Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated)

Dec. 3, 2013, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have a mystery lady, courtesy of writer Christopher McPherson.

Lilyan Tashman

Yes, Eve, it’s Lilyan Tashman. Honest!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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12 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated)

  1. Kent says:

    Lilyan Tashman


  2. Barbara Stanwyck long before the blonde wig and the anklet.


  3. Eve says:

    Gee whiz–she’s got me stumped.


  4. Gregory Moore says:

    Ann Sothern?


  5. Mark Masek says:

    She looks a little Gloria Grahame-y to me.


  6. Mary Mallory says:

    Can’t be Dorothy Mackaill again.


  7. Eve says:

    Lilyan Tashman?! I love Lilyan Tashman, and this looks nothing like her! If her signature wasn’t supposedly there, I would say you are playing fast and loose with us.


  8. Eve says:

    Hmmph. I think it was some wise-ass dame who went around signing “Lilyan Tashman” to all her photos. I may start doing that myself.


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