L.A. Daily Mirror Retro Shopping Guide

“Angel’s Flight” by Leo Politi.

Another of my favorite books about Los Angeles is Leo Politi’s “Bunker Hill Los Angeles: Reminiscences of Bygone Days,” published in 1964. Copies are listed on Bookfinder for as little as $20. This painting shows Angels Flight as it was in the 1930s and ‘40s, when it was next to the 3rd Street Tunnel. It was moved to its current location, across from Grand Central Market, as part of a 1980s redevelopment project after years of being in storage.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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1 Response to L.A. Daily Mirror Retro Shopping Guide

  1. aryedirect says:

    Exquisite cover illustration. It suggests a flavorful L.A. of bygone times.


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