Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated) + + + +

Main Title: Lettering over basket woven textile and palm fronds.
This week’s mystery movie was the 1963 Paramount film Donovan’s Reef, with John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Elizabeth Allen, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero, Dick Foran, Dorothy Lamour, Marcel Dalio, Mike Mazurki, Jacqueline Malouf, Cherylene Lee, Tim Stafford, Edgar Buchanan and Jon Fong.

reviewPhotographed by William H. Clothier.

Art direction by Hal Pereira and Eddie Imazu.

Edited by Otho Lovering.

Set decoration by Sam Comer and Darrell Silvera.

Assistant director Wingate Smith.

Special photographic effects by Paul K. Lerpae.

Process photography by Farciot Edouart.

Orchestration by Leo Shuken and Jack Hayes.

Technicolor consultant Richard Mueller.

Costumes by Edith Head.

Makeup by Wally Westmore.

Hairstyles by Nellie Manley.

Sound by Hugo Grenzbach and Charles Grenzbach.

Music scored by Cyril Mockridge.

Conducted by Irvin Talbot.

Screenplay by Frank Nugent and James Edward Grant.

Story by Edmund Beloin.

Produced and directed by John Ford.

Further information on Donovan’s Reef  is available from the AFI Catalog.

Donovan’s Reef is available on DVD from Critics’ Choice Video.


I have been waiting a couple of years for an excuse to do Donovan’s Reef, and a play on last week’s movie, based on the novel Donovan’s Brain, seemed as good a reason as any. I saw the movie when it came out, but, rather curiously, I only remembered two scenes. The rest of the movie was a blank.

I can’t imagine Bosley Crowther approved of such goings-on.

A.H. Weiler (The New York Times, July 25, 1963) gets the job:

Only an ancient hermit would believe that director John Ford and his writers, Frank S. Nugent and James Edward Grant, were serious in their approach to Donovan’s Reef, which turned up yesterday like a welcome port in a storm at the Paramount, Trans-Lux 52nd Street and Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Theaters. For this running account of Pier 6 brawls, miscegenation, romance and religion that disrupt the idyllic life on a post-World War II South Sea island paradise is sheer contrivance effected in hearty, fun-loving, truly infectious style.

Mysterious men doing mysterious things.
For Monday, we have two mysterious fellows.

Update: This is Jon Fong, left, and Harold Fong.

Mysterious woman wearing hat and glasses.

For Tuesday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Elizabeth Allen.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mysterious swimsuit salesmen). Note to Sylvia E.: You’re on the right track — a bit.

Mysterious guest with cigar.
For “Hm Wednesday,” we have a mysterious fellow.

This is Edgar Buchanan.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Tuesday’s mystery woman), Wayne Selover (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery woman), Blackwing Jenny (mystery movie), Benito (mystery movie) and Michael Lott (mystery movie and Monday’s mysterious swimsuit salesman).

Man in uniform smoking a cigar. The man is smoking the cigar, not the uniform. I mean a man is smoking a cigar. In uniform. No, the cigar isn't in a uniform. Well. You know what I mean.
For “Aha Thursday,” we have a mysterious fellow.

Update: This is a shadowy Mike Mazurki.

Man in safari suit does not approve of such goings-on.
We also have this enigmatic personage. He does not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Jack Warden.

Mystery man luxuriating in robe. He approves of such goings-on.
We also have this mysterious chap.

Update: This is Cesar Romero.

Mystery woman in mumu doing mystery woman things.
And, finally, this mysterious woman.

Update: This is Dorothy Lamour.

Brain Trust roll call: Blackwing Jenny (Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s mysterious lawyer), Greg (mystery movie, Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s mysterious lawyer), Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery lawyer), Roget-L.A. (Wednesday’s mystery lawyer), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Monday’s mysterious swimsuit salesman, Tuesday’s mystery woman and Wednesday’s enigmatic attorney), Chrisbo (Wednesday’s mystery attorney), Mary Mallory* (mystery movie and all mystery guests), Sheila (Wednesday’s mysterious attorney) and L.C. (mystery movie and mysterious cast).

Note to Megan: Yup, that’s him!
*Rescued from the spam folder.

Mysterious fellow has gone native.
For Friday, we have this mysterious fellow.

Update: This is Lee Marvin.

Leading lady, rather wet, does not approve of such goings-on. Also mystery fellow.
And our mysterious leads.

Update: This is Elizabeth Allen and John Wayne.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery guests 2-4), Anne Papineau (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery guests 1, 3-4), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guests), Chrisbo (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests 2-4), Sylvia E. (mystery movie and Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests plus Friday’s mysterious leads), Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guests), Roget-L.A. (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guests), Earl Boebert (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guest No. 3) and Megan and Thom (Thursday’s mystery guests 1 and 4).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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31 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated) + + + +

  1. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Harold and Jon Fong in Donovan’s Reef (1963).


  2. bjmesbcglobalnet says:

    Benson Fong


  3. Sylvia E. says:

    I’m getting that feeling again, but no movie comes to mind. A Rom Com from the 1960s, set in Shanghai or Hong Kong maybe….with American G.I.s involved. “See the pretty bikini? Get it for your best girl at home. I’ll make you a great deal!”

    No idea really. Just rambling.


  4. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Elizabeth Allen


  5. Wayne Selover says:

    Benson Fong; Elizabeth Allen. Donovan’s Reef, 1963.


  6. Is it “Donovan’s Reef” by any chance?


  7. Benito says:



  8. Michael Lott says:

    One of the actors for Monday was Harold Fong and the movie is Donovan’s Reef.


  9. Wednesday is Edgar Buchanan; for the record Tuesday is femme lead Elizabeth Allen.


  10. Greg says:

    I believe Tuesday’s prim lady is Elizabeth Allen. I know Wednesday’s mystery man is Edgar Buchanan. Put the two together and you have Donovan’s Reef from 1963.


  11. Mary Mallory says:

    LOVE AMERICAN STYLE, Love and the Cryptic Gift. Edgar Buchana today, Elaine Giftos yesterday.


  12. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Edgar Buchanan.


  13. Rogét-L.A. says:

    I think Wednesday’s mysterious fellow is Edgar Buchanan.


  14. mike hawks says:

    Harold Fong, H.W. Gim, Elizabeth Allen and Edgar Buchanan in DONOVANS REEF.


  15. Chrisbo says:

    Edgar Buchanan Wednesday?


  16. Mary Mallory says:

    DONOVAN’S REEF. Jon and Harold Fong Monday, Elibeth Allen Tuesday, and Buchanan today. I haven’t seen a lot 1950s-1960s films, so these more a challenge for me.


  17. Sheila says:

    Edgar Buchanan for Wednesday?


  18. Megan says:

    I can’t remember this actor’s name. He was always “that guy that looks like Burl Ives”.


  19. LC says:

    Donovan’s Reef (1963) Elizabeth Allen, Edgar Buchanan, Harold Fong, John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero, Dick Foran…


  20. Mary Mallory says:

    Marcel Dalio, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero, and Dorothy lamour.


  21. Anne Papineau says:

    Oh wow … Mike Mazurki, Cesar Romero, Dorothy Lamour … this must be “Donovan’s Reef”


  22. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Mike Mazurki; Jack Warden; Cesar Romero; Dorothy Lamour.


  23. Chrisbo says:

    Donovan’s Reef. Cesar Romero, Jack Warden and Dorothy Lamour on Thursday


  24. Sylvia E. says:

    Thursday – the light dawns and I get what you meant in your response to my blathering on Monday.

    “Donovan’s Reef” 1963

    Monday – maybe one of the guys is H.W. Gim?

    Tuesday – I think this is a “be-suited” Elizabeth Allen

    Wednesday – almost sent in a guess yesterday but talked myself out of it – dang. Edgar Buchanan

    Thursday – Mike Mazurki, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero and Dorothy Lamour

    That leaves John Wayne, Lee Marvin and a “less buttoned down” Elizabeth Allen for Friday

    Director John Ford really arranged for a family holiday in Hawaii for a lot of people. Wayne’s kids, Mazurki’s kid – who didn’t have a family member in this movie?


  25. mike hawks says:

    Mike Mazurki, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero and Dorothy Lamour.


  26. Rogét-L.A. says:

    For “Aha Thursday”, we have Mike Mazurki, Jack Warden, Cesar Romero, and Dorothy Lamour in Donovan’s Reef (1963).


  27. Earl Boebert says:

    Donovan’s Brain then Donovan’s Reef? Cesar Romero on Thursday, methinks.


  28. Megan and Thom says:

    Our movie is Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood, with Dorothy Lamour and Mike Mazurki.


  29. Mary Mallory says:

    Mike Mazurski Thursday, Lee Marvin, Elizabeth Allen, and John Wayne today.


  30. mike hawks says:

    Lee Marvin, Elizabeth Allen and John Wayne.


  31. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Lee Marvin; John Wayne.


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