Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Sept. 6, 2014, Mystery Film
This week’s movie has been the 1935 RKO film “Roberta,” with Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and  Randolph Scott. It was directed by William A. Seiter. “ Roberta” was based on Alice Duer Miller’s novel “Gowns by Roberta,” which was adapted for the stage by Jerome Kern and Otto Harbach with a screenplay by Jane Murfin, Sam Mintz and Allan Scott. Musical direction was by Max Steiner.

Sept. 1, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, we have two mystery gentlemen.


Sept. 2, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, a mystery woman.

Please congratulate Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery guests), Dan Nather (mystery gent on the left), Tim Doherty (mystery gent on the right), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and mystery guests) and Patrice Roe (mystery movie and mystery guest on the left).

Sept. 3, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday we have a mystery woman in a fur coat.

Please congratulate LC (mystery movie and mystery guests), Jenny M (Tuesday’s mystery woman), Anne Papineau (Tuesday’s mystery woman/wrong movie), Barbara Klein (mystery movie and guests), Dewey Webb (mystery movie and mystery guests), Herb Nichols (Monday’s mystery ship’s officer), Dan Nather (mystery movie and guests),  Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (mystery movie and guests), Bob Hansen (mystery movie and mystery woman) and Howard Mandelbaum (Tuesday’s mystery woman).

Sept. 4, 2014, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, we have two (totally not) mystery guests).

Please congratulate Julie Merholz (Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery women/wrong movie), Ed (you know who in the fur coat), Jenny M (mystery movie and Wednesday’s fashion model), Barbara Klein (Wednesday’s mystery woman — a previous mystery guest from “Broadway Bill”) Charles Kjelland (Wednesday’s future TV star),  Anne Papineau (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Benito (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and mystery guests), dlhartzog (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Sarah (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Dan Nather (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Patrick (mystery movie and mystery guests) and Bob Hansen (mystery movie and cast).

And via email, Mary Mallory for identifying Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s mystery women. The Daily Mirror would like to extend its condolences to Mary on the loss of the father, Eugene, who died Sunday at the age of 89.

Sept. 5, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Friday, of course…..

Please congratulate Ed (Thursday’s mystery guests), Barbara Klein (Thursday’s mystery guests), Jenny M (Thursday’s mystery guests), Michael Ryerson (mystery film and mystery guests), Julie Merholz (mystery movie and mystery guests), Rick (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Gary Martin (Thursday’s mystery guests, wrong movie), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), William (mystery movie and guests), Herb Nichols (Thursday’s mystery guests), Anne Papineau (Thursday’s mystery guests), Dan Nather (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), E. Yarber (mystery movie and mystery guests), Mandymarie20 (Thursday’s mystery woman) and Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (Thursday’s mystery guests). And Mary Mallory via email for identifying Thursday’s guests.

Lee Ann Megan and Thom write:
Our very talented lady for today is the pride of Jordan College of Music (now known as Butler University), XXX. She rented a room in Woodruff Place while in school, and a friend of ours later bought the house and has dubbed her room “The XXXX Sleeping Porch”.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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58 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Luis Alberni and William B. Davidson in “Roberta.”


  2. Dan Nather says:

    Luis Alberni on the left, don’t know who’s on the right — yet . . .


  3. Tim Doherty says:

    Jack Pearl and William B Davidson?


  4. Mary Mallory says:

    Luis Alberni and Robert McWade.


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    Oops, William B. Davidson and ROBERTA.


  6. Patrice Roe says:

    Luis Alberni on the left. Thought it might be Roberta. He hired the Indians not the Indianins!


  7. LC says:

    Luis Alberni, William B. Davidson & Helen Westley in Roberta 1935


  8. Jenny M says:

    Helen Westley


  9. Benito says:

    Um, Sydney Greenstreet in drag?


  10. Anne Papineau says:

    Helen Westley in Adam Had Four Sons


  11. Barbara Klein says:


    Monday – Luis Alberni and William B. Davidson
    Tuesday – Helen Westley


  12. DeweyWebb says:

    William B. Davidson and Helen Westley in Roberta


  13. herb nichols says:

    monday bill davidson


  14. Dan Nather says:

    Tuesday’s mystery woman is Helen Westley, and the movie is ROBERTA. That means the ship’s officer is William B. Davidson?


  15. E. Yarber says:

    Looks like Arthur Treacher and Alison Skipworth, so my first guess would be “Satan Met a Lady.” I don’t think that’s their costumes from the film, however, so I’ll plunk for something even more obscure…. “Hitch Hike Lady.”


  16. DeweyWebb says:

    Luis Alberni (Mon.)


  17. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    I didn’t think to look yesterday, with the holiday. It’s “Roberta” with Luis Alberni and Helen Westley.


  18. Bob Hansen says:

    Tuesday’s lady is Helen Westley. Is this from Roberta?


  19. juliemerholz says:

    Moulin Rouge with Wednesday Lucille Ball, Tuesday Helen Westley, Constance Bennett, Franchot


  20. Ed says:

    Wednesday is Lucille Ball


  21. Jenny M says:

    Lucille Ball in Roberta


  22. Barbara Klein says:

    Wednesday – Lucille Ball


  23. Charles Kjelland says:

    Today looks like Lucille Ball.


  24. Anne Papineau says:

    Lucille Ball in Roberta


  25. Benito says:

    Wednesday’s lady in furs sure looks like Lucille Ball!


  26. Mike Hawks says:

    Luis Alberni and William B. Davidson for monday. Helen Westley for tuesday and Lucille Ball for today make this ROBERTA 1935.


  27. dlhartzog says:

    Wednesday, Lucille Ball?


  28. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    It’s the very love-ly Lucy!


  29. Sarah says:

    I think Wednesday’s mystery chorine is Lucille Ball. ??


  30. Dan Nather says:

    For Wednesday, a 24-year-old Lucille Ball.


  31. Patrick says:

    Luis Alberni, William B. Davidson, Helen Westley and Lucille Ball in “Roberta” from 1935.


  32. Bob Hansen says:

    Definitely from Roberta in 1935 since today’s lady is Lucille Ball. Irene Dunne, Randolph Scott, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were the stars.


  33. Ed says:

    Thursday are Irene Dunn and Randolph Scott


  34. Barbara Klein says:

    Thursday – Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott


  35. Jenny M says:

    Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott


  36. Roberta (1935). Randolph Scott and Irene Dunn today, Lucille Ball on Wednesday, Helen Westley on Tuesday and William B. Davidson (in uniform) placidly confronting an agitated Luis Alberni.


  37. juliemerholz says:

    Roberta 1935 with Irene Dunn and Randolph Scott, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers


  38. Rick says:

    Randolph Scott Irene Dunne – Roberta,


  39. Gary Martin says:

    It’s Thursday: I’d better toss in a guess. Irene Dunne, Randy Scott, and Ben Blue(?) in High Wide and Handsome …I believe it is not My Favorite Wife. Maybe I’m wrong.


  40. Mike Hawks says:

    Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott fill in the gaps.


  41. William says:

    “Roberta”, 1935, Randolph Scott, Irene Dunne, lucille Ball, (tomorrow, Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers?)


  42. herb nichols says:

    irene dunn randolph scott in roberta


  43. Anne Papineau says:

    Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott


  44. Dan Nather says:

    Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott, of course. But, oddly enough, we keep coming back to ROBERTA to see the supporting players . . .


  45. Gary Martin says:

    My Favorite Wife.


  46. E. Yarber says:

    With Lucille Ball, Randolph Scott and Irene Dunne added to the mix, it has to be Robera, 1935. That makes Tuesday’s woman Helen Westley and Luis Albermi the guy I mistook for Arthur Treacher (I hope).


  47. mandymarie20 says:

    Well, Thursday’s gal is Irene Dunne. Other than that, this week’s tough to me.


  48. mandymarie20 says:

    So sorry Miss Mallory to hear about your father. I’ll keep you in my prayers. I so enjoy your columns. Keep up your spirits.


  49. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Our very talented lady for today is the pride of Jordan College of Music (now known as Butler University), Irene Dunn. She rented a room in Woodruff Place while in school, and a friend of ours later bought the house and has dubbed her room “The Irene Dunn Sleeping Porch”. Oh yeah — that fellow with her — not quite so talented but pleasant nonetheless is Randolph Scott.

    The Midwest Chapter of the Daily Mirror sends sincere sympathy to Ms. Mallory.


  50. Barbara Klein says:

    Friday – Fred and Ginger, of course


  51. And for Friday our male lead Fred and second billed Ginger (Irene Dunne was on top) leading into the opening bars of ‘I’ll be hard to handle’ from Roberta (1935).


  52. Mike Hawks says:

    Astaire and Rogers sing along and carry on.


  53. Gary Martin says:

    It is tomorrow and all is indeed clear. The only Astaire Rogers film I have never seen …by choice …and I can’t think why right now…Roberta. I had forgotten that ID and RS had made three films together. And it follows that we have Luis Alberni, Lucille Ball, and Helen Westley, etc etc etc.


  54. Dan Nather says:

    . . . and there they are on Friday — Fred and Ginger!


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