1944 in Print — The L.A. Daily Mirror Newsstand, January 1944

January 1944, Weird Tales
January 1944 Weird Tales, for sale on EBay at $49.99.

I had so much fun adding radio broadcasts for Christmas 1943 that I thought I would add radio shows throughout the year, on the days that they aired in 1944 – our base year for 2014.

That’s been interesting (there are lots of old-time radio shows out there). Some of the shows are timeless, but I discovered that our friend Fred Allen was making lots of lots topical references in his programs, including one to an article in Life magazine about comedians. Fortunately, Google has scanned all of Life for 1944, so those got added to the mix.

Then I remembered another website that has scanned lots of old magazines, like the American Mercury, Saturday Review of Literature and Weird Tales.

So now we have the 1944 magazine rack. Hope you enjoy the reading! Courtesy of Unz.org

American Mercury, January 1944 | Collier’s Weekly, Jan. 1, 1944 | Common Ground, Winter 1943 | The Communist, January 1944 | Horizon, January 1944 | Mercury Mystery Book Magazine, Jan. 1, 1944 | The New Masses, Jan. 4, 1944 |   Saturday Review of Literature, Jan. 1, 1944 | The Survey, January 1944 | Weird Tales, January 1944 | Yank, Jan. 7, 1944


Notice that Ray Bradbury has a story in Weird Tales!

Puzzle fans, note the Double-Crostics in the Jan. 1, 1944, Saturday Review.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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2 Responses to 1944 in Print — The L.A. Daily Mirror Newsstand, January 1944

  1. Larry Schwartz says:

    Well, that’s interesting — but the post-1923 stuff is still under copyright.


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