (mystery gent on the left), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and guests), Stanhope (mystery gent on the left), Patrice (mystery movie and guests) and Dan Nather (mystery movie and guests).


July 15, 2015, Mystery Photo
And for Wednesday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Mitchell Harris.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery movie and cast), David Inman (mystery movie and Monday’s mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Don Danard (Tuesday’s mystery guest),  Howard Mandelbaum (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Dan Nather (Tuesday’s mystery guest) and Patrice (Tuesday’s mystery guest).

July16, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, we have… no, no, no.

July 17, 2015, Mystery Photo
I suppose you think this is very funny.

July 16, 2015, Mystery Photo
That’s more like it.

For Thursday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Cora Witherspoon as seen in 1) “Dark Victory” with Bette Davis and George Brent 2) “The Bank Dick” with Una Merkel and Jessie Ralph and 3) “Peach-O-Reno.”

Please congratulate Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery guest) and Patrice Roe. Mary Mallory and Howard Mandelbaum: right movie/wrong person.



July 17, 2015, Mystery Photo


Jly 17, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, we have Sir Laurence Olivier and Sir John Gielgud in “Richard III.”

Update: Robert Woolsey, Bert Wheeler and Joseph Cawthorn.

Please congratulate Patrice Roe (Wednesday’s mystery chap), Dewey Webb (Thursday’s mystery woman), Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery woman), Dan Nather (Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Gary Martin (Thursday’s mystery guest) and Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guest).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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32 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Tim Doherty says:

    George Sidney and is that Vera Gordon? Cohens and Kellys?


  2. Sheila says:

    Joseph Cawthorn and Bert Wheeler?


  3. Bob Hansen says:

    The “lady” is Wheeler of Wheeler and Woolsey (in drag), and the gentleman is Joseph Cawthorn(e). I don’t know the movie, unfortunately!


  4. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Joseph Cawthorn and Bert Wheeler in PEACH-O-RENO.


  5. Don Danard says:

    I think the gentleman is Joseph Cawthorn. Don’t know the lady, however.


  6. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Joseph Cawthorn and Bert Wheeler in “Peach-O-Reno.”


  7. stanhope1929 says:

    The man is JOSEPH CAWTHORNE (g)


  8. stanhope1929 says:



  9. Patrice says:

    Joseph Cawthorn and Bert Wheeler in drag in Peach-O-Reno.


  10. Dan Nather says:

    I don’t recognize the woman, but the man looks like Joseph Cawthorn . . .


    • Dan Nather says:

      Wait a minute! That’s not a woman, that’s Bert Wheeler in drag — and the movie is the 1931 Wheeler and Woolsey opus PEACH O’RENO! Pretty sneaky, Larry . . .


  11. David Inman says:

    Joseph Cawthorn(e) and Bert Wheeler, from “Peach O’Reno.”


  12. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Why would anyone trust Sam Hardy.


  13. Don Danard says:

    Tuesday’s Mystery Guest is Sam Hardy.


  14. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Sam Hardy.


  15. Dan Nather says:

    Judge Sam Hardy (who is not Andy Hardy’s dad) today.


  16. Patrice says:

    For Tuesday, Sam Hardy as Judge Jackson


  17. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Mitchell Harris.


  18. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Harold Miller. I’ll watch for this male Bess Flowers guest/patron/spectator.


  19. Patrice Roe says:

    For Wednesday, is it Mitchell Harris?


  20. DeweyWebb says:

    Jessie Ralph, Cora Witherspoon


  21. Mary Mallory says:

    Cara witherspoon.


  22. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Cora Witherspoon.


  23. Dan Nather says:

    Mitchell Harris on Wednesday, Cora Witherspoon today. Do we see Bert and Bob tomorrow?


  24. Gary Martin says:

    well of course Cora Witherspoon in several films.


  25. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    You are getting playful! I just read about Cora Witherspoon in the Charles Brackett diaries. They were friends from New York. He alludes to her drug habit.


  26. Mary Mallory says:

    Finally the team today, Robert Woolsey and Bert Wheeler.


  27. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Robert Woolsey, Bert Wheeler and Joseph Cawthorn.


  28. Dan Nather says:

    Ah, it wouldn’t be Friday without Bert Wheeler and Bob Woolsey. Just watched this movie again yesterday — still a splendidly silly romp, and I love to watch Bert & Bob dance. Thanks again for pulling this one out, Larry!


  29. Diane Ely says:

    Thursday looks like Jessica Tandy in her younger days.


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