Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This is the Metro “Golwyn” Mayer production of “Penthouse,” with Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy, Charles Butterworth, Mae Clarke, Phillips Holmes and C. Henry Gordon, directed by W.W. Van Dyke. Screenplay by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett from a story by Arthur Somers Roche.

Dec. 1, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, we have a somewhat disheveled gent.

This familiar face belongs to Guy Usher.

Dec. 2, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have this dapper fellow.

This is, of course, C. Henry Gordon.

Please congratulate Lee Ann, Megan and Thom for identifying Monday’s gent.

Dec. 3, 2014, Mystery Pho

And for Wednesday, we have a mystery woman.

And yes, this is Mae Clarke.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery film and guests), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Don Danard (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Jenny M (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Rick (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Benito (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Rick Scott (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Dan Nather (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Michael Ryerson (mystery movie and mystery guests) and Mitch (Tuesday’s mystery guest).

A salute to Dan Nather for watching “Dance, Fools, Dance” and “Fog Over Frisco” in an impressive, but unsuccessful, attempt to identify this week’s mystery movie. Your labors are most impressive. All will become clear by the end of the week.

Dec. 4, 2014, Mystery Photo

Here’s our (totally not) mystery lady for Thursday. Look how young she is here.

Myrna Loy, already a screen veteran.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Patrick (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery guests), Michael Ryerson (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Megan Lee Ann and Thom (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guest), Bob Hansen (Wednesday’s mystery woman), dlhartzog (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Dan Nather (mystery movie and mystery guests) and ValleyDave (Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests)

Dec. 5, 2014, Mystery Photo And for Friday… no, he’s too easy.

Warner Baxter.

Dec. 5, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Friday… no, no, no… still too easy.
Nat Pendleton.

Still too easy. Like he wasn’t in every gangster picture ever made.

George E. “Toothpick Charlie” Stone.

Dec. 5, 2014, Mystery Photo


Ah. Our Friday mystery gent.

And Charles Butterworth.

Please congratulate Dan Nather (mystery movie and guests), Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery woman), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery woman), Patrick (mystery movie and guests), Gary Martin (Thursday’s mystery woman), dlhartzog (mystery movie and mystery guests),  Dewey Webb (Thursday’s mystery woman), Julie Merholz (mystery movie and guests), MandyMarie20 (Thursday’s mystery woman) and beachgal (Thursday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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94 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Gary Martin says:

    He reminds me of James Keach.


  2. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Is this Guy Usher?


  3. Anne Papineau says:

    I admit ignorance, but the look suggests newsroom … City editor, maybe


  4. Don Danard says:

    Today’s Mystery Man looks like Al Bridge.


  5. Don Danard says:

    Next guess … a youngish William B. Davidson.


  6. Tim Doherty says:

    Wiliam B. Davidson?


  7. Dewey Webb says:

    Walter Connolly


  8. stanhope1929 says:

    William B. Davidson? He was always playing newspaper editors with indigestion. (ditto for D.A.s, Lawyers and occasionally Detectives.)


  9. The often agitated Purnell Pratt.


  10. redhorsesigns says:

    I say Charlie Grapewin


  11. Diane Ely says:

    If not for the candlestick phone peeking out on the left side of the photo, I would have guessed this was rather contemporary, based on what resembles an open laptop computer on the right.


  12. Mary Mallory says:

    The wonderfully oily Henry C. Gordon today.


  13. Mary Mallory says:

    I meant C. Henry Gordon.


  14. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Tuesday’s gent (usually a criminal mastermind or nefarious agent) is C. Henry Gordon.


  15. Don Danard says:

    Today it’s the shifty looking C. Henry Gordon. Errol Flynn gave him what for in “The Charge of the Light Brigade”.


  16. Jenny M says:

    Tuesday – C. Henry Gordon


  17. Rick says:

    the eternally villainous C. Henry Gordon


  18. Benito says:

    Tuesday’s gent is C. Henry Gordon, who was the inspector in SCARFACE [1932]. He usually played oily snake types.


  19. Rick Scott says:

    Tuesday is C. Henry Gordon, one of great villains of the 30s.


  20. beachgal says:

    A stab at a guess – Tues might be Warren William


  21. Dan Nather says:

    Well, nearly everybody guessed who I was going to guess yesterday, Purnell Pratt and William B. Davidson. I even watched DANCE, FOOLS, DANCE and FOG OVER FRISCO to check, and dashed my hopes. Today, however, C. Henry Gordon is easy to spot.


  22. Tuesday’s dapper fellow is C. Henry Gordon who had recently experienced some difficulties with the Light Brigade.


  23. So with Hank Gordon on Tuesday and Guy Usher on Monday we find ourselves with Penthouse (1933), Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy (Gertie?), Charles Butterworth and Mae Clarke. Little seen.


  24. Mitch says:

    Henry C Gordon for Tuesday’s


  25. Don Danard says:

    I would say today’s Mystery Lady is Mae Clarke.


  26. Patrick says:

    Pretty sure Wednesday’s mystery woman is Mae Clarke.


  27. Benito says:

    Wednesday’s gal sure looks like Molly Ringwald!


  28. Wednesday is Mae Clarke, a lovely and gifted actress who would go on to champion the use of citrus fruit as a facial astringent.


  29. Diane Ely says:

    Alice Brady for Wednesday?


  30. Megan, Lee Ann and Thom says:

    Mae Clarke


  31. Megan, Lee Ann and Thom says:

    Our guess is Penthouse.


  32. dlhartzog says:

    Tuesday, Henry Sedley.


  33. Bob Hansen says:

    Wednesday’s young lady is Mae Clarke.


  34. dlhartzog says:

    Tuesday, C. Henry Gordon.


  35. Dewey Webb says:

    Douglas Dumbrille (Tues.)


  36. Dan Nather says:

    Is that Mae Clarke today?


  37. ValleyDave says:

    Tuesday it’s C. Henry Gordon. Wednesday looks like Mae Clarke.


  38. Dan Nather says:

    And after popping another DVD in the old laptop, I find that the movie is PENTHOUSE, with Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy, Nat Pendleton, and the aforementioned Mae Clarke. Which makes Monday’s mystery editor Guy Usher (who?).


  39. Mary Mallory says:

    Myrna Loy today. This is a fun film, I’ve seen it twice.


  40. Don Danard says:

    Today – the always lovely Myrna Loy


  41. Patrick says:

    If we add Thursday’s Myrna Loy to yesterday’s Mae Clarke, throw in Guy Usher on Monday and C. Henry Gordon on Tuesday, we get “Penthouse” from 1933.


  42. Less than a year from the Thin Man (based on release dates).


  43. Gary Martin says:

    For Tuesday Cyril Thornton and Thursday Myrna Whatshername. The Thin Man? that simple?


  44. beachgal says:

    Wednesday’s actress is Greta Nissen


  45. Gary Martin says:

    Beatrice Lillie? Show of Shows?


  46. dlhartzog says:

    Myrna Loy, today, Penthouse?


  47. dlhartzog says:

    Wednesday, Mae Clarke.


  48. Dewey Webb says:

    Myrna Loy


  49. juliemerholz says:

    Myrna Loy


  50. juliemerholz says:

    Penthouse 1933, also with, Warner Baxter, Mae Clarke, C. Henry Gordon,


  51. mandymarie20 says:

    Myrna Loy for Thursday. Love her!


  52. mandymarie20 says:

    Wednesday, Aileen Pringle?


  53. mandymarie20 says:

    I’m guessing the film is Wife vs. Secretary


  54. beachgal says:

    Thus. actress is Miss ‘I Went to Venice High School’ and I modeled for a statue they put in front of the school, Myrna Loy


  55. Dan Nather says:

    Today it’s Myrna Loy, who was 28 when she made PENTHOUSE, and had already been in show biz for 8 years.


  56. Mary Mallory says:

    IN order, Warner Baxter, Nat Pendleton, george E. Stone, and Charlie Butterworth.


  57. redhorsesigns says:

    Stella Adler


  58. Gary Martin says:

    Gee, with this cast it must be Penthouse, 1933. I remember it as a film with a lot of mystery men in the cast. You seem to have included them all.


  59. DeweyWebb says:

    Charlie Butterworth, Mae Clarke, George E. Stone, Nat Pendleton, et Al in PENTHOUSE


  60. dlhartzog says:

    Awesome quiz, thanks!


  61. mandymarie20 says:

    Gent 1 – Warner Baxter
    Gent 2 – Nat Pendleton
    Gent 3 – George E Stone
    Gent 4 – Charles Butterworth

    So, Wednesday must have been Mae Clarke.

    I have to believe the film is 1933’s Penthouse.


  62. Dan Nather says:

    Our designated mystery gent today is the quietly absurd Charles Butterworth — who looks a little soulful here. He comes after Warner Baxter, Nat Pendleton, and George E. Stone. For some reason, I actually felt sorry for George in this movie. By the way, the other movie Baxter and Stone were in together earlier in 1933 was 42ND STREET.


  63. LC says:

    I will go ahead and put my two cents in, even though it was way too easy this week. It’s Penthouse (1933) Myrna Loy, Warner Baxter, Charles Butterworth and a host of others.


  64. Bob Hansen says:

    Is the movie “Broadway Bill” – 1934?


  65. beachgal says:

    Wen is Mae Clarke


  66. beachgal says:

    Tues is C. Henry Gordon – so the film must be Penthouse


  67. beachgal says:

    Friday must be Warren Baxter, Nate Pendleton, George E. Stone and Charles Butterworth


  68. Dan Nather says:

    One last bit of trivia: the May 1932 issue of Cosmopolitan in back of the opening credits of PENTHOUSE, heralding the first installment of Arthur Somers Roche’s serial, is the same issue that Loretta Young is reading in the courtroom in the opening minutes of MIDNIGHT MARY, released by MGM just three months earlier. A bit of shameless self-promotion, perhaps? (NB: When I watched MM to check, Loretta was reading a different issue of Cosmopolitan in the long shot, but in her following close-up, it’s definitely the May 1932 issue.)


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