Preaching at the Court House

July 25, 1863, Los Angeles Star
USC has taken its collection of the Los Angeles Star offline for indexing. Here’s a backup copy from the California Digital Newspaper Collection.

July 25, 1863: A staunchly anti-Republican paper, the Star endorses the Democratic ticket, including John G. Downey as governor.

At the time California governors served two-year terms and Downey had been governor from 1860 to 1862, assuming the office as lieutenant governor when Gov. Milton Latham resigned to replace U.S. Sen. David C. Broderick. Broderick had been fatally wounded in a duel with California Chief Justice David Terry.

Mrs. Gertrude Hoyt died July 22.

Preaching at the Court House by the Rev. J.C. Stewart. And not a word about separation of church and state.

Humor from the 1860s:   Why is a cruel man like a peach? Because he has a heart of stone.

July 25, 1863, Political Endorsements

July 25, 1863, Gertrude Hoyt dies

July 25, 1863, Preaching at the Courthouse

July 25, 1863, Humor

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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2 Responses to Preaching at the Court House

  1. Gary Martin says:

    Regarding the word definitions: Encore!


  2. Eve says:

    “Why is a woman fainting in church like a resolution?”
    “Because both must be carried out as soon as possible.”


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