1944 on the Radio — Jan. 3, 1944

Jan. 3, 1944, Radio Dial

Jan. 3, 1944: We have three programs on today’s schedule:

“Information Please,” with John Kieran, Franklin P. Adams, Oscar Levant and Louis Bromfield, hosted by Clifton Fadiman.

“Lux Theater,” with the radio version of “Shadow of a Doubt” with Teresa Wright and William Powell.

“Screen Guild Theater” has that troublesome story The North Star,”  with Walter Huston, Anne Baxter, Jane Withers, Farley Granger. Later on, during the Red scare, “The North Star” will be one of the movies cited as evidence of Communist influences in Hollywood.

Happy listening!

All courtesy of Archive.org.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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