Eve Golden’s YouTube Theater: Because You Can’t Have Too Much Lupe Velez


Lon Chaney and Lupe Velez in a still from “Where East Is East,” listed on EBay with bids starting at $35.

For my money, Lupe Velez has it all over Garbo—she was just as beautiful, and not only a great dramatic and comedic actress, but she could sing and dance like nobody’s business. Sadly, after a great start out of the gate, Lupe found herself typed as “the sexy funny-accent girl,” like Carmen Miranda, Lyda Roberti, the Gabors, Fifi D’Orsay, and today’s Sofia Vergara. We all know of her sad ending: unmarried, pregnant and Catholic, she killed herself in 1944, aged 38 (and no, she did not drown in her toilet—gawd, Kenneth Anger has a lot to answer for).


Here she is burning up the stage in a number from the very pre-Code The Half-Naked Truth (1932), the film that really made her name as a comedienne:


Five years later, here she is clowning around with Robert Woolsey in the utterly charming little 1937 B-comedy High Flyers (Woolsey’s last film; he died the following year):

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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8 Responses to Eve Golden’s YouTube Theater: Because You Can’t Have Too Much Lupe Velez

  1. james zeruk says:

    Mucho gracias, senora Golden!


  2. Phillip Ahrens says:

    Lupe’s dancing really picks up after a minute or so and the music gathers steam also! Love the audience’s evening wear.


  3. Alan H. Simon says:

    I really enjoyed those clips. Thanks.


  4. mandymarie20 says:

    Lupe was such a gem! Every time I see her I’m entertained.


  5. betty1114 says:

    She so deserves to be remembered for her talent than her death. Damn that ugly toad Kenneth Anger.


  6. Lee Levine says:

    The comparison to Sofia Vergara is interesting, as she and Velez both married movie strongmen.


  7. Benito says:

    I also liked her bar fight with Laurel and Hardy in HOLLYWOOD PARTY (1934).


  8. Howard Lee Levine says:

    Eve Golden followed through with a wonderful hard back biography in 2023: “Strictly Dynamite: The Sensational Life of Lupe Velez” published by The University Press of Kentucky.


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