War Cancels Rose Parade, Dec. 14, 1941

Dec. 14, 1941, Tournament of Roses
Dec. 14, 1941, Comics

Dec. 14, 1941, Comics Dec. 14, 1941, Comics

Note: This is a post from 2011.

Dec. 14, 1941: The Rose Parade is canceled and the Rose Bowl – between Duke and Oregon State – is moved to Durham, N.C. The streets of Pasadena were oddly quiet on New Year’s Day as millions reviewed memories of previous parades in all their glory, The Times said.

The comics of the “Greatest Generation”: flogging a woman who won’t cook. And this is “Brenda Starr,” drawn by Dale Messick.

Tom Treanor writes that until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, America had been suffering “a mania of superiority.”

Jimmie Fidler talks with Laird Cregar.

Fidler asks: “Why, if I may pry, are you not married?”

Cregar: “I’ve never felt I could afford it. Now that I am making a movie salary I–well, I am looking around.”

Dec. 14, 1941, Tom Treanor

Dec.14, 1941, Jimmie Fidler

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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