Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Feb. 17, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, a mystery woman.

Feb. 18, 2014, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, our mystery woman has a mystery companion.

Please congratulate Kent (mystery movie and mystery woman), Jo Anne (mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery woman), Rick (mystery movie and cast) and Mary Mallory (mystery woman).

Feb. 19, 2014, Mystery Photo
And for Wednesday we have this charming mystery lady.

Please congratulate Patrick (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery guest), Jenny M (Tuesday’s mystery guest), Don Danard (right mystery cast/wrong movies), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and cast) and Jo Anne (Tuesday’s mystery fellow).

If you want a hint, email me.

Feb. 20, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Thursday, we have this familiar gent.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery woman), Jenny M (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery woman), Dewey Webb (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery woman) and Mike Hawks (mystery movie and cast).


Oh, I know what you thought. For Friday, it was going to be Nick and Nora with me being tricky by using a non-Nick and non-Nora movie. Well, everyone knows what non-Nick and non-Nora look like. Instead, here’s our mystery fellow doing what he does best. He’s pretty far along on one of his famous slow burns.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery gent), Gary Martin (mystery movie and cast), Julie Merholz (mystery movie and cast), Don Danard (Thursday’s mystery gent), Dewey Webb (Thursday’s mystery gent), Patrick (Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery folks), Herb Nichols (Thursday’s mystery gent), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery gent) and LC (mystery movie and cast).

Feb.22, 2014, mystery photo

Well, OK. Since you insist. Here’s Non-Nick and non-Nora.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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41 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Kent says:

    Just happened to see “Double Wedding” with Florence Rice thrown after the ceremony.


  2. Jo Anne says:

    Is it Florence Rice?


  3. Mike Hawks says:

    Florence Rice.


  4. Jenny M says:

    Jane Bryan


  5. Rick says:

    Florence Rice


  6. Rick says:

    movie is Double Wedding with William Powell and Myrna Loy


  7. Patrick says:

    Our Tuesday companion is John Beal and in this shot our Monday mystery woman looks a lot less like Margaret Sullavan than she did on Monday. So, I’m going to say she’s Florence Rice and the movie is “Double Wedding” from 1937. William Powell and Myrna Loy should make an appearance latter in the week although not as Nick and Nora Charles.


  8. Jenny M says:

    John Beal


  9. Don Danard says:

    Just a guess; Florence Rice and John Beal in “Stand By All Networks”.


  10. Don Danard says:

    OK. How ’bout “Doctors Don’t Tell” with Florence Rice and John Beal.


  11. Mary Mallory says:

    Is this John Beal and DOUBLE WEDDING?


  12. Pat van Hartesveldt says:

    Tuesday’s gent: Dirk Bogarde?


  13. Jenny M says:

    Jessie Ralph in Double Wedding


  14. DeweyWebb says:

    Wed.–Jessie Ralph


  15. Chrisbo says:

    Is that Macdonald Carey Tuesday?


  16. Mike Hawks says:

    John Beal and Jessie Ralph make this DOUBLE WEDDING 1937.


  17. DeweyWebb says:

    Florence Rice & John Beal in DOUBLE WEDDING


  18. Tantalizing . . . she looks to me very much like an actress who had a bit part (not even found at IMDB) in “Sherlock Holmes in Washington” (1943). She plays a well-heeled customer about to pay $500 to character-actor Ian Wolfe for an antique in a bogus antique-store, the secret lair of a master criminal. The pictured woman here has the same patrician look as the character in the Holmes movie, who had a patrician voice as well. You can check out her scene on youtube. Go to: . Advance to frame 5:37 /14:43 .

    A long shot.


  19. Gary Martin says:

    Florence Rice, John Beal, Jessie Raplh, Sidney Toler, Myrna Loy and William Powell in Double Wedding.


  20. juliemerholz says:

    Double Wedding with… Myrna Loy, William Powell, Monday’s Florence Rice, Tuesday’sJohn Beal, Wednesday’s Jessie Ralph, etc.


  21. Don Danard says:

    That’s Sidney Toler today, not looking well however.


  22. DeweyWebb says:

    Honorable Sidney Toler


  23. Patrick says:

    Wednesday = Jessie Ralph, Thursday = Sidney Toler


  24. Mike Hawks says:

    Sidney Toler.


  25. William Desmond Taylor says:

    Blanche Sweet (ex-wife of Neiland)?


  26. LC says:

    Double Wedding 1937 with Florence Rice, John Beal, Jessie Ralph, Sydney Toler. Wm Powell & Myrna Loy to come.


  27. Chrisbo says:

    Victor Moore on Thursday?


  28. Mary Mallory says:

    Good old Edgar Kennedy today.


  29. Patrick says:

    Friday = the great Edgar Kennedy


  30. Ed says:

    Friday s Edgar Kennedy


  31. Don Danard says:

    Good ol’ Edgar Kennedy today.


  32. Chrisbo says:

    Edgar Kennedy Friday.


  33. Benito says:

    Pretty sure Friday’s gent is Edgar Kennedy, aka the street vendor exasperated by Harpo in Duck Soup.


  34. Mike Hawks says:

    Edgar Kennedy gives another subdued performance.


  35. Barbara Klein says:

    The movie is “Double Wedding” starring William Powell and Myrna Loy.

    Monday – Florence Rice
    Tuesday – Ms. Rice and John Beal
    Wednesday – Jessie Ralph
    Thursday – Sidney Toler
    Friday – Edgar Kennedy


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