1944 in Print — Hollywood Gossip by Louella Parsons, April 3, 1944


April 3, 1944, Louella Parsons

April 3, 1944

The rumors were widely circulated last week that Lana Turner and Steve Crane had reached a breaking point. So I asked Lana. “Oh for heaven sakes,” she said, “we have been so peaceful for a year. There isn’t any trouble. I am working and he is working and we haven’t time to battle.” I asked about Cheryl, “Sensational,” was Lana’s reply. “She’s the best. Come over and see her and tell me if I’m not right.” Lana’s whole life seems wrapped up in that baby.

From the Milwaukee Sentinel.

April 3, 1944, Louella Parsons

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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