The L.A. Daily Mirror Is Dropping Its Ads


I have been using a wonderful plug-in for Firefox called Adblock Plus, which I recommend for everyone. It does a terrific job of block annoying ads. (There are also versions for Google Chrome and for Internet Explorer, for those of you who are still using it. And there is apparently a beta version for Safari.)

As a result, I haven’t been seeing the ads on the Daily Mirror and wasn’t aware of them until recently, when I received a complaint from a longtime reader.

This morning, however, I pulled up the website on my phone and discovered that it was impossible to navigate because of the ads. So as of now, I have switched off the ads. The modest revenue that they provide isn’t worth the hassle to me or my readers.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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12 Responses to The L.A. Daily Mirror Is Dropping Its Ads

  1. Cal and Lulu says:

    Thanks for the Ad Block tip


  2. LC says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! They were getting in the way and becoming annoying.


  3. Gretchen says:

    Your readers thank you, Larry. I view you 95% on my mobile devices and the ads don’t show up there, so I didn’t know about them; but in the past I have avoided websites, even those I am very interested in reading, if they’re too ad-heavy (TMZ and Vanity Fair are two which spring to mind). This can only increase your traffic. AdBlock IS lovely, isn’t it?


  4. Gary McVey says:

    Thanks, Larry. They didn’t have the classy feel of the rest of the site!


  5. Joe Vogel says:

    And for Opera as well (I’m sure I’m not the only American who uses Opera.)


  6. RJ Preston says:

    You’re a good man, Mr. Harnisch.


  7. cathsparks says:

    Thank you so much. I thought perhaps my pop-up blocker had been switched off by a family member, & hadn’t put together that it was just this site. I enjoy your content so much. My husband wrote a column for Examiner for awhile, & its copy has gradually been all but swallowed whole by intrusive ads. Don’t these marketers know that too much of their ads have a less-than-desirable effect? My late ad exec father-in-law wouldn’t recognize these tactics.


    • lmharnisch says:

      I run the Daily Mirror as a personal project, so I’m not concerned about profitability. For newspapers, however, ads and the revenue they generate are a far more serious challenge.


  8. mandymarie20 says:

    Thank you so much! I love this blog and have found the ads frustrating.


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