Steamship Hits Rock off Point Fermin

March 21, 1863, Los Angeles Star

March 21, 1863, Los Angeles Star

March 21, 1863: Now that we’re done with the Black Dahlia/George Hodel transcripts we can return to Los Angeles in the pages of the Star, which was brimming with vitriol against the North in the Civil War. Even when one is prepared for such sentiments, the vehemence is shocking. (For those who just tuned in, the Los Angeles Star was staunchly anti-North, and stridently pro-South and pro-Slavery.)

The dens of poverty and misery in New York and other Northern cities are about to be reinforced by a large number of contrabands. The military authorities are about to call upon the benevolent in the North to procure homes and employment for the surplus of unfortunate Negroes now on the hands of the government. In its kindness, the government will try to employ the men in good health, but the women and children must be sent North. That’s the way to do it, of course, and by the time the four millions have been started on their way to earthly glory, what a beautiful time we shall have in the Northern States.

There’s also a long description of an accident of the steamship Senator, which struck a rock off Point Fermin in heavy fog, and whaling – yes, whaling – off the coast.

This issue of the Star, which is in the collection of the Huntington, was scanned by USC and is available here.


About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to Steamship Hits Rock off Point Fermin

  1. CatM says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been a while since I even thought of it, but when I saw Gettysburg back in 1993, I had the idea that the origin of camaraderie amongst the Generals (Armistead in particular) had its link in Los Angeles in Fort Moore. I also remember the odd story about jubilation in Los Angeles when Lincoln was shot, so the anti-Union gossip doesn’t take me *completely* by surprise. Still it’s great to read articles in the Star. I don’t think I’ve had the opportunity before this.


  2. Benito says:

    The column also describes a historically significant book about wine written by pioneering vintner and wheeler dealer A. Haraszthy. Up next: a search for an online copy.


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