‘Dead Man’ Killed in Fight Over a Penny

July 12, 1963, comics

July 12, 1963, Jet Crash

July 12, 1963: Curtiss A. Adams, the only man to survive the Jan. 31, 1957, crash of an F-89J and a DC-7B over Pacoima, testifies in a lawsuit between Douglas, which made the transport, and Northrop, which built the F-89J.

The crash killed the pilot of the F-89J and the four-man crew of the DC-7B, and rained debris on Pacoima Junior High, killing three boys and injuring 67 other students, The Times says.

Adams, the radar operator on the F-89J, says  he ejected from the plane, kicked loose from the ejection seat and tore off his helmet because he thought it was on fire. As he descended from 25,000 feet, he saw that flames were burning holes in his parachute.

Dessie Francis Whitman, 19, is held in the death of Wilbur McNulty, 62, in a fight behind a restaurant at 5300 San Fernando Road. McNulty, who was homeless, was begging for money and Whitman said he only had a penny but that McNulty could have it. McNulty said “A hell of a lot of good that’ll do me” and challenged him to a fight.

Investigators say McNulty was believed to have died a year earlier after his wallet and identification papers were found next to a body in a burned-out packing crate.

And Matt Weinstock discovers elephant jokes.

Sample: “Why are elephants gray? So you can tell them from blue jays.”

July 12, 1963, Plane Crash

July 12, 1963, Homeless Man Dies in Fight

July 12, 1963, Homeless Man Dies in Fight

July 12, 1963, Matt Weinstock

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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