Navy Releases Accounts of Pearl Harbor

Dec. 22, 1941, Axis Subs

Dec. 22, 1941, Comics

Note: This is an encore post from 2011.

Dec. 22, 1941: The Navy releases three personal accounts of the Pearl Harbor attack. Many acts of heroism are described, and these few lines shed more light on the presence of African Americans (recall that the armed services were segregated at the time):
“A Negro mess attendant who never before had fired a gun manned a machine gun on the bridge until his ammunition was exhausted.”

On the jump:

Looking for an experienced domestic? Check The Times’ classified.

Tom Treanor writes about a  Korean American girl who came to school wearing a button showing the flags of the U.S. and Korea so classmates will know she’s not Japanese.

Jimmie Fidler says it’s unfair for the Hollywood Women’s Press Club to name Marlene Dietrich as one of the year’s most uncooperative stars.

Mamie Gould, Pittsburgh Gene Autry fan, has obtained 165,000 signatures on a petition demanding a special Academy Award for Autry, Fidler says.

Dec. 22, 1941, Situations Wanted Dec. 22, 1941, Situations Wanted

Dec. 22, 1941, Tom Treanor

Dec. 22, 1941, Pearl Harbor
Dec. 22, 1941, Jimmie Fidler

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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