Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + + )

Yes, this is “Flying With Music,” or “The Cavalcade of Character Actors,” as we have been calling it around the Daily Mirror city room.

The script is by M. Coates Webster, who mostly wrote Westerns, and the rather obscure Louis S. Kaye, and directed by George Archainbaud, another veteran of movie Westerns (and, of course, “Penguin Pool Murder,” starring you know who).

March 3, 2014, mystery photo

And for Monday, we have a mystery lady.

March 4, 2014, Mystery Photo

And here we have Tuesday’s mystery gent. You may be thinking  “Oh, him.”

March 5, 2014, Mystery Photo

OK, well maybe someone will look at Wednesday’s mystery chap in the pith helmet and say: “Oh. Him.”

If you would like a hint, email me.

Wednesday’s very familiar mystery chap was a tip for lots of folks. And yes, he did make rather a lot of movies.

Please congratulate Gary Martin (Wednesday’s mystery fellow), Mary Mallory (Tuesday’s mystery man), Don Danard (mystery movie and cast), Julie Merholz (Wednesday’s mystery man), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and cast), LC (mystery movie and cast), Floyd Thursby (Wednesday’s mystery man),  Bruce Reznick (Wednesday’s mystery man), Barbara Klein (mystery movie and cast) and Rick Scott (Wednesday’s mystery man).

March 6, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Thursday, the love interest in our mystery film.

March 7, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Friday it’s “Oh yeah… Her.”

Note: This movie could have been called “The Cavalcade of Character Actors” and was such a cheap production that instead of using process photography in this scene, they had a couple of guys stand outside the window with a big photo of clouds and move it up and down.

Please congratulate Don Danard for identifying the rest of the mystery cast, Barbara Klein on identifying Thursday’s leading lady and Mike Hawks for filling out the cast.

Don says of Thursday’s mystery fellow: You don’t see too many people dressed like he is these days. At least, I hope not. Hawks says: XXXX and XXXX are our exciting and colorful!!! leading couple today.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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47 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + + )

  1. Gary Martin says:

    Putting everything on a Monday “Win” I bet that this is Estelita Rodriguez in Tropical Heatwave. Of the three movie theaters in the Kansas town where I grew up, one of them was the Republic Pictures Franchise. It is likely that I have seen 90% of their product. (Does that make me a winner?)


  2. Don Danard says:

    Lupita Tovar? Just a guess.


  3. Benito says:

    Carmen D’Antonio?


  4. Gary Martin says:

    Well, then, Gloria DeHaven.


  5. Rogét-L.A. says:

    I’ll go for the obvious: Carmen Miranda


  6. Don Danard says:

    Another guess …. Aurora Miranda, Carmen’s sister.


  7. Lee Rivas says:

    Lina Romay?


  8. Charles Kjelland says:

    Delores Del Rio?


  9. Mary Mallory says:

    Paul Hurst today?


  10. Don Danard says:

    Today it’s James, or Jimmy, Burke


  11. william says:

    Olga San Juan


  12. David Thompson says:

    Dennie Moore (not Demi Moore)


  13. Claire Lockhart says:

    Estelita Rodriguez and Tom Kennedy in HAVANA ROSE (1951)


  14. Gary Martin says:

    Wednesday we have Byron Foulger on Safari.


  15. Mary Mallory says:

    Movita Monday and Edward Gargan Tuesday?


  16. Mary Mallory says:

    Monday Zedra Conde and the film is FALCON OUT WEST.


  17. Don Danard says:

    Today’s Mystery Man, the one in the Pith Helmet, is Byron Foulger.


  18. Don Danard says:

    And isn’t the man with Foulger George Givot?


  19. juliemerholz says:

    Byron (pith helmet) Foulger


  20. Mike Hawks says:

    Tuesday is Ed Gargan. Wednesday is Byron Foulger and George Givot which makes this FLYING WITH MUSIC 1942.


  21. juliemerholz says:

    A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen


  22. juliemerholz says:

    Tuesday James Burke, Wednesday, with Byron Foulger is Jack La Rue, Monday is probably Lilian Bond. Stars are William Gargan and Margaret Lindsay.


  23. LC says:

    Rita Montoya, Edward Gargan & Byron Foulger in Flying with Music 1942.


  24. Floyd Thursby says:

    Byron Foulger for Wednesday.


  25. DeweyWebb says:

    Zombies On Broadway. . .or Off-Broadway


  26. Byron Foulger on Wednesday? If so, that really narrows it down.


  27. Don Danard says:

    I admit to doing a little digging, but is this from “Flying with Music”?


  28. Barbara Klein says:

    Looks like the pithy Byron Foulger. Maybe the movie is Flying with Music?


  29. Rick Scott says:

    “Oh, him” in the pith helmet…Byron Foulger.


  30. Don Danard says:

    The young lad is William Marshall. You don’t see too many people dressed like he is these days.
    At least, I hope not.


  31. Don Danard says:

    No, damn it! It’s Ed Gargan, not James Burke. Duhhhhhhh!


  32. Barbara Klein says:

    Marjorie Woodworth


  33. Mike Hawks says:

    Rita Montoya is our mystery lady for monday. Marjorie Woodworth and William Marshall are our exciting and colorful!!! leading couple today.


  34. Patricia Ann says:

    Is Monday’s beauty Abbé Lane, Cugat’s wife?


  35. Don Danard says:

    Friday’s Mystery Lady is Norma Varden.


  36. Barbara Klein says:

    Norma Varden


  37. Gary Martin says:

    For Friday we have Norma Varden looking younger than I remember her ever being. But my patience is limited and I am not going to sort through the 200 films she made and match them up with Byron’s …obviously this is circa 37-42 ,,,which limits us to 117 each. oi, such research!


  38. juliemerholz says:

    Flying With Music… Monday, Rita Montoya, Tuesday, Edward Gargan, Wednesday, Byron Foulger and George Givot, Thursday, Marjorie Woodworth and William Marshall, Friday, Norma Varden.


  39. Mike Hawks says:

    Norma Varden does some knitting between takes.


  40. DeweyWebb says:

    Norma Varden (Fri)


  41. DeweyWebb says:

    Flying With Music (last week was Crash Dive. .is there a theme here?)


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