Movieland Mystery Photo

Nov. 18, 2013, Mystery Photo

Several weeks ago, the Daily Mirror asked for suggestions about mystery photos. Writer and novelist Christopher McPherson responded with a large number of photographs, which he shared with us. Here’s the first one.  The annoying black box to the left covers the spot where our mystery chap autographed his picture and the little black box at the right covers the code number.  Thanks, Christopher!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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15 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo

  1. Patrice Roe says:

    Chester Morris? A magician as well as actor if that’s who it is!


  2. June says:

    Richard Barthlemess


  3. Mary Mallory says:

    Richard Barthelmess.


  4. Eve says:

    Gosh! I have no idea who he is, but he does look like Chester Morris and Ramon Novarro had a baby. Ken Maynard? Walter McGraill?


  5. juliemerholz says:

    Lon Chaney, Jr.?


  6. Ok, not Valention how about Ramon Navarro….


  7. Joe Vogel says:

    Surely Ramon Novarro.


  8. Gregory Moore says:

    Not feeling confident on this guess…James Hall?


  9. Bob Hansen says:

    Is it Alexander Gray/Grey?


  10. McDee says:

    A young Orson Welles?


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