L.A.’s Garbage Fed to Hogs … Nom Nom Nom!

Jan .21, 1942, comics
Jan. 22, 1942, Equine Census
Jan. 21, 1942: Tom Treanor looks at tin recycling for the war effort and notes that garbage in Los Angeles is fed to hogs in Fontana – with a steam shovel. Hogs in the Los Angeles area had been fed garbage since at least 1907, as I learned in working on the 1947project. In fact, hog farmers used to steal garbage that rightfully belonged to another farmer. What surprises me is that it was still going on in the 1940s.

County supervisors order an immediate census of horses and mules for potential use in the war effort. Apparently Los Angeles County used to take an annual census of equines.

“The Wolf Man” and “The Mad Doctor of Market Street” are opening at the Vogue, 6675 Hollywood Blvd.

“Babes on Broadway” is coming to Grauman’s Chinese and Loew’s State.

Jimmie Fidler says: Barbara Stanwyck goes on “movie sprees,” refraining from seeing pictures for weeks, then crowding two a night for days in a row.

Jan. 21, 1942, Wolf Man
Jan. 21, 1942, Tom Treanor

Jan. 21, 1942, Babes on Broadway

Jan. 21, 1942, Jimmie Fidler

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in 1942, Animals, Art & Artists, Columnists, Comics, Film, Hollywood, Jimmie Fidler, Theaters, Tom Treanor, World War II and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to L.A.’s Garbage Fed to Hogs … Nom Nom Nom!

  1. sherry says:

    Love these old newspaper clips.


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