Jimmie Fidler in Hollywood, April 14, 1941

April 14, 1941, That Night in Rio

April 14, 1941: “Orson [Welles], having at last backed his boasts by producing a very fine picture, should now set himself the more difficult task — if it's not too late — of making a few friends,” Jimmie Fidler says.  … and watch out for Carole Landis’ peanut brittle!

April 14, 1941, Jimmie Fidler

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to Jimmie Fidler in Hollywood, April 14, 1941

  1. fibber mcgee says:

    In regard to Jimmy Fidler’s comments about Orson Welles — you have to wonder if Fidler was working for the Chandlers, or Hearst, who was not too keen on Orson. Or did they stick together (sometimes)? Enquiring minds want to know.


  2. Eve says:

    Didn’t pretty much everyone hate Orson Welles? One might argue about his talent, but personality-wise, I think Welles himself would admit he was an obnoxious, pompous blowhard.


  3. fibber mcgee says:

    Eve, Eve, Eve. It just so happens that I had the good fortune to be part of hiring Mr. Orson Welles to perform for a project in which I was involved. He was a commanding presence, but if anything humble and very keen to do a great job for our small outfit. Ego is not a rare commodity in Hollyweird and I am not sure you can “carry” a film or other project without plenty of it. Ego was not unique to Mr. Welles.


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