A Little Something to Think About on a Sunday Morning

I suppose the venomous Cathy Seipp (d. 2007) is pretty much forgotten now. I hadn’t thought about her in a long time until the death of Wanda Coleman and remembered that Seipp took regular potshots at Coleman when she wrote as Margo McGee in Buzz magazine (d. 1998). Which makes me ask: Which legacy would you prefer: Seipp’s or Coleman’s?

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to A Little Something to Think About on a Sunday Morning

  1. Kent says:

    Cathy Seipp’s, her I liked!


  2. This isn’t a comment on today’s post, but I thought you might be interested in knowing that there are currently two paintings by Anthony/Antoon Heinsbergen being offered on eBay. The first one is at


    You can find the other one by searching on “Heinsbergen.”


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