Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated +++)


Here are some mystery folks in a mystery movie.

Here are some more mystery folks from this mystery movie:

Jan. 1, 2013, Mystery Photo

Isn’t she a little old for him?
Jan. 1, 2013, Mystery Photo
Oh my. Let’s get a closer look.

Jan. 1, 2013, Mystery Photo
I think we can rule out “The Courtship of Andy Hardy.”

Jan. 1, 2013, Mystery Photo


And a mystery chanteuse for Wednesday….

Jan. 3, 2013, Mystery Photo

And here are some more mystery folks for Thursday.

Please congratulate Dewey Webb for identifying our mystery film!

Jan.4, 2013, Mystery Photo

Jan. 4, 2013, Mystery Photo

OK, final shots and now everyone can join the party!

Please congratulate Jenny M, Tearose, Mike Hawks, Sue, Mary Mallory, William, Gary Martin, Roget-L.A., Sarah, Grant Lockhart, Pamela Porter, Patricia van Hartesveldt, Patrick and Rick Scott for identifying the mystery film!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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38 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated +++)

  1. Cal and Lulu says:

    You have us stumped! It looks like a movie that took place in the 50’s! Probably controversial for the time. Perhaps a college theme? Did this take place in LA?


  2. aryedirect says:

    He appears to be Bobby Darin. Her name is right on the tip of my mind’s tongue, but it refuses to take the leap.


  3. william says:

    Michael weatherly ….sheer guess


  4. dewey webb says:



  5. Gary Martin says:

    It looks to be a pub …with a rather specific clientele …and although there’s not a familiar face in the carload I’ll suggest The Killing of Sister George, 1968 the fashions suggest. BTW Victum is an excellent film. Dirk Bogard at his best.


  6. Gary Martin says:

    I’ve never seen it …just guessing.


  7. dewey webb says:

    Bunny Lake Is Missing?


  8. “All Night Long” – a jazz version of “Othello”


  9. “All Night Long” – the jazz version of “Othello”


  10. Bob Levinson says:

    A familiar face (I think): David McCallum


  11. aryedirect says:

    Am thinking that the mystery woman is actress/singer, Barbara McNair.


  12. dewey webb says:

    Paris Blues!!!


  13. Sarah says:

    If that’s Brock Peters, I’ll guess this is “The L-Shaped Room.”


  14. Jenny M says:

    Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward in Paris Blues


  15. Tearose says:

    Joanne Woodward and Diahann Carroll. That makes it “Paris Blues.”


  16. Mike Hawks says:

    Finally, Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward from PARIS BLUES 1961.


  17. Sue says:

    Paris Blues


  18. Mary Mallory says:

    Paris Blues, today with Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward. Is Wednesday’s lady Barbara Laage?


  19. Gregory Moore says:

    Aha…it all becomes clear at last: “Paris Blues,” 1961


  20. william says:

    Paris blues, (1961) probably lots of correct answers today. I will guess the “chanteuse” is Barbara Laage


  21. Gary Martin says:

    Well, for Thursday we have Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward in a Paris dive (not London pub as I initially thought…the easy mix of blacks and whites strongly indicates that this is Europe, not mid century NYC…) so I suppose this is Paris Blues. (Paul and Sidney are not yet seen.) The car load of extras are still nameless …If there’s a shot of the piano player that would be Aaron Bridgers who was Billy Strayhorn’s longtime lover. In fact The Duke released an album of this score…etc.


  22. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Wednesday’s mystery chanteuse is Barbara Laage, and Thursday’s mystery folks are Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward. The mystery movie is Paris Blues (1961).


  23. Sarah says:

    Paris Blues, 1961!


  24. Grant Lockhart says:

    PARIS BLUES (1961)


  25. Paris Blues ~ Diahann Carroll & Joanne Woodward


  26. Patricia van Hartesveldt says:

    I think the Thursday ladies are Diahann Carroll and Joanne Woodward. The movie must be “Paris Blues.”


  27. Patrick says:

    Paris Blues


  28. Rick Scott says:

    Should have gone with my first instinct…”Paris Blues.” joanne Woodward and Dianne Carroll were the dead giveaways.


  29. CandyC says:

    The movie is Paris Blues – I spotted Joanne Woodward, Diahann Carroll, Louis Armstrong, Paul Newman. The others I don’t recognize – Are they possibly French actors?


  30. persika1946 says:

    Could this be “Paris Blues”?


  31. LC says:

    Well, now I know it’s Paris Blues. It’s obvious that this is one Newman film that I haven’t seen.


  32. Earl Boebert says:

    OK, I give up, who are the people in the first picture?


  33. aryedirect says:

    Not only had I not seen ‘Paris Blues’, but I wasn’t even aware of it. Shame on me. Especially shameful because it is the kind of film I would have been drawn to then and now. Thanks for awakening me. My next job is to rent and see it.


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