L.A.’s Views on Pearl Harbor Attack

Dec. 8, 1941, Person in the Street

Dec. 8, 1941, Person in the Street

Note: This is an encore post from 2011.

Dec. 8, 1941: The Times interviewed average Angelenos (if there is such a thing) for their opinions about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Many, like Horace Goodrich, thought the U.S. would wrap up the war in a few weeks. J.H. Allen was the only one with a contrasting view: “From what I gather, the Japanese must be well prepared. If they are, then we’re in for a long battle.”

Dec. 8, 1941, Person in the Street

Dec. 8, 1941, Person in the Street

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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1 Response to L.A.’s Views on Pearl Harbor Attack

  1. The upholsterer’s comments are eerily prescient.


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